Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Melanie Phillips: The Elite's Anti-Brexit Coup & Left's Anti-Semitism Pr...

Melanie Phillips: The Elite's Anti-Brexit Coup & Left's Anti-Semitism Prove I was Right to go Right --- 91K views -- Premiered Oct 26, - New Culture Forum I So What You're Saying Is - 36.8K subbers
Melanie Phillips is one of Britain's leading political journalists and cultural commentators, and as a champion of traditional Judeo-Christian culture and values, she is famed across ....
hear hear .. "the world upside down" author brings the far 'rite near'  .. here's a woman who represses the IZra vs PAli conflict and hence it comes out mirrored [reversed] / projected and amplified ... as UK vs EU .. and don't let her steal this fact
Hitler was a Rothschild pawn, .. even trained in the UK you dirty liar ...
bigot spigot11 here: metastatized anthropocentrism is pure egoizzum ... measuring everything by yourself as yardstick, your subjective feefees as baseline / zero / cut off and starting point ... and keeping it strong and triumphant, resistant against no matter how many pages on other eras and errors turned

one of her last lines: "... call me a nazi racist fascist zionist jew ... and i'm still here" ... thus speaketh any damn near perfectly typical plane mirago of schizo spokesmasqotte


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