Friday, September 16, 2022

SatanFallLowUp Mati-9-16-22

Reality's Last Stand
on substack - guest post
The Gender Oracles and Their Holy Children
The radical gender theorists see a potential holy child in every crib.
Barbara Kay [yesterday]

 Once they get a strong vibe about a particular child, they present him with possessions from the former Dalai Lama, along with other unrelated objects. If the boy chooses the non-sacred objects to play with, he is ruled out as the former leader’s reincarnation. If he chooses the former Dalai Lama’s possessions, his world is turned upside down.

He is immediately removed from his parents’ home and set on his lifetime journey, segregated from the people and experiences he would otherwise have known. His parents may be saddened by this transfer of guardianship, but they are compensated for it by the honour and reverence their new status in their community bestows on them. Imagine—if you’re a believer—the thrill of having produced this holy child without realizing his uniqueness until “searchers” proclaimed it through their simple but infallible test.

On the other hand, if you happen not to believe in reincarnation, you don’t consider the child innately holy at all, but simply a victim of circumstances set in motion by a mere coincidence.

And furthermore, if you don’t believe in reincarnation, and you live in a culture formed under the (once) liberal rubrics of rationality, logic, and respect for individual rights, including children’s rights, you would be distressed by, rather than admiring of, any parents who handed their child over to the high priests of a belief system grounded in superstition.

"mere coincidence" .. ?? i think not ... there's at least enough double checking goin on to allow for instructions to diverge from routine and/or formallist outcomes ... and certainly enuff space between sessions to establish plausibility on both sides; the institutionalists vs those who'd rather fuck with the program, see them gone or wanna be left alone [which really means something in tibetan remoteness, generalized by life itself, Life OurSelf.

Does that lady, Ehrensaft know that boys were in "dresses" until they were toilet trained in middle class American households a hundred or so years ago? It was the practicality of reducing the diaper laundry loads. Sheesh is right, Colin!

Ute Heggen, author, In the Curated Woods, True Tales from a Grass Widow (iuniverse, 2022)

'she' was a man too long for that ... my introduction to crossdressers came from occasional [90s] peeks in at the amsterdam cafe collecting them in various combos ... never felt like goin in .. even tho i'd fit in easily enuff .... hair short now after chemo, first time in decades. Neither did i volunteer to dress a cross like jesus 'did' .. but i did provoke local witches a tad and a socratic act is easily opted for when feelin truely undefended.
Then again, guys like Ralph Ellis might have point if he claimed, which he doesn't explicitily, jesus didun do nuthin but associate with the self castratin galatians, like with whores, .. but a prominent and revo leader ... pedigrees may stretch rite thru the templars and pedos to the likes of that certainly satanistically named creature. Calling 'that' a lady is a mighty stretch Ute

Diane Ehrensaft - PART 3!

"Diane Ehrensaft, 'Satanic Panic' Woo Peddler, Now Champions the 'Gender Angels' Among Us"

The dangerously consequential career of a quack

(Interesting also for mention of the concocted phenomena of "Indigo Children" and "Crystal Children")

"Parallels Between What We're Seeing Now and the Satanic Ritual Abuse Hysteria of the 1980s?"

(The "what we are seeing now" referred to is Critical Social Justice rather than "gender woo")

That short post links to this podcast:

"Introducing Conviction: American Panic"

Diane Ehrensaft's notorious report:

"Preschool Child Sex Abuse: The aftermath of the Presidio Case"

(Ehrensaft recommends "affirming" children who report satanic ritual abuse, rather than seeking objective evidence.)

 thanks, this is one 'M/Kissing Link' to the probs that prompted this yesterday:
satanism is 95% reflexivity and 5% pretending ít's not [beware the most 'elaborative' labbore forces]

a dozen links quoted from: The Satanic Panic Gets A Reboot --15/9 

 3 more [less filled out] categories there that day: 'politics and fleas' .. 'pandora's boxcutter' [on climate] and media scrum [heavy metal music this time] ......

another, more important ponder n thinklink is that, despite efforts to be minute, meticulous and comprehensive, THE most blatant cause of the MixerUpper 'inescapables' [easy and easier to pick out/apart as you go along ... known to always have sharpened knives/memes at the ready to excise a little repair or prepare tribute from you, all the same to them] is this [which remains underexposed]: chemicals / pollutants fuck all hormonal, microbial and what biome epitaphable else you have, rite into hell with them. Zach Bushes instead of duh Faucis would be a late but good start ...

last but not least:

a flurry of satanism focused journalism came my way the last few days .. so i try to cobble a pointer to my recent release together to add to this:

SatanFallLowUp Mati-9-16-22

satanism is 95% reflexivity and 5% pretending ít's not [beware the most 'elaborative' labbore forces] The Satanic Panic Gets A Reboot --15/9 3 more [less filled out] categories there that day: 'politics and fleas' .. 'pandora's boxcutter' [on climate] and media scrum [heavy metal music this time]

ps [next day] i find out a gender stealer has a SaPa past via a substacker ...... QUOTED HERE WITH MY COMMENTS ADDED IN

recently attempted a concise yet accurate intro to pages 56 - 153 [of 832] for
with special attention paid  to
 a god, A GARDENER GUILD, a messenger of the gods,
 a diffusionist missionary
 ... who really knows

leave be, belief and 'beleave' harmonizery
the real deep green ended up in Cernunnos maps, slowly accumulating my findings on the 'conaxis' between growing stuff and believing stuff ... sometimes parallel, sometimes braided and rhythmic .. but most often persona[bi]lity splintringly schizofreneticated .. which has much to do with misunderstood, misrevered and mistreated stuffs spelled out in the 3rd section here ... soooooo .. ‘desolational’ that I just had to pad it into this four seater tandem pdf here

A 4 themed book with embarrasingly personal suffering in 3 languages padded by dryer material in english at either end; before it: my loftiest and oldest ambitions ... and after it: the way I see similar strivings go astray, miss the mark and/or take millenia to approach meaningful realization.

combed thu my main note pile twice to add to this timeline but never integrated the second comb thru / harvest / fork away [done years apart]

 -:: :x: ::- early '90s to 2020 ==== 57 to 72 [w 7y hiatus, 8 pages worth in the second run]

 -:: :x: ::- early '90s to 2020 ==== 72 to 153
Cernunnos section ends ...

perhaps it helps that [hilite] colors shift by the year the first 150 pages ..

This multithematic document has about 5 or 6 zigzag timeline stitches [double backs] in total of being it's 4prong self.




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