time to act on my fracUProtest vow
time to act on my vow
some years ago i saw this coming and vowed to emigrate in protest ... hence: house for sale; 17m east of R'dam, WOZ 260thou, make that 313 and it's yours. An upstairs with it's own toilet/shower, no seperate entrance, spacious bathroom downstairs, shadetrees in front lowering temps 15-20 degrees of 'summerest' daze.
Quoting Strategic Culture [last paras]:
Risibly, too, you have supposedly environmentally concerned European governments trying to replace affordable and relatively clean Russian natural gas with significantly more expensive and dirty US LNG. The mining of American shale gas is environmentally brutal as is shipping it in bulk carriers across the Atlantic. There is no way that US gas can make up for Russia’s supply to the rest of Europe. It is estimated that the current surge in US exports will reach a total of about 80 bcm this year. That only accounts for half of what Russia has been supplying (155 bcm). To make up for the critical shortfall, European states are reopening coal mines, which betrays their purported concern about mitigating climate change. Even those desperate measures in addition to unrealistic claims about using renewable energy sources will mean that European citizens are facing deep hardship from freezing households and crippling fuel bills.
The US-led imperial warmongering against Russia is indulged by European political lackeys and clowns who are treating their own citizens with outrageous contempt. Not only are European citizens expected to watch their governments squander tens of billions of euros of public taxes on weaponizing a Nazi regime in Ukraine, but they are also expected to don hair shirts to pay for American exports of shoddy gas supplies.
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Bürgerinitiativen gegen das Fracking sind alarmiert. Sie protestieren gegen die geplanten LNG-Terminals, Ende August plant die Initiative Gas-Exit Berlin ein Protestwochenende. Bereits im Mai hatten 46 Initiativen aus ganz Deutschland in einem Brief an Kanzler Scholz der Expertenkommission vorgeworfen, dass sie sich "in wesentlichen Sachverhalten auf veraltete Gutachten beziehen, bzw. auch Daten zusammenführen, die zwangsläufig ein falsches Bild des Gefährdungspotentials der Frackingtechnik zeichnen".
Aus Fracking gewonnenes Erdgas, womöglich noch flüssiges Erdgas, das sogenannte LNG, sei noch klimaschädigender als Braunkohle. Sie forderten von Scholz:
Ein komplettes und dauerhaftes Frackingverbot zur Gewinnung von Erdgas und Erdöl in Deutschland in allen geologischen Schichten.
Offener Brief von 46 Bürgerinitiativen
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https://www.apzi.be › nieuws › amerikaans-lng-gelost-in-zeebrugge
Amerikaans LNG gelost in Zeebrugge | APZI
Door de prijszetting en de marktsituatie blijkt het de jongste maanden voor de uitvoerders van vloeibaar aardgas wereldwijd interessant hun pijlen op Europa te richten. Zo noteerde men dat er plots ladingen Amerikaans LNG richting Europa werden verscheept. In die context noteerde de LNG-terminal van Zeebrugge van Fluxys LNG op 21 januari 2022 nu ook zo'n lading Amerikaans vloeibaar aardgas ...
https://www.vrt.be › vrtnws › nl › 2022 › 01 › 21 › amerikaans-schaliegas-de-redder-van-onze-exploderende-energiefa
Kan Amerikaans schaliegas ons redden uit de Oekraïnecrisis?
Mar 4, 2022De EU-ministers van Energie waren op hun recente crisisoverleg alvast vragende partij. En ook ons land lonkt naar Amerikaans LNG. In het akkoord over de kernuitstap net voor Kerstmis kreeg minister Tinne Van der Straeten de opdracht naar LNG uit de VS en Canada te kijken. Maar de Amerikanen gaan dat gas niet gratis leveren.
frontnieuws.com › leun-achterover-en-kijk-toe-hoe-europa-zelfmoord-pleegt
Leun achterover en kijk toe hoe Europa zelfmoord pleegt
Apr 8, 2022Roebelgas of Amerikaans LNG? De Russische rondetafel Valdai Club heeft een essentiële discussie van deskundigen gevoerd over wat wij bij The Cradle hebben omschreven als Roebelgas - de echte geo-economische game-changer in het hart van het post-petrodollartijdperk. Alexander Losev, lid van de Russische Raad voor Buitenlands en Defensiebeleid ..
https://businessam.be › een-vooruitblik-op-de-volgende-premier-van-het-verenigd-koninkrijk
Een vooruitblik op de volgende premier van het Verenigd Koninkrijk ...
