Sunday, May 10, 2020

McDuff and Webb Saturday Morning Live. 11:30am. 050920



that uh you can hear now

um and based on that

good morning everybody this is john


and welcome to my channel it's called

macduff kennedy's man to smash the cia

and we are starting over because

i had made a little mistake okay

so from uh from here let's go back and

say good morning to george

webb and bring him up on the screen good

morning george

good morning john and i wanted to show

you the john hopkins

nanjing center that's celebrating its

30th year anniversary

we had people on the internet saying i

made up the connection between john

hopkins johns hopkins and

nanjing yeah for health surveillance

they are saying i established

the uh curriculum in health surveillance

for evaluating bio weapons or let's just

say contagion infectious diseases

yeah and that's a lot of work for one

night get all these actors together

isn't it

lift it up a little higher so everybody

can see all of the actors here you you

had uh

do you have like a phone list of all of

all the crisis actors that you can just

call them up and say hey

i need you right now yeah and and

they're saying i faked the ip traffic

from the nato couriers to the nanjing

center okay

well you know this is a long way from

wuhan john this is a long way from wuhan

that sounds like a monkey's song yeah


it's a long way from temporary you know

long way from from

go on a map and see how far wuhan is to


so if you were if you let's say you were

an athlete at the luhan games

and you went to the games for nine days

you might have ip traffic

to wuhan but why would you have ip

traffic to nanjing

to the johns hopkins center i just don't


well wait wait a minute now did you set

up the ip

traffic too yeah yeah i actually do

health surveillance

for bioweapons i actually work for fort

detrick and i go around and i work


singapore statistics and what we do is


you see there's let me speak specific

seriously for a second

all right there's levels of biosafety


you've seen biosafety one two three four

two is you wanna study a virus and let's


um and like monkeys i talked to dr kevin

mccarron phd who does this

and he was in a biosafety lab too okay


they take rabies for instance and infect

uh us culture or something like that but

they're not reproducing rabies

they're not culturing it in a peachy

dish and amplifying it right

that's biosafety level three that's out

of his mouth

this morning biosafety lab four

is bioweapon there is no

known cure for biosafety four

these are crisper new novel

kobit 19 new novel uh bio weapons that

no one's ever seen before

wait wait a minute now you're scaring

the heck out of me where did where did

you learn this from george

kevin mccarron phd this morning okay

and you're saying that that and when

it's a level four

they don't have a vaccine i i thought it

was the sword and the shield george in

it and that they wouldn't

put the sword out there unless they had

at least

90 percent done on the on the vaccine

for the shield right

well there is no vaccine to this date

there may be

but the the blueprint written by

virginia benassi

again i didn't write the blueprint i'll

put bring up the blueprint

you identify what you think the swords

are going to be

so that you can be working on the

shields okay

so in that document

in virginia benassi's document along

with cena bavari who worked at the fort

dietrich biosafety lab four

they outlined the different swords if

you will

and they now if her brother turns out to

be one of the athletes at the muhan

games wouldn't that be interesting

it would be but uh we are not here to

try to

identify personal information and

violate anyone's privacy so

we'll we'll leave that to speculation

right but i

but let's put it this way let's say a

bunch of nato cabal was trying to take

down your country and destroy your


hypothetically let's say would you would

you do anything to

stop it would would mcduff do anything

to stop it darn right i would okay so

that's what we're talking about here

right so i don't have to stand by

because i have the example of mcduff to

go by

and again

people accuse me of staying up all night

and writing the world health

organization research research and

development blueprint

right there it is august 2016

it says yeah they wanted to have this

thing ready for august

for the 2016 election if you go through


you'll see here's the table of contents

prioritizing infectious diseases for

that at these

new generation of crispered bioweapons

okay yeah it's a new generation of

crispr bioweapons

written by virginia benassi and cena

bavari sina bavari

is at the fort detrick he's the guy who

left the door open

and caused the shutdown of fort dietrich

at a biosafety level 4 facility

that's not good

she is in geneva and brussels

working on the nato side of things

so if you use this blueprint

for warfare isn't it good that someone

who is trying to prepare a defense

shows you what the blueprint of warfare


it's sort of like if you were the french

general or the british general in world

war one

and you said hey we've come about this

von schleifen plan

to invade france wouldn't it be great if

you had somebody actually say hey

i found the von schleifen plan and

here's where they're going to attack

before or during the attack rather than

four years later

when you're all speaking german so

you know if that person virginia

banassi who wrote this document

okay along with cena bavari who left the

door open

at the world's most pathogenic

uh biosafety lab in the world fort

detrick right

if those two are related in any way

to the couriers who were at the games

i think that's pretty important

i think it is too so

because of this the level of the threat

that we're facing

um you can't assume that this is

not a bio weapon anymore we have to

be open to the idea that perhaps all of

all of this research that people are

doing all around the world

is because there really is

a bio weapon and people that don't

know the history of fort detrick are

like they're they're they're blown away

they're shocked they can't believe that

anybody would create

a bio weapon but you have to realize

that these folks have got to be educated


we've got to spread the word you know

george is not doing this for his health

george is doing this for us so

you know i don't i'm not trying to

violate uh

youtube's rules but for goodness sakes

this is

this is serious this is not a time to

pull back

so you know george if you end up

violating violent

youtube's rules on my channel and i end

up losing my channel i really

don't care john i've so

showed you pictures public websites and

a publicly available

blueprint from an organization run by a

war criminal

right and i've showed you their document

and her name is there and his name is


now how is that of any way a violation

of privacy

to to show public documents

it's not it's not no it's of course it's


so if we have the italian team saying

they got sick

we have the french gold medalist and her

boyfriend saying they got sick if we

have half of the french team saying they

got sick if we have half the swedish

team saying they got sick if we have

sources at fort detrick saying they

tested the american team when they


okay we have the chinese foreign

minister saying

that they believe this is it happened at

the wuhan games the chinese foreign

minister john that's the person speaking

directly to our government

don't we owe it to the world to give the


that's relevant to this the most

pathogenic attack ever on our society

that's totally shut our society down

we can't ask any questions

the effect on our society and our

economy is

far greater than world war ii i think

when i mean nobody's walking around with

with uh bandages and wounds like uh

like our veterans had to but other than


the the shutdown is killing our it's

killing small business

i mean how is it that

walmart gets to stay in business but but

uh the

the little guys have to sit home and get

a 1200

check it i don't know i don't want to

divert to that but it's

it's infuriating well let me just show

you how closely tied

fort dietrich is to this development

it's called

advan accelerated defense against

emerging pathogenic threats these are

the crispr bioweapons

okay and you read the first paragraph

is all about usa amrid

which is fort dietrich i'm gonna get a

little closer for you

okay not me just this just the camera

the whole adept approach the whole adept


uh is about fort detrick lift it a

little higher so we can scroll through


okay but it's about fort detrick the

adept approach is about fort detrick

okay all right okay the the

the key input for the

accelerated defense is the accelerated


developed at fort detrick okay this is

not speculation john


no it's not and and fort dietrich is not


for dietrich is real and it's been going

on for

ever since world war ii making

disease laden weapons

that sooner or later are going to work

their way into our

our our our society there's the process

they describe

okay of how they're going to develop

these accelerated offense and

accelerated defensive weapons

remember if you have the answer to this

you win the

trillion dollar pot you have all the

aces everyone else may have kings and


but you know you're gonna win because

you have the answers

okay so there's a tremendous pot here


trillions okay uh

and we have seen these people with the

nato couriers

running all over capitol hill going back

and forth to pakistan diverting nato

money in pakistan to their weapons their

dark weapons projects with imran awan

why we had that example right in front

of our face the last four years we've

been talking about it for four years

why can't we ask why can't we ask any


when we have everyone saying they

the only john in any epidemiology

you publish all the the interviews

for finding the source because you want

to stop the source

the way they found that that pump on

broad street in london

for cholera the first epidemiological


not by doctors was by talking to people

and interviewing people knocking on


okay i think i know a guy who did that

that's how we did it we knocked on doors

we talked to people

we're going to keep interviewing these

athletes and it's going to keep coming

back to the same

