Sunday, November 20, 2022


20/11 ------------------------ 4worldbr --- k186 ---- 6 oVertOne

 I'M AUTISTIC! -- Peach --- 26.4K subscribers --- 728 views  Nov 20, 2022 ---- So, it's official:  I'm neurodivergent, or whatever the hip term for "different" is these days.  Until recently, women and girls have long since been overlooked and dismissed as possibly being autistic.  All kidding aside, it's nice to finally know for sure that I'm not a freak.
your "girlfriend of 20 years" ?? how does it feel to punt your autism to the bloint of being ok as fad flotsam?
55th [possibly]:
kidding aside, how do you judge what stephanie sennef [seneff?] and Zach Busch say about autism on the rise due to glyphosate [of which i have a very bad case, suffering instant 'psychosociomatic' paralysis which kept me from taking action immediately .. for months], to wit: in 10/20 years, autistic at birth will be the fate of nearly half all newborns. Care to help fight the bastards who derive selfworth from their expert and extremely profitable handling of biocidals. Hi testie ones look for risk and danger for the same reason and nerds do it the industrially detrimental way. Dark Waters about Dupont hiding facts for over 5 decades now, .. Monsanto also succeeds to bribe their way into brag upkeepery. Help peach, for the love of life, put your skills to work on this. the source of my fate, footsoldier of fearfed feminance, most powerful of mafiyas by 'phar' [cause of duh best {{{careporn}}} cover ... did i say duuuuuh?] has to be taken aside, out of the game, thrown over well guarded walls for a sufficient number of generations to wash their genes clean again.


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