Thursday, November 17, 2022

Jamie Raskin n ChuckSchumer are Nazi Supporters

welcome to issues that matter I'm
Cynthia Pooler my guest today is Scott
Ritter and Scott is going to talk about
a uh PC World a couple of weeks ago on
his blog about Jamie raston
um and the fact that he's would you say
he was a Nazi sympathizer
I think if you look at the record today
um you know he is the one who on April
28th of this year got on the floor of
the United States Congress and chastised
a Republican representative Marjorie
Taylor green for daring to question uh
the money that was being allocated to
the defense of Ukraine daring to say
um you know this money is going to be
used to fund Nazis and he with all the
indignation that Jamie Raskin could
bring to bear said there is no evidence
of Nazis in Ukraine show me the evidence
show me the evidence he chastised her
show me the evidence there are no Nazis
in Ukraine and he was wearing his blue
and yellow
and he's a lying sack of manure because
Jamie rasp owes their nonsense if you
pray how do we know that Jamie Raskin
knows well because Jamie Raskin voted
for amendments to the Department of
Defense Appropriations act uh that
funded you know assistance Ukraine an
amendment that said you cannot use U.S
taxpayer money
to fund training for the azov Battalion
why because they are a white supremacist
with Neo-Nazi affiliations uh and then
Jamie Raskin in 2019 I believe signed a
letter to then Secretary of State Mike
Pompeo saying why haven't you put the
azov Battalion on the foreign terrorist
organization list why haven't you you
know classified them this way because
why is our Battalion is a white
supremacist Neo-Nazi group Redskins on
record calling the isov Battalion a
white supremacist Neo-Nazi group he
knows who they are and he has said we
can't allow U.S taxpayer money to go
under and underwrite their training he
said it and now he's the one standing on
the floor of Congress saying there are
no Nazis let this money go it will never
be able to train Nazis because there are
no Nazis and you can Jamie Raskin is a
is a liar and we're over sick guy on the
same day April 28th he put out a tweet
about Holocaust Remembrance Day
Holocaust Remembrance Day
So Jamie raskins there wrapping himself
in the shroud of you know I will never
forget and no one should ever forget I'm
not saying this I'm not mocking the
Holocaust I'm saying my God you're this
you're a guy who knows what the
Holocaust was you know what happened to
the Jews in Europe and yet you're
sitting there pretending that Ukraine
doesn't have a Nazi problem when Ukraine
has elevated to national hero status
step on Bandera an ultra nationalist
pro-nazi Thug whose supporters pulled
the triggers that killed 30 to 40 000
Jews in Bobby yard a suburb of tie of
Amy Raskin is a disgrace literally a
disgrace this man should be hounded out
of office I don't believe in tar and
Feathering anymore but if I did Jamie
Raskin should be tarred and feathered
put on a pole strip naked poor heart
Tara's body throw feathers at him and he
marched him right the hell out of the
United States Congress out of Maryland
out of the United States I believe that
you know if we if we if we still were
able to revoke citizenship of Americans
he should be revoked and sent to Ukraine
where as a Jew he could find out what it
means to live in a nation where there
are Nazis Jaime and they don't like Jews
you brought up an interesting point just
now both check Shimmer
and Jamie Raskin are both Jewish and at
the same time both of them are
fear supporters of of the money that's
going over there you know I mean what
Chuck should we did to you to Diane
Sayer I mean it was criminal it was
criminal you know that was that is
Criminal but he's Jewish and I don't get
it why these people are doing what
they're doing look Chuck Schumer
you know and and and and and what I'm
about to say is a position should have
been um pursued whether you're Jewish or
not Jewish
um he pushed for
uh amendments to the New York education
bills that require mandatory
education about the Holocaust and the
promotion of the idea of never again
meaning that the American that the New
York school children should be informed
about what happened to the Jews of
Europe in the 1940s under Adolf Hitler
and should all agree that it can never
happen again Chuck Schumer pushed for
good job Chuck then why in God's name
are you doing what you're doing right
now in Ukraine because if you believe in
never again it's happening right now
Chuck the people who pulled the Triggers
on the Jews of Bobby yard are in power
today their ideology and here's the
worst part not only are we sending money
to help them
we just invited we the American people
because you know Congress is that is the
American this is the people's house we
keep hearing that especially from the
Democrats this is the people's house
this is the people's house they just
invited four Nazis into the people's
house four azov Battalion people in
September came together with the wives
of the leaders of the Azar regime and
when I say the leaders what I'm talking
about is the people who helped formed it
in 2014 every single one of them who was
a murderer a thug a rapist literally
they committed these crimes against
Russia we know they did and yet today we
call them Heroes because why they're
standing up to Russia they're fighting
Russians these guys were taking
prisoners by Russians uh in the Battle
of mariopol they were released by the
Russians and immediately paraded for the
United States Congress as Heroes they
held an auction on the premises of the
people's house where they auctioned off
Nazi memorabilia patches of the azov
unit with Nazi simple biology on it they
