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no institutions are exceptional, with individuals there's a chance, with the FDA not a one ... but .. altho this principle has a shot, it can 'nach hinten los' go ... take Zelensky for instance, 'properly cuckmedia amplified, he does the devil's work that once took thousands [of kommisars] but woke media all being kommisarish now, he manages 'by his lonesome'.
at GW substack .. morningstar writes:
And this 749 page book by Christopher Story was way ahead of our times, Christopher was both prescient and prophetic.
Quote; "THE NEW UNDERWORLD ORDER is a world in which official criminality, driven by
bribery and corruption, is the norm among all layers of governance. At the vast
intergovernmental level, the Rule of Law does not apply -"
is this the same herbart he is on about?
october 2008 ... on PLW (Peter Lamborn Wilson)
"Writing begins as a method of controlling debt owed to the Temple, debt as yet another form of absence."
I admit, credit isn't quite targetted correctly, taken up and cracked up to what is can and is supposed to be but this is ridiculously biassed. What happened to wealth(writs) as indices to all in stock and store, besides the quanta of immediately commitable inspiration, anticipation, etcetera? Like so:
debt/indemnity telescape stack sweep stalk to handle loan (lean limb loanery) in depthitude
--------- primary: surplusses serving preparatory prelimbs
--------- secondary: bridging budget adjustments in the stages of run up, latent and incubatory costs
--------- tertiary: to subsidize pr, (brand)recognition, verify and callibrate demand.
--------- quartiary: and subsequent loan layers can be earmarked, served and repayed from first --- felt but ineffectually targetted need, misidentified lacks and unrealized demand --- proceeds, profits, benefits and simple sample supplies and surplusses
Following that German fella, Herbart on surplus deposit receipts (Joseph the 'rainbow' genius of storage) taken next door and turned in in exchange for prostitutory servicing I take it, many primitive monies were proof, credit and captive slave slutmachine token in that perved sensuality sense.
A minor critical note: A man with Roger's calibur kopflastigkeit would not in a million years be expected to get to the nitty gritty levels of bottom up as i call them (though i seem to do OK on the slivver of his turf i had a peek around in) but he can't quite reach the ones Beckerath explained either. Instead he reads Mark Thoma's Economist’s View and cites a commenter named James Kroeger before imploring us to plug his ideas everywhere (we go [[digital{{{ly}}}]])
Comments on Michael Hudson whom i read on tuesday, mirrorgap day, september08, ... a few things that strike me about this article:
fire (finance insurance real estate) savvy, passivity ... Michael nonvalidates choice and confound[aPound]s the two last mentioned terms with extremely agressive parasitism.
am i a pilot fish for sharks (as the astrologer thingamajiggy [[Barry Lynes]] said told me to my face)
philos levy / jcarvingblock at goldismoney cites Todd's ledgerism site in februari, but it has been down most of this year
not as if but a sieve not as if but a parsseepzion .. not as if but a real sievishly ... slothropian bonus: improving-your-productivity/
page 51 of linked book shows an ed related diagram that ranges from Hegel and Herbart ["servant of the state"] to 'Rockaraiser' Foundations ... yet no Herbart in the txt ... is this the same herbart who explained money's relation to slippurry thingz [temple tokens] that inspired me to say this, end 2001:
I've become a member of a borderline delusional group where some heavy hitters on the monetary front (like turmel who spends time in court on behalf of medpot it seems) fi(b)re a way, the 'mom, Jon Chance Citizen & Chief of Staff group/jpchance recommends:
One of the "classics" is TOTAL RESISTANCE - SWISS ARMY GUIDE TO GUERRILLA WARFARE & UNDERGROUND OPERATIONS by Major H. Von Dach. Might be somewhat outdated, but solid and simple.
-------Jon likes to be hard to get a hold of; he claims never to read conspiracy literature but mentions Larouche and Quigley only sentence away. My intropost: explanation for grind rules I apply and am constantly grounding (if not better at least differently 'keyboardEfi(n)ed', albeit impromptu, briefly below) I would attempt to direct your attention, skill and perspicacity (how else would you get back bout me bones?) at the links in this subdirectory: /guest_appearances/ it contains 2Mb worth of material on the subject from the 30ties.
I'll try to give the gist in my own words after a much deeper stab (via W Herbart) in the first sentence:
Money started off as the tokens proving dues were paid and templeslut service secured evolving to the slot/machine footing but money is (not causes, IS) the wrong kind of trouble when getting hung up in the taboo selection department on its way to a local manifestation of universal principle in (P)revolitionary fashion. ----
Money was happiest (most dignified non-inflationary) during the days state and private moneys made each other toe the line and held each other in check thanks to international ties of the inflation wary(and punishing) and their fast info monitoring the (free enterprise and fedfed) feed in(tax 'n' time, product and plan based) monies (as lube)which trade and taxoffice traffic would bear/need without spilling any (which would proclaim and taletell the wastercurse of ineffection and unaffection, war 'spending' notably). -----
Private monies 'exuded' from and represented the gamut range between brief basic necessity perishable backed voucherlike stuff no less distinctly than the less tangible and informative yet more collective 'promissaries' of long term consensus (its representational success substituting [[displaying a paradoxical inverse proportion regarding the need]] for solid backing, in it's worst case stipulating gold as exclusive payments instead of using it as a background reckoning unit and stable standard of measure - I propose and predict photosynthesis rates becoming a future one) - ---
Thus gold demand is passive agressive security seeking which ignores any and all refs to weights of this, that or other present or future good or service which as a relative reckoning unit it can 'fathom', tackle and get utilitarily hitched onto in order to become 'productive'. -----The confusion between gold and money stems partly from the fact that states were first (ar)rivals at the stage where tightrope dancing skills navigating between trust and consensus on the one hand with clout, notoriety and manipulative speculation on the other obscured the fact that any money worthy that name is principally a VERY WELL SPECIFIED, and consensed by all involved and affected 'QUALIQUANTUM' and not a soldier's soldi decided upon by more or less witting pawns of arms industries.
