Wednesday, July 27, 2022

i serve jay dyer a cerntification

Augustine, Analogy of Being, Delusion & Fr Romanides Worship in "John the Pilgrim" - Jay Dyer
Streamed live on Jul 23, 2022
Jay Dyer
93.4K subscribers
Note: I misspoke when holding the book St Basil Against Eunomius: I meant to say Basil Against Eunomius and said “On the Holy Spirit.”  Today I will be replying to an individual as a test case of mental illness and obsessive subversion which will function as a case study - not only in mental illness and prelest, but also in some of the real issues in the Orthodox world.  For years various individuals, when opposed or refuted, become obsessive and as always happens, eventually out themselves as adopting bizarre heresies or having unorthodox pet beliefs all along.  Often this has to do with not having actually done the reading or had any philosophical training, thinking they can bypass that with their nauseating piety signaling and spiritual one-upping.  Today one of these subversives has been outed and will be a case example in delusion, heresy and mental illness as we cover the real issue in Fr Romanides' actual mistakes and what the fruits are with one of his obsessive, clearly mentally unstable disciples.  It will also help clarify the issues are not a choice between Augustine or Fr Romanides but that both are in error.

i see you tryin to take [back?] markcyst tactics for a righteously realistic solid cause ['backage'?] when comparing the theowoo you leave out of your sessions w Tim Kelly. Takes a split person to debate one i guess. I use colours and hammer on piety, pointing to my notes, beggin people to chuck them into their searchpool .. and recently lost a youtube account with thousands of vids listed .. but no loss to you. i don't think i listed any of yours, .. unless you were part of that freeman thing ranting against the psychedelic movement, ascribing the whole thing to psyops, suppressing the rainbow family aspects completely. am i rite?


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