raised over thirty thousand dollars in
the people's house supported by Jewish
Americans like
Jamie Raskin
um you know this is what hey Chuck you
know that never again thing Chuck what
about ellensville Chuck what about the
heroes Park in ellensville trunk where
the Ukrainian Americans have monuments
to step on Bandera uh Roman ciscovich
and other two killers Chuck never again
how about it's gonna happen again Chuck
because you're allowing this sick
ideology that manifest itself in
American society in public not in
secrecy every year they hold Gatherings
where Ukrainian American children are
paraded around in Nazi uniforms holding
torches Sig heiling things and
proclaiming their loyalty to an ideology
that's founded on the principles that
Jews are sub-humans and should be killed
never again Chuck how about it's going
to happen again you're a hypocrite a
liar you're a disgrace as an American
your disgrace is my representative this
is more than just personal Checkers I
know you're the one who put the money
out there gave it to the Ukrainian so
they could put my name on a list calling
me an information terrorist calling me a
war criminal and putting me on another
list that that marks me for death now we
can say hey Chuck no big deal because
those ukrainians are far away they're
not Chuck they're right here in your
state right here in a state where you
allow their ideology festering grow you
know Chuck will you put a Target on my
back and say Scott Ritter's words are
worthy of him being killed because
that's what you did Chuck you put a
Target on my back you're telling these
hate-filled lunatics in ellensville and
elsewhere that it's okay to kill me and
this isn't an environment where violence
is rampant in this country gun violence
political violence do yourself chucked
it up there and cry about it on the
floor of the Senate oh my God it's so
terrible this violence Chuck I don't
know how it could happen we have to do
the way you stop the violence junk is
stop legitimizing the violence stop
allowing people to be targeted for death
because they exercise their free speech
rights and you're telling neo-nazis whom
your support apparently chuck with
billions of U.S taxpayer dollars that
it's okay to kill people because you
haven't spoken out against the Devils
he's a horrible man so he's Jamie Raskin
these are the most pro-nazi people in
Congress and they're both Jewish
what's in it for them that they they
have this mindset
well you know there's a there's an old
philosophy when you're explaining you're
losing politicians hate to explain
anything so you know be very difficult
for humor Jaime Raskin both of whom have
wrapped themselves in the cloak of
russophobia I mean Vladimir Putin is
evil incarnate he is the worst person in
the world see me Raskin you know was
voted in in the 2016 uh election cycle
Jamie Raskin is one of the guys that
said we have to impeach Trump even
before he became president we must
impeach Trump because he's colluding
with the Russians Jamie Raskin is the
guy leading the charge about Russian you
know collusion undermining of American
democracy Russia is bad Russia's evil
Putin Putin Putin Putin that's the whole
thing Putin Putin blame everything my
gas prices gas tax you know High food
prices food shortage buy anything Putin
did this Putin to death Putin did this
Putin did that and so they've wrapped
themselves in this and now suddenly
somebody's going hey there's Nazi is in
let's see now how do you explain that
after saying that Putin's so bad Putin's
so evil how do you now say huh but
there's Nazis in Ukraine well the way
you do it is ignore it and that's
exactly what he's doing pretending it
didn't happen and you know what he's
getting away with it because the
American people have short memories how
many Americans who can go back and find
the words that Jamie Raskin voted in
support of uh denying funds to azov
regimen because it's a Nazi unit how
many people are going to hold the letter
that he signed up and say hey Jamie what
about the letter you signed it says
these are Nazis how many people are
going to do that instead Jamie Raskin
climbs up wraps himself in the never
again Holocaust remembrance and then
climbs on the the floor of the house and
says there is no evidence that there's
Nazis I condemn you for daring's sake
U.S taxpayer money be used to train
Nazis what Nazis there's no Nazis and
then invite those Nazis in
into the people's house if you're not
Furious about this as an American hell
out of the country you know we have
people who died
go to Europe
go to D go to go to go to Normandy go to
Luxembourg go anywhere where we have
these massive cemeteries with the
crosses and the stars of David of
American Service members who gave their
lives in support of the defeat Nazi
Germany hundreds of thousands of people
gave their lives more Millions more were
wounded Millions more were
psychologically destroyed by the horrors
of War we an entire generation paid the
heaviest price possible to defeat the
Nazi and then we have people like Chuck
Schumer and Jamie were asking neither of
whom served in the United States
military have no clue to a means to take
an oath wearing the uniform upon defend
the Constitution
for this country they can't do it
because they're cowards they're cowards
and they're not just physical cowards
they're moral cowards and they're
intellectual cowards because they are
supporting something that is not true
that runs against the very grain of that
which defines us as a people we are
supposed to be against Nazi ideology
we're supposed to be aligned in support
of the people who are fighting against
naziel we did it in World War II where
we fought side by side with the Soviet
Army to defeat Nazi Germany but today