story and it's going to be in agreement

with the chinese foreign minister

the chinese foreign minister knows more

than we do

and if you want to get to the root of

this if you want to stop this

you have to get to the network if you

want to throw away

your last chance to get into the network

just say well we'll take whatever

they've got

they want to throw at us then throw it


throw away your last chance but you're

not going to stop them by marching on

washington they'll spray you down

so quick they can't wait to get the

drones out

it's not going to work the whiskey

rebellion didn't work 200 years ago

it's not going to work now you have to

be smarter

if you're not smarter you just gave away

your last chance

who is smart enough to convince

president trump to take action on these


well you have to follow the couriers

around because they don't do their own

dirty work

the supreme allied commander is not

going to go ride a bike around

the streets of wuhan right

he's going to send a proxy right

so if there's even a 1 chance

and there's more than a one percent

chance that bioweapons generals use


then we have to address it we have to

have our own biodefense

if the people who we've chartered to do

our biodefense are actually making it

inside play to pray pay to play profit

game then the biodefense is left

up to us

i think that's a a statement that that

is resonating

in my head right now and uh who else is

going to do it

we this is our our moment to stand up

you know

get up stand up stand up for your rights

before they're gone

and i don't know what to do about this

except for to keep talking about it

i see uh mark housatonics here um

welcome mark when congratulations on

your on your most recent one it's called


600.2 dated may 6

2020. uh it's it's really a

i mean this looks like a a professional

production if i ever saw one in and and

it goes through the material

in a in a in an expeditious way that

keeps the interest going

it's a fantastic job uh mark and

everybody needs to see that one

over at housatonic live on youtube yes

excellent definitely go check that out

let me show you who had input into this

document john

sure and let me show you the name

beneath the document


you see the bill and melinda gates


yes do you see the name directly below

the bill and melinda gates foundation

uh who secretariat virginia

benassi consultant health systems and

innovation geneva switzerland

so do you think she had any input into


with her name on it yeah or do you think

i went

to geneva and and and tapped into

the press and got her name and put it in


that's where you were last night that's

where i was last night i was flying the


xr 71 right that's not why nsa didn't

see me

if she has a relative who is at the

games if she has a

assist in law at the games we need to


we need to know yeah


so i don't want to get you in trouble so

i'm not going to say any more but i'm

just saying if you use electronic


you leave footprints and if you're


if you work for singapore statistics

let's say i work for singapore


let's say i'm going to oklahoma

state university to the animal lab

let's say i'm collecting statistics

about how some of these bio weapons

fare inside cows or pigs

remember there's no fda process

for bioweapons because you don't get

fda approval for bio weapons right

right so how do you test bio weapons

animals unsuspecting humans

volunteers usually soldiers prisoners or


you went through this last night and i

connected it right back to sydney

gottlieb's project out at lexington

kentucky when he was taking over

uh the the lives of these prisoners that

they started calling them the


and these expendables were used for the


terrible experiments with drugs

including lsd and massive

massive ptosis that uh many of them died

many of them were left brain damaged


and uh it's it's not

the end of it people would like to put

put to wrap it up with a with a

bow put a bow on it put it away say it's


it is not over and george is showing us

that it's not over and it's getting more

and more dangerous

as i've read in many of my shows about


back in the year 2000 this was foreseen

people who had ethics were saying hey

look where we're headed with this

we're going to break the human genome

we're going to be able to manipulate

genomic gene genes we're going to be

able to do horrible things and we need

to look at the ethical questions

but of course those people were shut

down and

now we are faced with it without any

decision having been made on our part

never having confronted the fact because

most people don't even know it's going

on well they know now because we're

sheltered in place and all the other

all the other things so i'm going to

give you two more names

john and i know

from the there's two names here one is

called c-e-p-i

for this coalition for epidemic


okay and the other one is going to be

the welcome trust

okay all right we're not seeing it very


i see the welcome trust

i think your mic might be off

can you see the welcome trust um yes i

see it i'm gonna

yeah i see it okay but it's it's very

dark so

oh oh oh wait it must have just chimed



okay see the welcome trust now john

do you see it can you see it on the

screen okay

she works for the welcome trust virginia

brennassie works for the welcome trust

okay they did the zika response they did

all these responses to

cholera in africa with dr tedros

they did the responses to malaria and

rem despair

and ebola they work for the welcome

trust the welcome trust is who dr

fauci okay dr

fauci sold interleukin 2 this is bruce


he wrote the newsweek reporter wrote

this book good intentions about dr fauci

how he milked aids for 30 years

hiv for 30 years he sold interleukin 2

to welcome and became azt

which was sold to the welcome trust

henry welcome of the welcome trust

in the boer war after they killed the


did bio testing on women

dutch women dutch children in more

camps for the greater good

that's henry welcome we're not dealing


with your average guy this is a special


special is one way to put it um

terrifyingly homicidal and

genocidal is the way i have to put it

that you can't believe this stuff until

you read it yourself and i've read it

from many different perspectives about

the horrors of what happened to the boer


under the rule of the cecil rhodes

administration really the

determined exploitation of these people

i mean these are these people had dutch

roots they were

they were like second third generation


so you would think that the british

would think would treat them with human

rights but no

once they became uh enemies they became

subjects of their experiments

and these experiments by welcome have

led to more and more and more of these


by other people either working in

association with welcome

or with some of our other famous uh farm

pharmaceutical companies that uh have

somehow gotten so powerful in this


well you might have heard of of a per

bright foundation with the gates

foundation per bright yeah

p-i-r-b-r-i-g-h-t yeah he was a

contemporary of henry that sir

uh per bright was a contemporary of

henry welcome

so i just have my buddy uh rinse it if

it looks too bad to have the welcome

trust through the bio weapon

so you know where do we go from here

um we we have to follow

the leads that we get

if we have a group uh

a human petri dish i didn't call it the

human pedri dish

the washington post called it the human

petri dish

wherever we see the trails

and footprints of this testing that's

not fda testing this is bioweapons


where we see the footprints of the

bioweapons testing those are our

only clues to get to the bottom of this

those are our only clues if we throw

those out

you throw out your your right

to fight back if you can't shine a light

on it you're going to be their slave

it's just that simple so if we follow

the clues

we get there and we make progress we

don't we're in the dark

so i appreciate that uh very deeply


and uh that's that's what i'm here to to

support your

efforts as so many people are um

george you put it so well i i wonder if

i could just

maybe invite you to explore that subject

a little bit more

in the sense of when you say follow the

clues i know you're talking about the

the the athletes at this point but the

rest of us that

maybe have other ideas or maybe just

looking at the internet

and saying oh i wonder if that's a clue

should i follow that

give give us your your advice as to how

best to

find these clues and and then latch onto

them and bring them into the bigger

picture sure sasakawa and thank god for

dr hamamoto

because he gave me this information at

the critical time

but sasakawa if you go back and look at


john unit 731

yeah right there was something called

the rape of nan king

there certainly was right right

on unsuspecting civilians

the he sasakawa

warlord japanese warlord right

um it's not in servitors but he sent me

some other stuff but

sasekawas the guy who gave the root

funding for the w.h.o

sasakawa unit 731

gave the root funding for


a war criminal sasakawa gave the root

funding check my facts

yeah no i i'm sure you're right about

that because i i was copied on that

email and i remember

running my eyes across it but

you're the one that sees house deeply

significant it is that this person

who was involved in if not running the

the horrific japanese mind control


i called unit 731

the story of that is told in in

servitors of empire by professor


and uh it's also told in

um in stephen kinser's book the poisoner

in chief

in uh the second chapter of that book

which i have read

on my show you can catch it in my

playlists but

uh kinser confirms that unit 731

was the japanese program of uh

just torturing people and uh finding out

what the human limits were

in all kinds of gruesome directions uh

and then they were imported

um into america the

general macarthur apparently arranged


the deal and it's a shame to uh to

sully general macarthur's name like that

but that's

that's the history and we need to open

our minds to it

well here's a contemporary of

sasakawa here's shiro ishii

he was the surgeon general for the

japanese imperial army

and if you read at the bottom it'll talk


where the biological

weapons went after the war fort dietrich

okay so now and that's wikipedia so you