I doubt the war tribunal will find a check from daimler/chrysler in Milosevic' records for instance. Many problems around hyrarchies (leading the desperately unreal- and idealistic to try deny its viability and do away with it altogether) stem from the fact that the stage which launches and spawns a next thereby disqualifies itself; this sort of rocket blunderblustery is a burnt bridges policy that gets family feuding with tribes, them with confederation, the latter with nations and now tnc's are doing their own lateral crossreferencing to the detriment of vertical and always primary types. Watch for the tecnuke iller version coming to a netoutlet near you.
Umpteenth printversion file (61K) Made one for all 34 of them Take - home - work - prin t- out file now containing (in flux till full): Borsodi [[moved to next issue meanwhile]] (School of living founder and currency experiment purveyor); exposure of warcrimes (Nato's and others) gets going (via Mihai, Chomsky and LBO); LBO posts on what Nato does wrong or not at all. (Noam Chomsky reply to Aryeh Nyer's review of 'The New Military Humanism: Lessons From Kosovo'); another recent Chomsky (LATimes) called "neocolonial invite to tribal war"--------- Buckminster Fuller Institute Newsletter sample (
: : : --:: X ::-- : : : november : : : --:: X ::-- : : : about LETS in Japan; I collapsed the "way" [[one out of five categories/multipages, nine in this case]] into one compact-n-continuous read stream [[takin over half of this file]] as is my wont). Here is a segment from openmoney and some comment:
But above all, at a cost beyond counting, our monetarily driven behaviour has utterly disastrous effects on our society and the global environment. That's the bad news, but you probably knew it already. Now here's the good news - all these problems can be fixed with money that's better designed. Money is just information, a way we measure what we trade, nothing of value in itself.
--- If we let go of the issue and emission duties inextricably linked with rights thereof, let go of consensed AND unopposed as widely as possible, earmarked, moored to physical reality kinds of info yes, that indeed is part of the definition for worhtless money; parasitic versions thereof include those called into existence as betting, speculation and derivatizing contracts which by no means merely shifts entitlements but erode reality with it's tug of war between greater efficiency and power accumulation on the one hand with a viability serving diversity on the other.
----And we can make it ourselves, to work as a complement to conventional money. Just a matter of design. There is no good reason for a community to be without money. To be short of money when there's work to get done is like not having enough inches to build a house. We have the materials, the tools, the space, the time, the skills and the intent to build ... but we have no inches today? Why be short of inches? Why be short of money?
----- If you have all that already inches were used and it is better to formulate differently, namely that you ran out of them (out of money to pay wages would be a fitting analogy). I would use a different analogy to bring the energy equity aspects out better. For instance: say, you want to build a house in a solid rock wall; you start with zero inches except the ones accumulated in their lack attenuating, acquired ingenuity, all you can bring to bear. After all, life don't start in empty space as much as in niche-like places (before all rather, where money is tight, literally so if you wanna go along with my fresh dust as money analogies) ---
Open moneys are virtual, personal and free. Any community, network, business can create their own free money - "free" as in free speech, free radical, freely available - but NOT free as in free lunch, or free ride. It's not something you get for nothing. Open money is money that must be earned to be respected. When you issue it, you are obliged to redeem it - your money is your word. It's just a matter of your reputation in your community. Open money is flat money. It confers no power of one over another, only one with another. Exploitation is no problem; when you have your own money, you can't be bought and sold so easily. You can choose what you do to earn your money. And there's no monopoly, all systems coexist in the same space. Flatter than flat (piet: fleeter than a flatterer?) - open money is superflat. Open money is virtual and not limited. Physical things exist in space and time - which makes them limited - in number, mass, place. Virtual things don't exist and need not respect any such limits. So any and all things are possible in open money space - any form at all. It's just a matter of devising a scoring system for those who consent to using it - money is simply a social arrangement. Of course, a system won't work as a money unless it's well designed. A scoring system that nobody wants to use isn't a working money.
---- At the moment lots of folks are trying to fight a scarring system and emancipation from monies in service of the war industry is indeed your potential contribution ---- Related: Richard has said goodbye to his adress (see the latest prfr's last item, and another somewhere in the one before that) for more ----- -- -- -- Keith Hart
next spin off special candidates which will probablt not make the grade for permanent residence/representation here (all the prfr that did) I am afraid but for the next day or so, enjoy: a prfr version called Document.htm (102K):
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