another glyphosate post
25/03 --------------- 01Earth ------ k157 ---- 20/08: {lot} - 02/04: {ctc}
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Mexico is treating corn from the U.S. as a threat. Here's why.
Corn originated in Mexico, but fears that genetically modified seeds could contaminate these ancient varieties have led to bans on certain U.S. imports.
Mexico plans to ban glyphosate, an herbicide that may harm health. Concerns about the chemical were sparked by a controversial 2017 report that may have overstated the risk of glyphosate exposure. A subsequent study published in 2021 found the chemical was present in children who hadn\u2019t had any direct contact with it, though no major health problems were directly tied to the chemical.
Deuterium and Glyph. MDS = moms, doctors, scientists
Deuterium and SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines Stephanie Seneff MIT CSAIL The 2nd Budapest COVID Medical Conference August 18, 2021 ------------- In December of 2019, I first became aware of the critical role of deuterium in health and disease. I was introduced to deuterium by Prof. Laszlo Boros, a Professor in pediatrics at UCLA, and an expert in the new field of deutenomics (the science of deuterium metabolism in the body). Deuterium is \u201cheavy hydrogen\u201d \u2013 a deuterium atom is a hydrogen atom with a neutron as well as a proton, making it twice as heavy and changing its biophysical and biochemical properties in dramatic ways.
It did not take long for me to realize that glyphosate (the active ingredient in the herbicide Roundup) and deuterium are synergistically toxic. At the time, I was just about to finish writing the first draft of my book on glyphosate (Toxic Legacy: How the weedkiller glyphosate is destroying our health and the environment). I had written all about how glyphosate specifically disrupts proteins that bind phosphate. With a little digging into the research literature on deuterium management in the body, it became clear that a whole class of proteins that bind phosphate called flavoproteins plays an essential role in protecting the mitochondria from excessive deuterium in their water. Flavoproteins catalyze many reactions that extract hydrogen atoms from one molecule and add them to another one. They have an elegantly designed active site that takes advantage of a physical property of protons called proton tunneling to assure that protons rather than deuterons are delivered to make the reaction product. Ultimately, these \u201chigh quality protons\u201d are delivered to the mitochondrial intermembrane space. One flavoprotein that is very important to the mitochondria and shown to be disrupted by glyphosate in multiple studies is succinate dehydrogenase. It is the only enzyme that plays a role in both oxidative phosphorylation and the citric acid cycle in the mitochondria. This enzyme extracts two hydrogen atoms from succinate and adds them to ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10), to make ubiquinol, an essential antioxidant in the mitochondria.
Bayer to Stop Residential Sales of Glyphosate-Based Roundup by 2023 ----- by Stephanie Seneff July 31, 2021 0 comment
Wanted: #Lawyer4DeepEthics
i offer an ethically ambitious lawyer a golden opportunity:
sue the gvt for announcing a scheduled illegality of Round Up for residential areas but failing to force Bayer into refunding. I cannot be the only one whose fate was impacted.
'My' neighbours decided they might as well suprise me and get rid of their stash at the same time. Also unbeknownst to me, they had already used this dankest of deviljuices to kill a tree between our front doors which i never thought of having to blame and make claim against them for [living under the de- and illusion that i had adequately adressed their immediate objection] ... even after i saw them apply it to 'their' patch of sidewalk a lot later [helping people to literally walk this ..especially for the not 100% fit [most of us] ....extremely dangerous and i think devilish substance into their own homes !!!!!!!!!!!
another time later and the dandelion i had quite visibly nursed thru hot and dry times received a dose and tho i did feel suspicious when i thought the moment had come to avail myself of it's healing properties, i, to my nearly annihilating detriment, wasn't focused on just how deep the hate and stupid combo had eaten their decency 'clean' away ..... and not for lack of hints but for spoilt rotten lethargy, which, even if humongous and making me a faulty human being, must not be the reason to claim i lay a trap they just couldn't resist, commit a murder with an alibi ... 'hey, we was forced to do the 'clean look' / potemkin facade work he leaves to others in order to stave off losing real estate value'
ik zieik zie tokzieke respectloosheidsziekte als gevolg van zeer verzogde zorg. Kalme, redelijke vervolging MOET erger voorkomen hoopgevend mogelijk maken.
Ik schreef een 105 pagina verslagje over hoe ik .. zogzorg verziekt, dus 'gewoon' zielige zielen vol gluipstreken die naast me neerstreken niet op tijd op ontaardde onwaarde schatte
Drama ... want ik zie ik zie tokziekte in vertokte geboortestreek niet op tijd .... u wel?? ik bedoel jullie wel, u bestaat niet meer want gewaarschuwd.
ga vooral eerst inlichtingen bij mijn buren winnen ...
... u heeft toch zeker wel medelijden met wie te weinig keus heeft om naast mij wonen te voorkomen????????
Hopend dat het hof mijn oordeel overneemt:
!!!!! Kras Op Met Je Verrasbaarheidsstop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
de juiste straf is sterilizatie van de hele bloedlijn !!!!!!
Von Schwermetallen bis Glyphosat: Das ganzheitliche Entgiftungskonzept von Dr. Ralf Heinrich
AUF1 -------- 93.6K subscribers ---- 3,708 views Feb 7, 2024
Der Berliner Arzt, Dr. med. Ralf Heinrich, pr\u00e4sentiert in dieser Sendung eine wegweisende Neuerung im Bereich der Entgiftung. Es handelt sich um ein durchdachtes Konzept, das aus vielen verschiedenen Puzzleteilen besteht und gemeinsam ein beeindruckendes Gesamtbild ergibt. Dabei geht es nicht nur darum, Schwermetalle auszuscheiden, sondern auch um die Beseitigung von Plastik, Glyphosat und vielem mehr. Diese Methode stellt sozusagen eine Turbo-Entgiftung des Blutes dar, bei der bis zu 50 bis 70 Liter Blut gereinigt werden. Dies geschieht nicht allein durch die Anwendung der Apherese, sondern auch in Verbindung mit Chelaten, die Schwermetalle binden, der Ozonhochdosistherapie zur Neutralisierung von Entz\u00fcndungsherden und einer Regulationstherapie.
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