this the cia has approved it well

what what cults what cults do they start

what cults does sasakawa and ichi ishi


well they started him in korea because

korea was

enslaved and colonized by the this these


these bushido on steroids warlords very

small percentage of the population of

japan like less than one

millionth of a percent right small group

they created the moonies okay

people who would deceive people and

recruit them

to places where they prayed shoulder to


they shared food they became subjects of


in korea

guess what we have for this crisis john

and wuhan we have yet another cult

because after sun young moon died now we

have a prime minister moon

and south korea we have shin chan


which is another one of these korean uh


death cults death cults and uh

masquerading as a religion

and because of the success in the elites

generally in keeping the masses in most


most people ignorant of

you know really what's what most people

in the west would take for granted

you have an an entire population that's

been enslaved by the japanese

they've been kept on a you know doing

physical labor like slaves

and they don't have really any hope and

then along comes somebody that claims to

be a prophet that can afford to feed

them for a while and

gives them all kinds of great uh

reinforcement and

tells them you know they're going to go

to heaven i

yeah it's uh it's it's creepy but

and it's hard to believe in a way but

that's the model i have to go with

these guys do live a long time though

ruichi sasakawa there he is

right now you'll find him meeting with

the pope

on occasions because the pope wanted to

and you know

ratzinger wanted to do this is before

ratzinger was pope but he wanted to

invest some of the money into the dark


hey the church will rinse it for fifteen


but um you'll see a meeting with carter

because cover black and brennan and all

the gang richard armitage you know the


wanted to fund the dark weapons through

who and always have that cover

a humanitarian cover for these dark


but it's all publicly available

information that's the hard part of this


it's publicly available nothing i'm

saying isn't publicly available

where did i hear that they hide

everything hide things in public

i i know it was uh

who was it was it was it dulles what one

of them that

that would hide things in a in a book

that's on a shelf

it's not a hidden book it's the book is

there you just have to know which book

it is

yeah well that's kind of like the gene

splicing right if i know which book i've

put these pages in behind you john i'm

gonna find out which are the five

crispred pages

you know pages are crisp so that goes

together well

and you know what john i'm gonna have a

decade of vaccines

and i'm going to declare 2010 to 2020

the decade of the vaccine

do you know who did that sign that with

the world health organization

i learned that last night george i

learned it from harry the greek

and i saw the two guys there signing it


and that was eight years into the

agreement but you know who started it

in 2010 well i'm i've got three names

that i can

you're going to be right on the first

one dr fauci yes

10 years of the vaccines was 10 years of

we're going to develop the bioweapons

and we're going to get the vaccines

and at the end of the 10 years we're

going to start unleashing them

and guess what it's 2020 isn't it

it sure is and uh that's the plan

george i i keep coming back to my own i

mean you know i try to

from time to time step back and even

once in a while to share my step-back

kind of

vision of things and i'm really become

um a favor of in favor of the idea

of these ancient black black nobility

families that have had all of this

wealth for

centuries and centuries and centuries

and in very quiet but very behind the

scenes we don't ever

see them and we don't talk about them

you can look it up it's called the black


wikipedia has information on it it's not

a secret

but there's some

huge pile of money that has

so much money that it can just overpower

any anything else that is going on and

they seem to have created competition

kind of like the bloods and the crips

you know if you want to sell a lot of

dope you want to you want to not just

have a

one company doing it you want to have

two companies competing against each


to sell the most dope which is main you

know translates into to do the most harm

in the world

on behalf of the people that are running

the program the the people that are

playing both sides of the chess board

the those guys that have all that huge

amount of money that they can set up

these chess boards they can induce

people to be the players and then they

then let them go at it and see who wins

and i think that's what's going on here

where we have this clinton team which is

the albright team that you know the

denver team and

all of those folks with uh stroke

you know peter struck as one of their uh


you know out there with the sore templar

sword out there sticking

you know other people you know doing the

doing the night job

and then on the other side you've got


conglomeration that's associated with

president trump

and there's got to be behind this

some kind of rhyme or reason and the

only thing i can think of

is that there are under

a gun like a mafia type of situation

where if you don't make your payment

bad things are going to happen to you

your family your

your wealth your name your fortune

everything is going to go down

you know it's that that type of terror


that keeps both sides really in control

so that there's no choice but for them

to keep fighting it out and fighting it


and we of course are the pawns that just

get swept off the board

without anybody noticing yeah i think

there's a lot of truth in that i think i

would say it's

it's eric prince and uh our secretary of


education that cabal um you know as far

as the

black water type cabal on the right

but between cheyney and bush

and on one side and clinton and struck

on the other

you've got a real you've got a real

chess board there

and you know i i want to move

out of the dark here you know out of the

tunnel because it's a pretty

it's a pretty it's not good you know

it's no fun reporting on this

right i mean i'd rather be talking about

something else there you go

that's right i mean if you if you want

to read the the whole book the devil's

chess board by

david talbot alan dulles the cia and the

rise of america's secret government

that that is the the uh the story

and uh anyway george of course we want

to mix it up so uh go for it

well there's a there's a great

investigative journalist in japan who's

a good friend of dr hamamoto

uh and his name is yoshi uh shiramatsu

siramatsu shiramatsu uh you may remember


way back when with seth rich but yoshi

is just doing some phenomenal

stuff right now okay about coronavirus

and he's one of the he

is probably if i could meet anyone

as an investigative journalist i would

want to meet yoshi shiramatsu

because he has

this information about how this testing

was done

in england uh and how dhs worked with

the different institutes and covers and

pass-throughs of

of universities in england and then how

it moved

um he's into 21 pieces on this

and he writes very colorfully um but

he uh he's got it down to

exactly how it was developed and the

whole thing

can we see it online is it can i find it

yeah i don't have the link

i didn't wasn't expecting but one of the

things i mean this is

it's it may not be the answer but at

least it's critical thinking

and people publishing so that this can

be cross-checked this is sort of like

trying to find a vaccine john

we're trying to find the vaccine against

nato right

or the bad actors at nato right so we're

we don't have all the answers we just

want to ask questions to get some


right so yoshi

is publishing um

yeah look up yoshi suramatsu

and he talks about these badgers these

wisconsin badgers

this is i'm not kidding

and uh the work at

the university of wisconsin-madison and

university work at the university of um

bristol gloucester gloucestershire

near oxford and

i don't know if if it was fun working

with the badgers badgers aren't very

good lab animals but

yoshi has written a couple articles

about this testing

and uh and saying how the fruit bats

probably weren't really used as an

intermediate because

they took off from our

genetic line a couple hundred million

years before another type of bat

and he just goes into this genealogy

that's just kind of amazing

i didn't find him i don't know how to

spell his name so um

let's try this yoshi i think you got

that right

and then shiramatsu i think is s

h i r uh

and then matsu and then just say seth


that'll be

uh if you say seth rich in yoshi

maybe just yoshi

i should have been ready with this i'm

sorry oh that's no problem i just was

wondering if we could get it up

uh uh so to speak on the uh internet

it's uh

yeah um yeah okay it's not coming up

i i think uh probably professor hamamoto

can send us a link when he gets a

gets a moment so i'll i'll leave it


um but he he is getting into purchase

orders just like we did

he's got the well i'll read the unit

i'll read it john

i just took a screenshot and i'm sorry i

have trouble with the name

but um he

he when i read it i it was like you know

you think you've done

a good job and then somebody like yoshi

shiramatsu comes on and just makes you

look just

silly because he's got five more things

that you never thought of

so let me go here really quick

i did it this morning so i should have

it okay here it is

he calls this this i'm going to just

take one paragraph from his piece that

he wrote on this

fauchi's garden of snakes

the nih grants were funneled through the

fogerty international center an

arms-length ngo inside the nih run by

fauci and the crony of valjee

roger glass

an expert on infections in the gut the

advisory board

includes robert bollinger with bloomberg

school the bloomberg school at johns

hopkins myron cohen

of the university of north carolina

james current at emory

jacob gale at medtronic

judith wasserheit at the university

of washington gates gates home base

michelle williams at harvard among

others these are basically the high


of global population reduction

presiding over the present lockdown and

