Thursday, February 22, 2024

Arrested Biden Whistleblower Alexander Smirnov Walks the Line with Georg...

this big reporter switched to citizen journalism after selling bounds breaking digital trix for many years

he is well positioned to mark the beginnings and ends of new speeds, new cabals, new ways to tweak a public institution into becoming a cover for money laundry, bribes and bets behind the o so respectable facade .. the worldwider the better

Contrast with a mainstream guy who is on radio 4 or 5 days a week with top of the line insiders and academics.

They all go down with the ship, don't they.

Gruesome and creepy insinuations of a draft in Russia that in actuality exists in Ukraine many times worse and documented by and for the people.

The question is always: will transparancy finally gain it's rightful crowning glory position or become the tortured and severed achilles heel again this round / phase ..... blackberry bolstered NATO shadow dealings with Burisma and the like.

Make me the punisher of these 'spelbedervers' / poisoners, please .....

did i mention that i often place my quips under tweets these days?


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