Monday, February 27, 2023

39s Don't Say Gay Bill vid - BTN

Best not let the wikkids rest .. cause then they get more toxic by the split second

Don't let'm 'settle'. Neither grouper n grouplets, gropers and gropees, schoolers and their prey, the bundled and classed. INSTEAD, HERD'M AROUND DIGGIN SWALES FOR A FEW DECADES .... with handtools, best feeds, dancers and music in rainbow family spirit, our too long dormant birthright talent.

Death to shtettle, farm and town alike ... HENCEFORTH, GARDENS ALLOWED ONLY


 Michael Tsarion | Dragon Mother - A New Look at the Female Psyche | RAISING THE BAR #1 ---- The John Cooper Show
4.26K subscribers ----- 10,620 views  Mar 31, 2020
unlike 99% of this type of reporting .. i add the causes without fail .. hither and thither in threads all thru the 10s .. a record is in here: == 5488 KB -- 9/11/22
semi-semite isms ... gendurz -- pharmacopious[ pervi]ness


 27/2 -------------  12WoBr -------- k25 ----- 21-galactic

SOS-UK-Report @sosReports: Peter Thatchell talks about a nine year old boy ‘consenting’ to gay sex and that persons view (who’s now an adult) should be considered and recognised. Even though children CANNOT CONSENT. Absolute wronging
Replying to @sosReports
yeah, why can't we gefaelligst leave consent in/to the boredroom brutalab or at least keep it confined to and contained in bedrooms .. and even better .. stop pretending it has NOT been slaughtered tortured and monetized in effigy, as fundamentally as cernunnos under Notre Dame.

 Missouri Proposes the Nation's Stricest Don't Say Gay Bill
BreakThrough News
146K subscribers
710 views  Feb 27, 2023  #BreakThroughNews
Missouri is proposing the strictest “Don’t Say Gay” bill in the nation.

The bill would ban school employees from even discussing gender identity or sexual orientation with students.

Activists say the impact on LGBTQ workers and youth would be devastating.


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