kill off

of us useless retirees

who've been already paid their taxes and

have no further

use to the bureaucratic regime

so yoshi is way out there i mean he's

i mean he's aggressive i'm not saying

that this is to limit population i think

this is just to show control but

but we're that's shades of gray and then

he says in a minor note here

medtronic in 2015 invaded u.s taxation

by moving to ireland

after taking over an irish company

called covidien

covidien covidien yeah john brennan

well what was covidien formed before

yeah it was formed before oh my and they

john i i wish we had your irish penny

whistle with us right now

because the little

island of saint patrick you've been to

ireland right

well yeah you have you ever been to the

little island of st patrick

no i've never been to the little island

of st patrick but you know a little

island of st patrick's does exist

correct well if you say so okay well i

thought he drove the snakes from the

little island not the big island of

ireland but anyway

uh st patrick's didn't he drive some

snakes somewhere well yeah i saw the car

you know he was he was down

on the n45 going to kill there with the

shillelagh i think he

he used to anyway they bought a little

respirator company medtronic did

and uh it's on that little island and

i'm like oh my god this is plum

island all over again and they're using

st patrick

it's like my god what have what has

brennan done now

because see there's the irish republic

i don't believe the republic of ireland

yeah 23 counties is not a part of

technically the uk they stand on their


right it's part of the old uk but they

are an independent republic now

yes this is this has been true since


so if i wanted to do health surveillance

and use somebody outside of the five ice


i'm not sure if they're a number member

of nato or not

ireland i believe is actually one the

only one

that's not um that

they have to put up with some nato

flights that go

in and out of their uh airport there and

in uh

claire i mean in uh yeah in the back

the the backbone of ireland has has to

give their

flight pattern but um but no i don't

think that they're nato members

but if you wanted to commission

something that was a liaison loophole

outside of nato ireland's your place

well it's right across the border from

you know from the united kingdom in

northern ireland

so right right and there has been a

slight tradition of smuggling

going on there for quite many years

anyway so and i say this as a black


you know i'm i'm really from the webb

family which dominated

and had property in ireland and poor

slave you know

irish people you know picking potatoes

so i'm not trying to say here that i'm

somehow without

sin but i am saying

that it appears that this thing may have

been run through if you believe yoshi

and he's got some great data if you read

this piece

that they could have run this thing like

paul wellen remember he had an irish


right and then there's that uh the the


golf course i think well well see in in

dublin there's

there's a place called the temple bar

and this this

idea of temple and templar is quite now


it's never gone away uh the there's

uh all kinds of of what people

probably wouldn't even recognize as

things that went back to the knights

templar and these these knights were

the the norman they were

they were basically british or english


that were like the second and third sons

that didn't have anything and they

needed something and so

when uh the this uh guy

the king of leinster was about to lose

his land to some other guys instead of


them back he went over to england and he

said king henry the second give me some

help man

and henry said well you know what i got

all these knights lying around here

they're not doing anything

if you can talk them into it they'll go

with you and that's probably one of your

your folks was probably on on the second

on the website goes back to henry ii

yeah all right so you came over

and then you became more irish than the


right because they gave a huge tract to

land yeah

it wasn't swamp castle and you and all

the normans you see

they they they converted into the irish

way yeah the british way was like and we

don't like that

man well i want to be irish yeah i mean

webb's not exactly an irish name but

i'm just as much irish as i am english

on that side so

uh yeah there is a there's a brennan

connection here with the paul welling

and the passports and the

operatives and it's not like there's no

no corruption in ireland i mean let's

let's look at the politics of ireland

sometime if

you if you want to be amused that the


the people who get the public officers

get these huge salaries

and then there's these deals that are

always going on and the banks are always

into it and you know the irish people

their proportion of the of debt

is higher than any other country in


because they have been saddled with all

of these crazy development schemes

you go out on the west coast of county

of county claire

where it used to be completely spotless

just the most

you know pristine scenery as you could

imagine you know

and the next time i came back there you

know there was

these stupid housing developments

everywhere and the sad thing was that

they built them

but nobody could afford them so they're

empty wow

they just they just and who paid for

that well

they financed them by who by the banks

and who guaranteed it

the republic of ireland of course now

there was no corruption

involved in this church it's like a lot

of libya profits got reinvested

i'm telling you it's you you may be on

to the to the uh

to the to the gold mine of of

information here when you start looking


at uh what looks to me like a history of

corruption in the irish government that

goes back a long way

well paul wellen used to play at this

club this templar club

and he was playing so often he was a six

handicap and he was flying down

taking dark weapons down to south africa

so it's going to be interesting this

whole thing as it develops

you know yeah well look look at all the

people that we're mentioning that have


actually as as a great class as victims

of the british empire you know and i

don't mean

the normans i mean the hanoverians the

the georges the the house of so-called

house of windsor

which is really the the house of saks

gothic goberg

the saxons or in in in the gaelic

language i love the sound of this

the sassanach they're the sassanic

sounds like uh never mind

oh god george you got me in trouble now

i'm sure i'm sure i'll be in big trouble

oh you found him uh yeah i think i think

we can uh that's yoshi yeah

let's see uh no i can't get him up on

the screen here

ah something something went wrong

well anyway i i would love to interview

him um

i he he used to do a show with jeff

rentz i think he still

might i did the jeff french show for

probably six or seven times about three

or four years ago

and uh so i'm sure jeff

you know has a pretty strong you know

relationship with him and might not

want him gallivanting on different

youtube channels but i i really would

love to have him

and dr hamamoto come and tell their


and summarize all the great work he's

done for these 21 different

dispatches that he's done

let's see if i can if i can get that uh

website up on the screen here so folks

can see it i'm sorry they're just a

connection has got lost

oh well i don't think so well we'll

we'll plan it for next time

yeah and the name if if you want to look

it up i'm just going to spell it

somebody did put it on the chat thank

you i saw

yoichi y-o-i-c-h-i

shimatsu s-h-i-m-a-t-s-u

and uh that that is uh

on on a website called k-a-t-e-h-o-n

which i guess is uh uh a publisher

anyway uh it's uh yoichi shimatsu

and i'll definitely check that out

george i gotta i'll play a little bit

of him here so people getting

because i feel bad now because i got

yoshi and yoichi

mixed up


the northern side and i think china is

strong enough and respected enough and

economically important enough power

to ask much harder questions about south


nuclear program we do know that

president park's

father had actually started a major

nuclear program which has continued in


you know uranium processing and we do

know that japan

uh as revealed by the hatoyama


broke its own three non-nuclear

principles right from the beginning


u.s forces to store weapons in okinawa

for u.s ships that bring nuclear


and as we've seen with fukushima has

developed massive amounts of

weapons-grade plutonium

the isotope cesium-137 is a signature a

war great plutonium so japan has been


uh pushing a nuclear arsenal and that

has forced

i believe pyongyang to try to develop a

very small

deterrence capability you know japan's

got 54 reactors

korea's something like 40 reactors the

odds are very much against the north

so they've tried to do a very you know

highly publicized program

to show that it will resist these secret


so i think china must address seoul and

japan to put their cards on the table

so instead uh we do need instead of


patience he sort of sounds like another

guy i know that talked a lot about


uh so there's yoshi uh yoichi sorry

yoichi shimatsu yeah

can you have a look at the chat george

before we wrap this up i think we've

been on about an hour this morning and

it's uh it's always a pleasure to

to uh and i don't mind going over if

there's something that people

have that they want to cover um let me

uh look at the chat here

um i

so that um

um a lot of

material to research today people are

just saying this is a lot of information

uh people are saying yeah shimatsu great


uh city of london uh i see here in the


pilgrim society somebody mentioning the

pilgrim society

another person straight arrow as saying

shimatsu is great

great writer very funny

uh as well he throws in uh some funny


uh m4a is a terrible idea

oh that's the circo reference michael

lorett mentioned

serco it's

michael palmer talks about the

billionaire's mansions i posted a

jeff bezos's super mansion on in


this morning um

talking about the black nobility james

bond talking about knights templar and

all that good stuff

the ebola strain lynx this is carlisle

the ebola strain links africa outbreak

to lab escape

by yoshi samatsu exclusive on jeff


august 6 2014.

