Quoth the Trhumper: "temporary"
in october 2023 i had a take on 'temporary' regarding palestine as follows:
26/01 --- 8Nite ------------ k203 --- 17/07: {lot}
If you are unvaccinated, how many times have you gotten sick with Covid? https://pic.x.com/j8b07ZNYXL
if you leave the #ZioPens open, how much satanoIDs does it breed [covID still counts huh?]
26/01 --- 8Nite ------------ k203 --- 17/07: {lot}
225k DC sinoman
Rus needs more purges to level and ground the 'olispikes' that gave 'HolVic' status cover for millions to migrate & split into revodjuew Marxademics and Neocons on top / after split into nazi and zio; also: reswale syria!!
Rus needs less sloppy / larpy purges to level and ground the 'oligorc spikes' that gave Holocaust victim status cover for millions to migrate & split into revodjuew Marxademics and Neocons on top / after split into nazi and zio good 41&all
- also: reswale redraught regrow syria!!
oct 11th '23
Pepe, use your influence to bring a few cruiseships to gaza, get everybody on, THEN let netanyahoo
flatten gaza IF he signs a border back to 47 resolution and law .... i am sure a few nurseries will donate the
necessary olives after that ....
big slab of pali vs settler ::::: bioveda / stolypin vs kommisarite izziean went to 'ja' .. page 28 of this to be exact:
VVnotes part 11 from aug23 2 jan10th25
tip: we need a mirror || counter version of the Balfour Declaration .. for palestinians this time ... oppressed by those fleeing oppression but instead boggin down in mind boggling chimp outs of trauma reproduction, react outionary kneejerkishness .... etcetera ...
We need this on the double ... and temporary also ....
The missing jews counted amongst totals of Holocaust numbers actuallly survived and thrived. They happened to do a temporary retreats also .... migrating back east .. only to later [trickle, swarm, fits n starts] go and conquer places like Canada and spread the Kommisarian 'Goodsspill' to entirely too vulnerable innocents. And so now a mirror version of the nazis who went after kommisarism, one coopted by the very latter / same .. gets to bleed the west as bone dry as they left the Pale and want to leave russians. Sacrilege and betrayal for and of the better part of their very own blood!!!! Plus, their hatefocus makes no halt at bipeds but instead specialize in biocidal buggery acoss the spectrum. If you trace the development of bioweapons you find 'jews' as over represented as they are in media ... perfectly welcome under transparancy conditions of course.
Where was i? ah yeah ... well, a recent elaboration on the above happened a few days ago:
The upshot of it is: Kommisarism [my umbrella term for what commie, nazi, neocon, labrat, bankster and pharmafiYidiots# have in common] cannot do the world any 'GOoD', no matter how seductively they aprise us of and praise their aims and products.
Their premises are rotten. They simply always always stick w and/or regress to 'good' old trusty tried and 'true' slowboil expellation recipe output .. it puts out, off and more than that .. down .. works every time .. GoedVoorDommen!!!!
some therapy sessions building settlements w bio veda are in order, brill in fact .. cause that is exactly where most of the ME 'jews' / returnees can say they are returnees with a lot more truth on their side ... they don't have to wait of course, welcome to go immediately also, .. help it all finish and complete sooner ........
# = @RealGeorgeWebb1
George Webb - Investigative Journalist
Tracking DARPA-NATO virus vaccine game.
SubStack https://t.co/UQvvC4812z
Venmo @GeoWebb ---- https://t.co/NZnIde49Tu
Atlanta, GA ---- 95,523 Followers
Captured Spaces: 330
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The six latest sessions focus on The Netherlands
........ as nexus of pipeline policies and herd to milk people management going back to kommisarism 101, the nazis as first wave of kommisarism swarming westwards ........ we're at about 505 now w all the refugees fanning around having to swim against the flood of inflation and impoverishment causing 'support', Biden funniemonnie .. fauknee moany
more in dutch where this came from:
One Community Weekly Progress Update #505
One Community ---- 605 subscribers ----- 8 views Nov 29, 2022 ----onecommunityglobal.org/on... as a Design Science | Global Collaboration | Open Source Cooperation | Sustainable Energy | Global Sustainability | World Change | Green New World | One Community | Weekly Progress Update #505 Specifics are here: https://onecommunityglobal.org/ethics...
THIS WEEK'S TOPIC: Ethics as a Design Science
so where the fuck is your open source stash of 'dreams' ?????
... and why repeat the same fucking footage and sermon hundreds of times .... ???
are you pro E-waste?? ... cloistered to your digitality .... i've seen at least that much with my own eyes ....
yar fucking library is even outsourced:
phoney eco softies ... bemourning lack of missile tec 7M ago ... etc ... it's that Heeteren crew ... still clinging to their vices ....
hub.toas = tribe of awakening sovereignty ... fused w OneCommGlo
pic of chinese leader ........
re: Bio Veda in Russia .. imagine .... some palis and jews doin that in/on eurasia to tempt the slower 'jews' into an orderly retreat / remigration .. it's the one thing they are good at doing tracelessly .. if you discount conspicuity of their number added to holocaust totals ..
22nd of october 2023
have the PutinXi cruiseships arrived to "temporarily" evacuate the Palestinians for as long as it takes to dissolve the zio-
opshop yet?? .. i hear the sinosphere is full of cracks at diverzion
october 30th 2023
Biden wants to abduct schlepp palis
a temporary moving out of harms way, volunteers to build kindomains, a Putin success since 2015, 4 all
non assimilating semisemites, in the Pale .. to rehabilitate the 3rd most popular Ruski: Stolypin. he failed
to turn'm to 'active rooters'. Do a high wall if needed.
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