we're supporting the Nazis in their
struggle against Russia this is insane
well I I recently spoke to a friend
and I said to her you know that the
government in Ukraine is infested with
Nazis and she goes what are you talking
about there's no such thing so the
average American who really doesn't
concentrate on this doesn't know it
no I look they don't I uh Randy critico
talked about this on on the show
um he's a he's a radio host in New York
City uh uh a comedian does a show he's
the guy who actually interviewed me and
Roger Waters the other day yeah
oh wow I mean Starstruck but um you know
Randy Randy talked about he wanted to go
to Ellenville and go to the park and
take pictures of these statues uh but
when he got there they were you know
guys hanging out you know dressed in
very ominously and you know perhaps and
great coach standing there like this
protecting it um
you know it's there right there America
right in front of your eyes it's there
go take a look tell you what why don't
we all agree on a date and time where
we're all gonna meet at that Park and
March on the park
march on the park and see what they do
Americans who are against Nazi ideology
march on the heroes Park
March there and stare the statues in the
face I'm not advocating destroying the
statues I'm advocating calling the
statues out for what they are symbols of
hatred symbols of intolerance symbols of
anti-Semitism symbols of the very thing
America stands against it's not the
heroes Park it's the demons Park this is
where the devil lives you know the
devil's incarnate right there in front
of you and then have the Press come and
cover it so that Americans wake up and
go oh my God in our backyard it's
happening and then when they realize
that the same people we now recognize as
being that devil incarnate are actually
the national heroes of Ukraine with
statues put up in Ukraine streets named
after them a day named in their
remembrance where the crimes are
forgotten uh look at the statement of
the German ambassador the Ukrainian
ambassador to Germany saying that
step-on band there is an okay guy I
visited his grave he didn't do any of
that stuff well
the Germans woke up and they know they
know what happened they know what it is
and they kicked he got recall
um there's some people who are waking up
to the fact that there is a Nazi problem
you know and we didn't have to used to
debate this you know people places like
the Atlantic Journal uh New York Times
The Washington Post they all were
running headline stories in 2018 2019
even 2020 there is a Nazi problem in
Ukraine Ukraine has a Nazi problem but
not anymore apparently there are no
Nazis in Ukraine and that mindset has
you know is is accepted at face value by
many Americans
it's not true there's a huge Nazi
problem in Ukraine a huge Nazi problem
and you know and we're empowering them
with tens of billions of U.S taxpayer
dollars we're letting them into the
people's house
Michael mcfaul
former U.S ambassador to Russia the man
one of the men responsible for the
maidon coup
he's he's at Stanford very influential
professor at Stanford
he's inviting the Nazis to Stanford
what does that say about the status of
the intellectual and moral quality of
American education system we're one of
the Premier education system you know
education centers in America is inviting
Nazis in giving them a hero's welcome
elevating their hateful ideology through
mainstream status congratulations
America we're doing a hell of a job
promoting democracy I remember during
the summer I went to see
um Cabaret at the Spectrum in Albany and
I liked it and I asked the one of my
neighbors if he could get it to show in
my building because sometimes I have
movie nights and right in the middle of
it it kind of like
the the tape broke or whatever and
people were leaving and some people say
well how does it end it hasn't ended
it's keep on going right keep on going I
mean my God what happens when uh when
you know in Albany when you're out there
uh having a you know in the springtime
comes and we're out there in the cafe
what happens when the little brown
shirted Ukrainian kids Ukrainian
American kids up and start singing uh
tomorrow belongs to me because that's
the scene out of the movie right and
we'll all sit there and go wow that's
just so beautiful so beautiful and in
the end when they're all standing up
with their hands up in the air we won't
understand what the hell just happened
that's what happens when you allow this
hateful ideology to become mainstream
when you invite him into the people's
house when you take them to Stanford
when you allow a park of hatred to exist
in New York where every summer they
brainwash the Next Generation
ukrainian-american children into hating
Jews elevating step on Bandera and
believing that ukrainians are Supreme
race of the world you're going to be
sitting there in the park in Albany
watching a bunch of blonde hair
blue-eyed gradient alternationalist
children sing to you in beautiful
sounding voices with their arms raised
in the Nazi salute and you won't know
how the hell this happened to have
because you're ignoring the problem
America you're ignoring the problem it's
right there in front of you and you're
ignoring it well one thing I've noticed
um is Kanye West has taken an awful lot
of heat
for spewing some you know
anti-Semitism stuff and you know his
backers are backing away from him and
you know he's losing his his income but
yet in congress with humor and and
Raskin they're allowed to proceed with
all of their support of the you know
Jew hating stuff
I know it look it's it's mind-boggling
mind-boggling but here's another thing
Jamie Raskin and again I you know I'm