so this is he somehow has the line on

how these things got out and what day

they got out and what

you know who here's the film of the guy

leaving with the vial and everything

um just going through here john

um i think there's a lot more

realization this is a bioweapon and this


the the pollyanna days that we had that

this was somehow

a curve and somehow we could model it


understand when the curve was going to

flatten that whole thing is a control


here's michael laurette saying the

office of science and technology is

running the white house ai

program with ibm and a covid19 yes

um in the university of oklahoma i

believe is

is having where you can ask watson


you can ask the ibm computer questions

and it gives you different answers on

different days depending on

so that that's the chat of 565 folks

uh this morning so um

i think it was it was a good show

there's more here that we need to follow

up on uh

cecil rhodes here's gary winkelman

saying that cecil rhodes

was the key driver behind the brookings

institution and the atlantic council

again absolutely this stuff goes back

you know actually goes back centuries it

it goes back

way way back you can almost go back to

the magna carta with this stuff because

it really has to do with the dynamics


the the crown or the if you have an


you have what what i i loved sean ross's

description he says it's

it's a vertical uh power structure

there's one person at the top and

everybody falls underneath of that


whereas if you look at the the uh

magna carta what happens is that the the


the the powerful lords become

uh united and they create what uh sean


a horizontal power structure and that


that power is shared among a group of


this is the foundation

of where the knights templar and the

templars then they lead into all these

other secret societies

um this is where they come from it's

that horizontal

um government and it's there's always

been tension between the

empire and the nobles but

what about the rest of us the rest of us

never were empowered ever until 1776.

it was only when we became a free

country based upon the

popular the doctrine called popular

sovereignty that is we the people

are forming this government this

government was not formed by a king

was not formed by a group of nobles it

was not formed by god

it was formed by us we the people

and are we going to allow this

unique event in the history of humanity

to be swept aside

in the name of our fear our

unwillingness to confront the

unknown our comfort level being violated

by some new information that makes us


feel creepy or uncomfortable

or are we going to be that nation that

our legacy demands

are we going to be the people who

are free because we are brave

because we as a people are brave

not because we follow the right noble or


or corporation in the terms of the

present time

no because we the people have

decided that we're not going to be ruled

by either an empire

or an oligarchy

end of sermon i cannot improve on that

john that was beautiful and

it's so important and it's the words we

need to hear right now

the only underscore i would add to that


when i saw those words of brennan to


talking about do you have any

information over there at the joint

chiefs about this guy named lee harvey

oswald and jack ruby

they went to one guy one guy

thomas f o lachlan joint chiefs of staff

and we know he answered the call and

your dad was a great man

obviously but he was human and he would


people to follow his lead he wouldn't

say there's only one superhuman

right right he would want people to be

as brave as him

because that's what we're supposed to be

this this is our promise this is the

hope that

that our founding fathers or generation

uh have have promised us and this is our


and i think that this is in our genes


i think this is not something that's

just a mental concept

our our forefathers have lived in


and we are entitled to live in freedom

but we must

exercise the vigilance maintain

our rights and

continue to be a

a people that converses with one another

that that talks and shares things shares

their care

shares their concerns shares their


shares what's really going on um

we have to be that

band of citizens that

came together as a militia so many years


to throw off the yoke of slavery yeah

well said and this is i think an attack

on the part of the first amendment which


free press and the right to assemble

and maybe even the right to free speech


hopefully we've knocked that back a

little bit today

all right 560 people watching uh thank

you so much for

your attention thanks for supporting the

work of

all of the great researchers i can't

even hardly name them all but remember

uh let's uh make sure and mention uh

george webb

mark kulak at housatonic its harry the


and bill taylor with the great blog at


research dot dot

what dot blog anyway d d hyphen state


and you can google it from there gw

diggs i've taken my

uh gw digs get you there and kz digs

gets you to marx

uh research okay yeah okay cool

yeah thanks

Live chat replay is not available for this video.

McDuff and Webb Saturday Morning Live. 11:30am. 050920


•Streamed live 19 hours ago





McDuff: Kennedy's Man to Smash the CIA

7.82K subscribers




Add a public comment...

Suzette Petillo

Suzette Petillo

17 hours ago

I've emailed the President, called the Whitehouse, we need a liaison to the president. I don't think he hears us, n I know he's still forgotten we, the 50% of Americans who DON'T OWN STOCKS


Michael Laurette

Michael Laurette

14 hours ago

Maybe you can get through to them here


Denise Bilby

Denise Bilby

17 hours ago (edited)

This is why God has you here at this time and this place, George. We are all praying for you and John. I am also praying that you will be able to have a one on one with President Trump. These people will do this again. Until they are all caught we are not safe.


Scott Nelson

Scott Nelson

7 hours ago

Denise Bilby that will happen- Trump needs to see the connection of dots and family’s to root the evil out

Donna Propper

Donna Propper

15 hours ago

John's Hopkins, Brix, Fauci, Gates and so many more...EVIL at best.


Maureen Goodman

Maureen Goodman

8 hours ago

But they are a small group compared to us. More are waking up!




18 hours ago

The world needs to consider this, a discussion about the connections (coincidences) involved in this plague. The lack off interest by our FBI is very, very disturbing; are they working for all the citizens or a group of elites that will never have enough money or power. Are we their expendables?


Michael Laurette

Michael Laurette

13 hours ago

I don't know about the rest of y'all but I'm just a Smelly Walmart People... with a gun.

We forward in this generation TRIUMPHANTLY


Scott Nelson

Scott Nelson

7 hours ago

The ABC IS Funded by out Taxes BUT take order from Elites that have told California to extend out stay in Place. Damn them to Hell

Kate Gowen

Kate Gowen

16 hours ago

The IMMEDIATE clear and present danger is “health”-predicated edicts that are destroying the economy, agriculture, supply chains, small businesses, the healthcare system (flawed as it was before), and every Constitutional right we thought we had.

The number of previously healthy people infected and killed by the virus is relatively small— and impossible to determine, given all the politically motivated fiction drowning us.


Spiny Norman

Spiny Norman

10 hours ago

Exactly. The whole orchestrated "pandemic" WAS indeed speculation, no matter how many Dr. Evils are cooking up bio-weapons. It's a chain of stupidity and mass suicide.


David Jimmy

David Jimmy

16 hours ago

Thanks George, John and Dr. H for the recommendation of Yoichi Shimatsu. He has a long series of 20+ articles on the virus. I have started from the beginning, just finishing #1 & 2 which he wrote in late January. Here is the link for those who are interested:


Professor Hamamoto

Professor Hamamoto

16 hours ago

@1.02.00--Brilliant extemporaneous "speeches" by John OLoughlin.  Not scripted; spontaneous and in real-time, which makes it more powerful than theatre or mere cinema.




14 hours ago

Dear mister Webb, McDuff and friends, I am watching your channels since you started. I live in the Netherlands (I'm a Dutchie) and once again (in my opinion) freedom in the world depends mostly on the people in the USA. 75 years ago my grandfather got his freedom back due to lives sacrificed by young Americans (and Canadians, and Russians etc.) You live in a great country with fantastic people. Unfortunately you don't get the respect (yet) that you deserve. Keep up the good work. You made it possible for me and my family to prepare better for things to come.




14 hours ago (edited)

I would like to add. I also have been watching Paul Cottrell (and others) before you joined forces. I might be crazy (or fooled by logarithm) but I don't believe in coincidence. You have much more support than people think.




14 hours ago

Why in the world is this allowed to happen.


Jeffrey Rudolph

Jeffrey Rudolph

17 hours ago

Pulled down post from later replay .

Rense. com

The ebola breakout coincide w/ UN vaccine campaign.

By Yoichi Shimatsu  8/12/14

In addition

Florida Maquis   Who * knew*

Apr. 15/ 20 3:50-4:26


Marie Burns

Marie Burns

18 hours ago

Good evening John and George from Scotland its almost 6pm here on the 9th of May.


Debra Johnson

Debra Johnson

17 hours ago

Joseph Cofer Black's name sounds awkward.  Searching the origin "coffer" refers to an English military strongbox or vault, but the word "cofer" is an American cognitive, which is an acronym for Currency of Official Foreign   Exchange Reserves, COFER from International Monetary Fund database.,


Rebecca Ferguson

Rebecca Ferguson

16 hours ago

@Debra Johnson



Michael Laurette

Michael Laurette

14 hours ago

��Just reading his Wikipedia page is mind-blowing


Hard L

Hard L

17 hours ago (edited)

McDuff's eloquent sermon was tripped up by "entitled". He knows better but he's a recovering lefty.


