DGR critiques 'multiplicitification'
youtube.com/watch?v=9CKraG3a6hw = long convo w Fialka duh mcluhanite [[and FWake reading group guy] and an urban architect plus 'concerned netizen'
my comment there
version 1: toxic matcho? sure, plenny .. but it exists by request .. from the snowflakey multiplicitified ... i mean -fiends who routinely disserve self one and all lathered in phoney tsjujtsjianity and 'schijnheil'
version 2 [from the next day#]: toxic matcho? sure, plenny .. but it's more complicated than push/supply siding withism .. there's the betrayal abandonement front stuck to the backwaters and hinterland of 'backwards' origins for those willing to seek their fortune, luck and wisdom in cities, not just the banished rejects 'hapnin' when failing to breed true to form due to all sorts of toxic leakage and seepage .. building burdens cummulatively ... cities exists by request .. from the snowflakey 'multiplicitified' therein ... i mean -fiends who routinely disserve self one and all lathered in phoney tsjujtsjianity and 'schijnheil'
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