Tuesday, September 15, 2020

217 - Amandha Vollmer & Marty Leeds

not long ago i completely agreed with Amandha, Andy, etc. After all, it was a logical extension of my fave satanic anecdote by Doug Dietrich, one of the few pieces i thought it worth rescuing from the wreckage that is his narration sauce, bound to make you ill wether intended to do so or not. But i am ready to disavow just about all he says now. In the midteens he repeatedly claimed the flu was carefully cultured by intentionally choreografixing deprivation caused and catalyzed immunity breakdowns in otherwise very strong people ((icy trainrides for soldier stuffed cars behind chickenpacked ones)) selecting a resistant carryer / transmitter and giving him a prominent place from which to infect others [the barracks cook legend, my first 'contact' with Ft Detrick btw, from which troops went on to land in Spain] ... which i meanwhile believe is impossible cause even a nonsusceptible subject conveys problem/solution // virus/cure in one inseparable package .. this is the molecular grapevine way way older than the printing press.
Those who are so completely in love with whole world phantasies are too good for a cold hard world and will squirm and spin until completely smothering all awareness of infectiousness. Not the hill i'm gonna die on.


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