Michael Laurette

Michael Laurette

13 hours ago

He's a recovering Trauma Based Mind Control victim, just like me. We're all going thru this together. It's hard learning the depths of the Evil, and a lot disappointing. I'm still coming to grips with my ancestors, the Aldrich's.


Marion McCoskey

Marion McCoskey

17 hours ago

I couldn't agree more that marching on DC is counterproductive. Here's my plan for a smooth transition:


Paula Grateful no end

Paula Grateful no end

13 hours ago

Marion McCoskey thank you!!! I will!!!!

gregory hulse

gregory hulse

13 hours ago



zimmie bear

zimmie bear

13 hours ago

George, interview Dr. Judy...ASAP.


Ron Scholefield

Ron Scholefield

17 hours ago (edited)

Excellent, George. And John, thanks for staying with it. YouTube is not the last venue, if you guys have to move your presentation we'll find you, so no worries.




11 hours ago

Lots of Yoichi Shimatsu at Tense has been interviewing him for many years.


Ida Lawrence

Ida Lawrence

18 hours ago

Amazing information today - thank you for keeping it coming - it's heroic and we're with you and grateful. We have a hard time believing that there are people this deceitful and demented, but there are... and sadly it's not new. It's a very great battle, to expose what is being done to us.


McDuff: Kennedy's Man to Smash the CIA

McDuff: Kennedy's Man to Smash the CIA

17 hours ago

I appreciate that! John


Anung Ikwe

Anung Ikwe

12 hours ago

"And that's Wikipedia so you know the CIA has approved it" LOL :)


William Dowling

William Dowling

16 hours ago

George ,bless you . how about putting all these documents on your web site so we can add to research possibilities .

You need new captions with misspellings and loaded questions  such as HOW COME THE US ARMED FORCES DIDNT SCORE IN WORLD MILITARY GAMES                WZRDOS


norma desmond

norma desmond

16 hours ago

Quote from Yoichi Shimatsu...... “I have pondered this long and hard and am forced to conclude that it CANNOT be fixed. The corruption – the bad science – the egotistical psychopaths that run it all will not and cannot change. What is needed is COMPLETE and TOTAL collapse of the system and a reboot from ground zero. COVID may be it.”


Windsor Weddings

Windsor Weddings

9 hours ago

Never give up hope, Norma.

Sandy Lisenby

Sandy Lisenby

13 hours ago

Mr.Gates ,,,,HELL is waiting,,,,,,,,GO!!!!!


B Boy

B Boy

17 hours ago (edited)

Imagine-if we were all just using natural medicines, this would have never happened.

Thanks rockepharma




13 hours ago

I know a question Watson can't answer but I can: Do this to eliminate inflation..


gregory irving

gregory irving

17 hours ago

G/w has been on it for 4yrs nearly

He may get a few things wrong but strait away will point out that out , not like the fake news.

100% spot-on both of you



Marilyn Alexieff

Marilyn Alexieff

15 hours ago

This Shiri Ishii was a total monster! The experiments done on humans are some things I have never heard of before.


linda redforth

linda redforth

16 hours ago

With Thanks my Heroes, John and George, love you guys. Praying for you!


Bob K

Bob K

13 hours ago (edited)

John - Please just leave the link to these documents you guys bring up under your videos, much like James Corbett just so well :). ) It would/could also be more visually pleasing (imo), if you removed that HUGE microphone out of you picture frame. P.S. Great work guys, and thanks bros. :)


Barb D

Barb D

15 hours ago (edited)

George, have u, or anyone else, looked at (or browsered) the Lyme disease maps from around 1984, & seen how if they r overlayed with the 2020 Covid outbreaks statewide, they are almost identical areas, except for more covid cases? It's very possible that Lyme disease could have been introduced to blend something with the covid? It's awfully coincidental...


Ole Osterhammel

Ole Osterhammel

14 hours ago

George you are at great guy and i wish you all the best here from Denmark. Thank you for all you are doing for the World.


James Kirkbond

James Kirkbond

12 hours ago

Elements of the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps and their

CBRN Defence Brigade headquarters were in Liberec,

Czech Republic, for Exercise Yellow Cross, 31 May–

8 June 2018. NATO photograph by British Army Sergeant

Jon Bevan


Paul Chang

Paul Chang

13 hours ago

if george can reproduce some deleted video, the part that is ok, or just an edited notes, it will be very useful. thank you.


Jerome Brown

Jerome Brown

13 hours ago

Phenomenal broadcast guys.....all the way !


James Kirkbond

James Kirkbond

12 hours ago

San-Francisco based Achaogen Inc., which filed for bankruptcy in April, recently agreed to sell exclusive Chinese rights for its antibiotic Zemdri to Chinese drug maker QiLu Antibiotics Pharmaceutical Co. The drug, used to treat urinary tract infections, was supported by $124.4 million from the Department of Health and Human Services as part of a biodefense program incentivizing the creation of drugs designed to combat antibiotic resistance.


David Sharpness

David Sharpness

11 hours ago (edited)

"Don't church things up!"

I...I started up a comment post...thought being farmers survive winter, so, soh, such events nothing new-baseball has its off season, which I barely survive!...anyway, I left off, just not a good post...but I gathered in 'winter is coming' from GOT, saga Game of comes to mind the Zombies, and that strange skin disease...everything and the kitchen sink in GOT!...anyway, here's the little bit I started...


��oh, it isnt all that dire...


Watch "How many time to they say Winter is Coming - Game of Thrones" on YouTube


that was this morning...I wile away hours and hours browsing prompts!...and just now, I thought to look again at Rense site to see why the Venezuelan coup stuff isnt in the log line que...omissions are suspect-GW......and, and, boom, there's amazing Polly at the top of Rense's list!...I follow link to her vlog...and, and, I just linked to that meme spread trick above with 'winter...'...go figure!...'vaccine' the operative word like 'winter' leaders one after another repeating 'vaccine'...maybe we all do need to be innoculated against something, like them!...and they are just as clumsy in their world coup efforts as that Venezuelan crew...oh, I have to leave off to do errands, get a snack, bath..



The Global Health Mafia Protection Racket

37:80  "US in for a bad Fall and Winter"-Fauci (edit: fed Maya my dog, far as I got before going back to Polly's blog the way, Rense links to version that doesn't have odd thing I happen on...there can be multiple versions of individual vlog casts, and their comment kite tails)!...time for snack...tomorrow gardening...


Oh, and this...much fun...


Watch "Failed Venezuela Raid Breakdown with Angry Vet" on YouTube



James Kirkbond

James Kirkbond

12 hours ago

A proposed biosurveillance framework to detect multiple concurrent threats and localize their origins based on real-time information and mobile-edge computing support. At the micro-level, monitored humans are equipped with wearable sensors that periodically capture vital signs. To process the captured information efficiently, the monitored environment is partitioned into cells. Each cell is assigned a mobile-edge computing (MEC) component that is responsible for processing the monitoring information within its cell. The MEC components then send the processed information to a super component for final processing and to detect possible threats. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory abstract


Trish Hue

Trish Hue

16 hours ago

Material concerning Covidien edit as of 8 May 2020.  17:09.   Hmmm lol


James Kirkbond

James Kirkbond

12 hours ago

Our One Army School System encompasses Regular Army, Army National Guard, and U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers so

that we come together as one team to provide the best training possible for our CBRN Soldiers. We want our brightest and

most capable leaders to give back to our Corps by becoming instructors, drill sergeants, and small-group leaders at the

Noncommissioned Officer Academy, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri; the National Training Center, Fort Irwin, California;

the Joint Readiness Training Center, Fort Polk, Louisiana; and the Joint Multinational Readiness Center, Hohenfels,

Germany. We need our very best leaders across the Army to rotate and serve in these critical positions.


Sylvain R.

Sylvain R.

18 hours ago

I know China. To register at hotels you need to have your passport, they make photocopies. Then it's plenty of cameras in China, and I'm certain China has plenty if videos of the US athletes. The mire Sen. Cotton will push the Wuhan lab theory, the more they will fall. Trump has no choice to take down the deepstate, starting with Cotton , who started the China bashing at least since 2018.


Susan Lauper

Susan Lauper

17 hours ago

I can't see  and I can't hear George... oh well...


