Friday, October 21, 2022

Peter Kingsley in Ufra-Edessa -but will he cue-Ellis ????

poor kid, caught duh ziovirus .... Kingsley is taking hints from god knows where .... after you failed to for years on end ... and NOW it registers with ewe all of a miststiriousudden ??? welllookie @ duh dat douw .... you clippersnipped your memory to fit thru the ziocuck hole or sumthin?????
Justy Martyr was your topic less than months ago ... i told you about edessa years ago ..........

erased / replaced with:
you beat me to lots of stuff tho never by a lot .. and i don't care for most of it ..this time the reason must be something like 'being cavey OK, but cagey, that's a no no'

 .. brit sterlingity is brit sterility ... and we are talking about the SamudraM here and always and everywhere cause it's just foundationally terrestrious like that ... krishna krasnu krashnow on a pivoting pillar with ropetrick meru spinners in attendance . as far as japan

 .... it's to douse this spirit lite with smother soot, choke smoke and acridity all ALL and All in ALL classtirclutch dastardutch pipeline activity converges on the route a succesful [for a time, until 'buried' under Notre Dame at the confluence] messenger took


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