Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Max Wilbert—Deep Green Resistance & Fertile Ground—Derrick Jensen Resist...

near the end, Re: steering away from 'duh getting arrested rigueur': .... disheartening to see one of my late 90s absolute 101 musts# beginning to receive a 'luddil' focus only now !?!?!? Guess it went without saying too much ... which makes you vulnerable on exactly every, each and all such points, cause the subverter / changeling / unterwanderer / black opper / false flagger steals impact fuel, routing the unaware to and down these dispersion diversion drains

# = i have harry cosand to thank, picking me up hitchhiking, showing me stacks and stacks of pipesmoke grease covered national vanguards and the like .... one really can't start one's wariness of the pharmaffia early enough .... in fact, i am a victim of factory fresh exudatious plastics me mom wrapped meats in in between [trying to] handle me. She managed to move me onto an islet at 5 but the damage was done .. and dad duely punished for thus irreproducible 'self made' praxis. The semi semi semiticism of his offspring compensated by state of the art foils to further .. 'stand making' (not that he was a treeman ... pastures all the way for him RIP).


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