Mimi does a Brainflow fail
6/10 --------------- 12WoBr - k246 -- 14/02 : : [LOT] --- 28/10 : [CTC]
2h .. how sad .. after too much to begin with [before they start] we get too much too fast for easy lisnin and then when the collapse kicks in [4RD], just slow blunt bromides in awkwardly draggy tones for the remainder of the first 2h ... i guess he recovers cause the on the whole very welcome package last another 1h47
SGP w Stew
this happened entirely by accident as i was attempting a screenshot
<a href="http://i.imgur.com/fK8u5kZ.png">
<img src="http://imgur.com/fK8u5kZl.png" />
Mimi unfortunately performs an inversion of what i tried to counsel her on during the teens [proof here, look her up in here: Quest for Ethics*].
13:13 Mimi: " .. covenant was supposed to be, .. there was no more .. eh .. incidents where god can destroy an entire nation like sodom and gomorrah over the sin of man, so the rainbow was supposed to be like a shield to say, well we can do whatever we want and god cannot destroy us now".
Stew: "that is so blasphemous .."
.. she laughs quietly and says: "yeah, that is maybe the satanic nature behind the whole push to put that flag everywhere".
to the contrary, a proper understanding and implementation of the rainbow phenomemeplex immunizes and protects against energy thus spent properly, from seep, leak & flood into perverZion.
Her points about Syria are good [as usual] and exactly those which the SpyVSspy duo MaloneWebb toots&bells away to distracts from.
Stew, i'd appreciate you asking GW to consider this next time you have him on.
* = https://archive.org/details/A-Quest-for-Ethics.pdf == 22289 K -- upload: 4/3/21
80s to 2016 ---- 1959 margin to margin pages
Malone goes on Jesse even .....
ordered to by the Zio handlers who really go for that Spy vs Spy alltimegreen no doubt
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