Shelley Fredrickson

Shelley Fredrickson

17 hours ago

Thanks guys♡ Outstanding work!'




12 hours ago

Need to upload links to the documents shown.


rick green

rick green

1 hour ago

George..what's the connection between Yoshi Siramadtsu, COVID19  and Seth Rich?? Dont see it? Kudos


David Jimmy

David Jimmy

7 hours ago

“There’s nothing sinister about gene-splicing, storage and retrieval for studies, which is not to say these can’t be used for sinister purposes. Many labs have vast collections of gene samples, many of these severed or spliced. It just takes a single ethically warped pathologist to access an index and order a sample to begin tinkering with the genetic code, and no less than the notorious pathologist who create the “unstoppable super-flu virus” Yoshihiro Kawaoka is back to Japan after his controversial stints at the monkey lab in University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Erasmus Institute in Rotterdam, just in time for the Tokyo Olympics”.  ///copied from Yoichi Samutsu’s 3rd article on CVD19. Now Japan enters into an already complex puzzle.



7 hours ago (edited)

you should call her George at the WHO. I got her number :) Meanwhile, Sasakawa was an old buddy of Robert

Maxwell, yep Ghislaine dear old dad!

James Kirkbond

James Kirkbond

12 hours ago

Recently, we received great news for our Regiment that will shape our future and enable us to better support movement and maneuver. Field Manual (FM) 3-11, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Operations, foundationally changes

how we fight to align with FM 3-0, Operations.

1, 2 Also, Military Occupational Specialty

(MOS) 74D10/20 (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear [CBRN] Specialist)

Soldiers will be reintroduced to organic companies of brigade combat teams, which will

better enable the U.S. Army Chemical Corps to support CBRN training and equipment

maintenance across the force.

John Murphy

John Murphy

12 hours ago

Cecil Rhodes was dispicable


Candace Mcghee

Candace Mcghee

9 hours ago

John yes we are responsible to keep our Constitution alive to stay protected as we have been all these years.  Thank you Patriot, you make my heart swell.  George, your input with John, not to mention the years you've given your all, thank you Patriot for your generous offering of your time and presentations bringing us to an awakening, tho shocking it may be, we need this awakening NOW, a little sooner would have been better but it's happening, thanks to you and those you bring to us through your incredible ability to make things happen that has brought us to the big picture and workings of the big plan that's been going on amongst us with little or no awareness, amazing how hopeful and trusting we are.  We must unite,  together we stand, divided we fall.  Peace Out

Robert Corbett

Robert Corbett

17 hours ago

Hi John the c*py didn't make it, but here you and GW are.  Bless you both stay safe Patriot.  WWG1WGA!


Lord of winter

Lord of winter

13 hours ago

Just amazing!


r gergeni

r gergeni

9 hours ago

Talks With Ryan-Case Audits - Mar 27, 2020 You Tube video: This One Man Said it All In 2014

This is about Covid vaccine creating a 3rd strand DNA made of silicon coated with gold to make us

human mutants all with the purpose of turning us into a serf society to be controlled by the few global elites.

Nicole Heatherington

Nicole Heatherington

10 hours ago

Look at AIM4Truth videos re Welcome Trust and Great Britain being behind covid 19....


Lynn Williams

Lynn Williams

54 minutes ago

There are two early cases of  questionable early flulike illnesses that I would like tested George Webb last winter and Joe Rago WSJ. They might have early tested  their bioweapon .Test for antibodies?

Marvin Roberts

Marvin Roberts

15 hours ago

Thanks George


Professor Hamamoto

Professor Hamamoto

16 hours ago

@40.00-Yoichi Shimatsu.


Michael Laurette

Michael Laurette

13 hours ago (edited) This line caught my attention right away  ..."procedures that Hong Kong health official Margaret Chan adamantly opposed" �� Margaret Chan

Former Director General, World Health Organization

Advisory Board Member






Ajay Banga

President and Chief Executive Officer, Mastercard

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Eyal Ofer

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Advisory Board Member

Frederick W. Smith

Chairman and CEO, FedEx

Founding Partner

Fu Ying

Former Chinese Ambassador, Australia and United Kingdom; Specially Invited Vice Chairperson, CCIEE

Advisory Board Member

Gary Cohn

Former Assistant to the U.S. President for Economic Policy; Former Director of the National Economic Council

Advisory Board Member

Hank Paulson

Former U.S. Secretary of Treasury; Chairman, Paulson Institute

Advisory Board Co-Chair

Dr. Henry A. Kissinger

Former U.S. Secretary of State and National Security Advisor

Advisory Board Honorary Chair

Huang Qifan

Former Mayor, Chongqing; Vice Chairman, CCIEE

Advisory Board Member

Ian Bremmer

President and Founder, Eurasia Group

Steering Committee

Inge Thulin

Chairman of the Board and CEO, The Thulin Group LLC

Advisory Board Member

Jack Ma

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Advisory Board Member

Jean-Paul Zammitt

Global Head of Financial Products, Bloomberg L.P.

Steering Committee

John Micklethwait

Editor-in-Chief, Bloomberg

Steering Committee

Justin B. Smith

CEO, Bloomberg Media

Steering Committee

Lawrence H. Summers

Former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury; President Emeritus and the Charles W. Eliot University Professor, Harvard University

Advisory Board Member

Lou Jiwei

Standing Committee Member and Chairman of the Committee of Foreign Affairs, the 13th CPPCC National Committee; Chairman of National Council for Social Security Fund, PRC

Advisory Board Member

Margaret Chan

Former Director General, World Health Organization

Advisory Board Member

Martin Lau

President, Tencent

Advisory Board Member

Mike Roman

Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, 3M

Founding Partner

Mukesh Ambani

Chairman, Reliance Industries Limited

Advisory Board Member

Natarajan Chandrasekaran

Executive Chairman, Tata Sons


Nandan Nilekano

Chairman, Infosys Limited

Advisory Board Member

Neil Shen

Steward, Sequoia Capital; Founding & Managing Partner, Sequoia Capital China

Advisory Board Member

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala

Former Minister of Finance, Nigeria; Senior Advisor, Lazard Ltd.

Advisory Board Member

Noel Quinn

Group Chief Executive, HSBC

Founding Partner

Orit Gadiesh

Chairman, Bain & Company

Advisory Board Member

Raghuram Rajan

Former Governor, Reserve Bank of India; Professor of Finance, University of Chicago Booth School of Business

Advisory Board Member

Richard Attias

Executive Chairman, Richard Attias & Associates

Stephanie Flanders

Head, Bloomberg Economics

Steering Committee

Strive Masiyiwa

Founder and Executive Chairman, Econet Group

Advisory Board Member

Teresita Sy-Coson

Vice Chairperson, SM Investments Corporation

Advisory Board Member

Tharman Shanmugaratnam

Senior Minister and Coordinating Minister for Social Policies, The Republic of Singapore

Advisory Board Member

Walter Isaacson

Professor of History, Tulane University; Former CEO, The Aspen Institute

Advisory Board Member

Wu Xiaoling

Director of the Management Committee, Tsinghua University Financial Technology Research Institute

Advisory Board Member

Yoriko Kawaguchi

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Environment, Japan; Fellow, Musashino Institute for Global Affairs

Advisory Board Member

Yu Liang

Chairman, Vanke


Zeng Peiyan

Former Vice Premier of the State Council, PRC; Chairman, CCIEE

Advisory Board Co-Chair

Zhang Lei

Founder, Chairman and CEO, Hillhouse Capital Management Group

Advisory Board Member

Zhu Min

Former Deputy Managing Director, IMF; Former Deputy Governor, PBOC; Chairman, National Institution of Financial Research, Tsinghua University

Advisory Board Member

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Bloomberg’s extensive financial interest in the country:

“Bloomberg LP doesn’t make money in China only by selling terminals. Through its massive Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index, Bloomberg LP is helping finance Chinese companies by sending billions of U.S. investor dollars into the Chinese bond market.