gonna say something that people don't
spin my words wrong he is a very
inclusive representative he believes in
transgendered rights uh lgbtq rights the
whole thing and I applaud that Jamie you
know in America thank God we have people
like you who are out there defending
people because that's what America is
about it doesn't mean that I have to
agree with you but I applaud the fact
that you're taking a stance and you're
standing up for something you believe it
well how much do you believe in it Jamie
if you're going to sit here and tell me
that you are going to condemn Vladimir
Putin because this stance on
homosexuality and little gbtq and yet
you allow the wife of a Nazi coming to
the people's house without sticking out
who she is she as an organization I
believe called The White pose or
something like that it's an anti-gay
anti-lgbtq movement in Ukraine where
they prosecute persecute beat and
otherwise terrorize gays and homosexuals
what do you stand for Jamie not a damn
thing you hypocrite you sit there and
say one thing and you do another and you
allow her hate-filled ideology the
fester in the American people's home
same on you and shame on everybody in
Maryland who voted for this guy shame on
you you disgust me all of you because
you stand for nothing don't tell me you
stand for lgbtq rights you allow that
person in the Congress
without even checking who she is and
what she stands for
well so um
that that that's pretty powerful
let's plug your blog and your book again
wait let me take a sip of Diet Coke and
calm down
um you can find this another Hayfield
Ranch from Scott Ritter
scottritter it's uh it's it's
it's related to a podcast that I do with
Jeff Norman called ask the inspector uh
it's basically a One-Stop shop if uh
anything you'll find this video and
other videos and things that I write
there the article I wrote about Jamie
Raskin was published on the sub stack uh
part of that page
um nothing in there is uh paywall
protected everything is open to the
public I don't believe in hiding behind
a paywall
um but if you are inclined to support
um the sub stack allows you to do so and
uh it would be
we would gratefully accept it
um but you know it's there it also
promotes my book uh disarmament the time
of Paris strika uh you can buy the book
uh there and if you do so um we get a
little a little bonus for uh or I I
don't know what the proper term is but
we we get a small little pittance by
helping promote the sale of the book
and if you don't want to buy it there
then buy it from the publisher at
and that's about it
so uh give us a little uh overview of of
the book and why it's important for
people to read it
well the book started out as a history
of the intermediate nuclear forces
treaty um which was signed in 1987 and
implementation began in 1988. this
treaty got rid of an entire class of
nuclear weapons intermediate range
missiles and short-range missiles that
were basically terrorizing Europe with
the with the imminent potential of
thermonuclear conflict and in doing so
terrorized the world because you can't
in a nuclear conflict if it breaks out
you're going to break out everywhere but
the weapons that that were there in
Europe ss20 missiles on the side of the
Soviet Union version two missiles on the
side of the United States
um they put everyone in a on a hair
trigger alert so any accident any
mistake any misperception could lead to
a thermonuclear exchange we got rid of
those weapons and we did it at a time
when the United States called Soviet
Union the evil empire when the Russians
called us Enemy Number One when we had
hundreds of thousands of troops facing
off against each other on the Eastern
West German border ready to go to war at
the drop of a hat everybody today said
is and things are bad between Russia and
the United States I'm here to tell you
right now things today are a Bed of
Roses compared to what they were in the
1980s and yet despite how bad everything
was in the 1980s we found a way to come
together to work in common cause to get
rid of these weapons of mass destruction
to make the world a better place to live
and pave the way for improved relations
now we have squandered that history
today that hit that treaty is gone
relationship deteriorating and people
are asking the question how do we get
off this path towards war is there a
path an off-ramp my answer is yes read
my book I show you how we did it once
it's a template of success we could do
it again this book isn't just about
empowering yourself with knowledge about
the history of the INF treaty which is
basically an unknown history most people
don't know about it it's a fascinating
story well told by the author by the way
but you can it also I think gives you
hope because you say wait a minute if we
could do that once you know there that
saying George santiana
those who fail to learn the history of
the past are condemned to repeat it but
sometimes it's not being condemned to
repeat it it's being condemned not to be
able to repeat it if you don't know that
in the past we had this great success
that that and how it happened why it
happened you won't know that we could do
it again we don't have to reinvent the
wheel we already did it once we could do
it again in this book I think would
Infuse the reader with hope saying there
is hope for the future and that hope
could be done through the vehicle of
Arms Control
thanks Scott I hope I hope it's
I hope to see that on the New York Times
bestseller list when they open up the
Times Union on Sunday wouldn't that be
nice yes it would be so we shall talk
again thank you everybody for listening
and thanks God have a great day thanks
thanks for having me
Watch later


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