Sunday, January 29, 2023

Dandelion --- Released on 1998-01-01

dandelion --- Released on 1998-01-01
catie curis 180x .... did the first 13 strait ... quite a few reps

ps: next day the other artists removed leaves 150 .... 

THE most fucked up 832 page shlock drama dandelion story ever told [there'll be worse but you'll understand i have little appettite for deviations from mine, other than for the ones that just as unequivocally prove they attract malicious evil and i wish i could add: only to expose and cure / eradicate it .. but that remains to be seen in my case:

ps2: found it censored the next day ... tried again without the first 4 words ... and some additions:

832 page shlock drama dandelion story
[there'll be worse but you'll understand i have little appetite for deviations from mine, other than for the ones that just as unequivocally prove they attract malicious evil# and i wish i could add: only to expose and cure / eradicate it .. but that remains to be seen in my case:
# = in the shape or misshape of glyphosate [and all who think such a thing is a o k]. This molecule is one which the evil labwizzies conjured by somehow maiming one of the oldest / smallest amino acids [glycine] breaking off a vital 'portrusion' / leg [thru chemical castration prolly] ... this o so sinisterily 'jives' with occupation politics it's more than scary. ps: any good lawyers out there? ps2: one of the most helpful remedies i found is flaxseed [linseed] and artemisia [look up for a german missionary in africa saga].
please leave my comment up or point out offending sections for me to remedy.

sort of a follow up here [she and her wife chatting]:
bottom line:
i have a feeling i'll see myself in one of your future fish, .. and thanks for all the songs.

and yet another follow up .. or a street cred ingratiation effort .. to reinforce muh feels i guess ..... here:

Larry [suicide song]
btw, when i was stateside [half of the 80s, roughly every other year until i didn't care for a work permit anymore [altho a Vt imm. off. forced the issue referring me to an overcrowded office in nyc .... and does the US 'work' ? Have you seen any glyphosate figures lately?].
anyway, while there i moved lesbows from oakland to SF for a few months with my pal manuel franco, a jazzrock guitarist w a tiny house full of records and cats


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