Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Brendon, Sebs, Ry, GW ES

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 LIVE - News Article Easily Explains War In Ukraine - Whitney Webb, George Galloway, Cynthia McKinney
Brendon Lee O'Connell
24.7K subscribers
4,483 views  Jan 25, 2023

This George "Russia Today" Galloway interview set me off.

 INTERVIEW: #Ukraine is throwing in troops to face certain death defending #Bakhmut
Gonzo Lira is a socialist Hemingway dandy friend of Whitney Webb. He is a dripping wet cliche walking socialist revolutionary. His analysis, like all the Putin groupies, is as appetising as regurgitated cheese cake.

A recent post on it - - - George "Russia Today" Galloway and Whitney Webb's Best Buddy Spin Some Sheeeit

I see Whitneys over in London with the geezer Johnny Vedmore. I note these comments on the attraction of London to Putin Groupies as mentioned by George Papadopoulous in The Mueller Report...
**    I was recently hosted by the Israeli Government after I delivered a talk at an energy and security conference there. They are ready to host Mr Trump when the time is right for him (and have also invited him to a big conference the largest newspaper there is hosting in July that Netanyahu will also be speaking at). The Russian government has an open invitation by Putin for Mr. Trump to meet him when he is ready as well. The advantage of being in London is that these governments tend to speak a bit more openly in "neutral" cities.**

The internet immune system is totally dead. This clown show would not last 5 minutes pre 2014.

One news article we have pushed for 4 years should be the end of ignorence...but this is IIA for profit truth tellers baby and the fight is long.

(A must watch)


ME: Ry put his 'no Eric Striker' chatterad on twitter
May i suggest you offer to debate Eric on the debate channel? Who knows, you might even run out of places to search for debatable diffs and do something entirely noo for the both of yus .... like kick off a permiebased micro secession movement, as local as the start needs to be, as bioregional as watershed integrity ambitions allow. Some of that old US thingie you are in love with. Experiments like Oneida instead of the 'Constitution'. Redo it but with cutlery and saplings this time, .. instead of animal traps. An occupier can legit be left to stand by and 'BBholden' to some rulescrap that doesn't include speedy as possible REVERSAL OF OCCUPATION??????? Are you really THAT daft??????? Care for some help taking that load of racial extremism off any time soon???????
 Convo Couch Miffed at Critics of Whitney Webb: My Response + Origins of Mossad
Doom’s Dungeon
186 subscribers
557 views  Premiered Nov 9, 2022
Addressing some comments from Pasta and Fiorella (of Convo Couch) about people who criticized Whitney Webb's appearance on Glenn Beck (they seemed to generalize anyone who had a different opinion than they did and call them idiots). In this video, I talk about some of the points they made and even use an interview they did with Whitney (a few months ago) to make my case. At the end, I play a video "remix" (made by Jaleel) of a presentation I made about the origins of Mossad (this was on my old channel, but the links to all videos are below).

Some points I go over:
-I discuss why it's factually and ethically wrong for Whitney to say the financial crimes committed by the Epstein and Clinton is "worse" than Trump and Epstein relations.
-I highlight how the way Whitney discusses the China and US conflict of interest vs. the Israel and US conflict of interest was different on Glenn's show than on Convo Couch or many other interviews.
-I stress that Whitney hyper focuses on China gate when discussing Iran Contra on Glenn Beck's show (and leaves out the Israeli involvement).
-I point out that on Whitney's Convo Couch interview, both China and Israel were mentioned (but on Glenn Beck, it was only China).

Bonus: Playing Jaleel's remix of my presentation on the origins of Mossad, the various departments, the French-South Africa-China-Russia-Israel connection, the Teutonic Order origins of the Nazi SS (Jesuits), and much more.


Convo Couch on people criticizing Whitney Webb at (14:00) & (2:23:33)

Whitney on Convo Couch

Whitney on Glenn Beck

Trump/Epstein sexual abuse allegations (by 13-year old)

Doom&Gloom Vid on Jonathan Pollard and Israeli Intelligence

Jaleel’s Remix of the video:

Discord (Doom's Dungeon):
he censored the first part .. and will prollly nix the rest as well .. but i would like to put him, Ry Dawson and Eric Striker put in contact  .. into some kind ..all kinds of perspective[s] .... a bribery succumbee hive as it were ... already offered RD a share of 1thou dollars to debate George Webb on zionism .. repeatedly .. and thereafter they met in Tx .. but no show ... which is a good sign ...not hard up for money ...


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