This year, the index began a 20-month plan to support 364 Chinese firms by directing an estimated $150 billion into their bond offerings, including 159 controlled directly by the Chinese government. Bloomberg, along with other Wall Street firms, is effectively supporting the Chinese government’s efforts to resist the U.S. government’s economic pressure, while exposing American investors to increased risk.” He tapped former treasury secretary Hank Paulson to open the event in his stead. “My good friend Michael Bloomberg asked Henry Kissinger and me to represent him here today, because, as you all know, he's made a decision to serve his country,”

I have more links I can share, gotta find them ��

James Kirkbond

James Kirkbond

12 hours ago

Fogarty Advisory Board Roster

Roger I. Glass, M.D., Ph.D. (Chair)

Director, Fogarty International Center

Associate Director for International Research, National Institutes of Health

Gretchen L. Birbeck, M.D., M.P.H.

Edward A. and Alma Vollertsen Rykenboer Professorship in Neurology

University of Rochester Medical Center

Robert Bollinger, M.D.

Raj and Kamla Gupta Professor of Infectious Diseases, Professor of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Waldemar A. Carlo, M.D.

Edwin M. Dixon Professor of Pediatrics

University of Alabama at Birmingham

Myron S. Cohen, M.D.

Yeargan-Bate Professor of Medicine, Microbiology and Epidemiology

Associate Vice Chancellor for Medial Affairs and Global Health

Director, Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases

Chief, Division of Infectious Diseases

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

James W. Curran, M.D., M.P.H.

Dean of Public Health, Rollins School of Public Health

Emory University

Robert Einterz, M.D.

Associate Dean for Global Health

Indiana University School of Medicine

Jacob A. Gayle, Jr., Ph.D.

Vice President, Philanthropy/President

Medtronic Foundation

John T. Monahan

Senior Advisor for Global Health, Senior Fellow and Senior Scholar

O'Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law

Georgetown University

Gbenga Ogedegbe, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.C.P.

Dr. Adolph and Margaret Berger Professor of Population Health and Medicine

Chief, Division of Health and Behavior

Director, Center for Healthful Behavior Change

New York University School of Medicine

Steffanie Strathdee, Ph.D.

Associate Dean of Global Health Sciences, Harold Simon Professor

University of California San Diego Department of Medicine

Co-Director, Center for Innovative Phage Applications and Therapeutics (IPATH)

Judith N. Wasserheit, M.D., M.P.H.

Professor, Global Health

Chair, Global Health

Professor, Medicine - Allergy and Infectious Diseases

Adjunct Professor, Epidemiology

University of Washington

Michelle A. Williams, Sc.D., S.M.

Dean of the Faculty, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Angelopoulos Professor in Public Health and International Development

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard Kennedy School

Mary Wilson, M.D .

Clinical Professor, Epidemiology and Biostatistics

University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine

Ex Officio Members

Diana W. Bianchi, M.D.

Director, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)

Janine Austin Clayton, M.D.

NIH Associate Director for Research on Women’s Health

Director, NIH Office of Research on Women’s Health (ORWH)

Gregory Germino, M.D.

Deputy Director, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)

National Institutes of Health

Walter J. Koroshetz, M.D.

Director, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)

National Institutes of Health

Vikas Kapil, D.O., M.P.H.

Center for Global Health

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Executive Secretary

Kristen Weymouth

Office of the Director

Fogarty International Center

National Institutes of Health

Bethesda, MD 20892-2220

Phone: (301) 496-1415

FAX: (301) 402-2173





5 hours ago

George & John, Dr. Judy Mikovits that it would be from Ft. Dietrick & South Carolina. Just maybe CCP may have tested at Wuhan???

We need to have transparency!!!

WOW, this is very serious and I sure appreciate all your hardwork.....I am passing to as many I know.

The Pale Horse Rides

The Pale Horse Rides

8 hours ago

Keep going!  For some of us you two are our primary news source.........we can ask questions, we can call out evil, and we can warn others about these evildoers.  It’s a matter of life and death for millions worldwide.

Marvin Roberts

Marvin Roberts

15 hours ago

Thanks John




10 hours ago

面白い。島津さんについては日本のwikiには記事がありません。彼の福島事件に関しての発言以来、たくさんの人は彼のcredibilityを疑います。controlled opposition ではないのでしょうか。

White Puffalo

White Puffalo

13 hours ago

Obama wrote the "priestap" notes. He ran the whole operation. skip  to 2:52


Tom Provan

Tom Provan

11 hours ago

you are doing a great job George thank you

Diane Dondero

Diane Dondero

9 hours ago

Don't forget the spiritual aspect of this journey John. These dark facts must come to light to awaken as many as possible because we are being helped and we will win. Never forget this! The power to win is within us and we have a president who knows this. We are all in this together. The facts must be revealed because they are not part of the future. We are that future.

Paul Chang

Paul Chang

13 hours ago

thanks for your effort. be very careful not exceed limit and got into trouble. slow down, present more solid evidence. big things take time to accumulate energy. it seems this covid-19 thing, has human interference factor, and human error factor, and may be ridiculose black humor factor.

r gergeni

r gergeni

9 hours ago

Mandatory vaccines is illegal according to the Nuremberg Code & the Constitution.  So, do they think people are going to be begging to get them?



1 hour ago

And the airport in Ireland for NATO is Shannon.

Shannon Elam

Shannon Elam

12 hours ago

We The People who care should have the opportunity to invest in our own Labs, Labor , Safety

WhiteyMannGogh !

WhiteyMannGogh !

11 hours ago

Obama made propaganda legal.




11 hours ago (edited)

1776 still was collective dictatorship, only difference is those american founding elites then were moral and cared about the people as opposed to those now, democracy is a hoax. The only way to real freedom is self control and progressing while mantaining good old moralities. Liberalism is a hideous and ultimate social editing tool by degenerating the humanity of a society in name of freedom serving for the socalled democracy which is the biggest con job in human history, socalism or communism is the inevitable result of it,.

People is the root,mechanism is leaf. There is just no easy and once for all way.



15 hours ago

Links please

John Murphy

John Murphy

12 hours ago

Templar is a nonsense in Irish sense but otherwise very good points John. Corruption rife here



14 hours ago (edited)

Yoichi Shimatsu


James Kirkbond

James Kirkbond

12 hours ago

James Madsen, lead clinical consultant and clinical laboratory director at the chemical casualty care division at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense, pointed to Russia as the greatest chemical threat. Last year, Moscow was widely blamed for the poisoning of former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia with the nerve agent Novichok in the United Kingdom.

B Boy

B Boy

18 hours ago

!-Books or movies now, pick a dastardly book or movie to follow to implement an evil event,

So many wonderfully evil stories created in hollywood and authors to do evil deeds already, many plans/stories to choose from,

and won't it be spooky to the masses when they see old movies, cartoons or books predicting the future( think Simpson's, dead zone s2 ep14 etc..


Suzette Petillo

Suzette Petillo

15 hours ago

I'm waiting for the zombie apocalypse. IPOT1776 did a documentary on Adrenochrome, n an animal in lab tests in early 1900's CAME BACK TO LIFE




5 hours ago

I hate to mention but You need to check out "AmazingPolly" Youtube she does put picture graph together of these Fauci, Brix,WHO, NIH, CLINTON FOUNDATION & YES, ANOTHER PIRBRIGHT FROM UK & INFO FROM AIM4TRUTH

James Kirkbond

James Kirkbond

11 hours ago

Covidien was an Irish-headquartered global health care products company and manufacturer of medical devices and supplies.

Covidien became an independent publicly traded company after being spun-off from Tyco International in 2007.[2]

It was purchased by Medtronic in a transaction that closed in 2015. The now merged company is headquartered in Ireland, where Covidien was based.[

Suzette Petillo

Suzette Petillo

17 hours ago

Man, they deleted your new fix it video. I tried to comment... "Something wrong w Server" but it's still streaming on my tv? (Through Xbox)

George, can you or John get a call to Trump n be a citizen liaison to him? I heard Kelli Ann has him isolated.


Sylvain R.

Sylvain R.

18 hours ago

I wonder if Virginia Benassi might be a climate activist like Greta Thunberg... Or could she have been in the South Korean cult?

Jeffrey Rudolph

Jeffrey Rudolph

17 hours ago

Salt agent

Ole Osterhammel

Ole Osterhammel

13 hours ago


Added to QUEEN of Maffias leads worldpowergrab

McDuff and Webb Saturday Morning Live. 11:30am. 050920


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