2 days agoDe invoer van Amerikaans LNG-gas naar Europa is de laatste tijd sterk gestegen. Ironisch genoeg gaat het daarbij vaak om schaliegas, wat dus overal op het continent verboden is. Truss wil ook af van de habitatrichtlijn van de EU om in plaats daarvan eigen Britse doelstellingen op vlak van biodiversiteit invoeren.
geopolitika.ru › nl › article › militaire-energie-en-voedselcrisis
Militaire, Energie- en voedselcrisis | Геополитика.RU
Jul 9, 2022Daar komt nog bij dat het gebruik van Noord-Amerikaans LNG (dat duurder is voor de eindverbruiker) en geproduceerd wordt door middel van hydraulic fracturing, niet alleen tijd kost om nieuwe terminals te bouwen en veel energie verbruikt voor het omzettingsproces, maar ook "ecologisch vijandig" is.
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frak shill
For Branka Vuleta, the Founder of Legaljobsite.net, the transition towards full-time remote work was simply an extension of the practices she already had in place at her company.
“We did offer remote work options before the pandemic,” Branka explains. “But it was only occasionally when employees needed it. For instance, employees could request remote work if they needed to attend an appointment within business hours.”
Proximity to fracking sites associated with risk of childhood cancer
August 17, 2022
using a 'novel metric'
frak shill
For Branka Vuleta, the Founder of Legaljobsite.net, the transition towards full-time remote work was simply an extension of the practices she already had in place at her company.
“We did offer remote work options before the pandemic,” Branka explains. “But it was only occasionally when employees needed it. For instance, employees could request remote work if they needed to attend an appointment within business hours.”
regal gobshites must never be let near newmanglefangled 'innovations' [like the castrated glycine rebaptized glyphosate and capable of getting god himself in a tangle.
whyy.org › articles › fracking-sites-children-health-leukemia
Study: Pa. children who live near fracking sites have greater leukemia ...
1 day agoChildren who live close to fracking sites in Pennsylvania have a higher risk for the most common form of childhood cancer, a new study finds Researchers at the Yale School of Public Health used the Pennsylvania Cancer Registry, along with state data on unconventional oil and gas drill sites, to determine that children born within two kilometers, or 1.24 miles, of an active well site were two ...
https://stateimpact.npr.org › pennsylvania › 2022 › 08 › 17 › children-living-near-pa-fracking-sites-are-at-increased-risk-of-leukemia-study-finds
Children living near Pa. fracking sites are at increased risk of ...
1 day agoUnconventional gas development is also referred to as fracking, which is a part of the overall process that injects water with chemicals at high pressure into shale rock formations deep ...
Proximity to fracking sites associated with risk of childhood cancer
August 17, 2022
factor 3 and a 5th of the total tested affected????
Pennsylvania children living near unconventional oil and gas (UOG) developments at birth were two to three times more likely to be diagnosed with leukemia between the ages of 2 and 7 than those who did not live near this oil and gas activity, after accounting for other factors that could influence cancer risk, a novel study from the Yale School of Public Health finds.
The registry-based study, published Aug. 17 in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, included nearly 2,500 Pennsylvania children, 405 of whom were diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, the most common type of cancer in children.
and you're gonna try tell me that the sheer use of the 'purified product has health effects comparable to 'normal' gas.
satanicized clownworld led by witches on the hunt .. you know the type, fueled by jealousy and fear, .. pure reflexivity and selfrighteous purified.
The horror people .....
publicsource.org › fracking-new-freeport-greene-county-pa-water-quality-eqt-corporation
Frack out in PA town leaves residents questioning water safety
Jul 21, 2022A frack out — sometimes spelled "frac out" — occurs when fluid pumped into a well to fracture shale formations and release gas instead enters an abandoned well.
alleghenyfront.org › dep-investigating-a-frac-out-eqt-gas-well-in-greene-county-residents-claim-water-contamination
DEP investigating 'frac-out' at EQT well in Greene County, possible ...
Jul 14, 2022Reid R. Frazier covers energy for The Allegheny Front. His work has taken him as far away as Texas and Louisiana to report on the petrochemical industry and as close to home as Greene County, Pennsylvania to cover the shale gas boom. His award-winning work has also aired on NPR, Marketplace and other outlets.
Rootland is an hourlong feature on the results of fracking right in the breadbasket of the NM and Southern Co, available to watch 'free' on vimeo.
if you don't get the message from it, you are subhuman
I wish Putin would bomb all AmiFrakGas buyers in the name of preventing suffering by that 'wellheeled' strain of BiPedal SataniCrazed 'unhuman' .....
EQT stops fracking at site in Greene County after claim of water contamination; DEP investigating
Reid FrazierJuly 14, 2022
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection is investigating several complaints possibly related to an incident at a fracking site in Greene County in June.
According to the DEP, the incident happened near EQT’s “Lumber” gas well, where the company was actively fracking for natural gas. The agency said in an email that on June 19, an area resident complained to the company that sediment was getting into their well water and that gas and fluid were coming out of a nearby abandoned well.
The DEP said EQT confirmed the fluid from the active fracking site was “communicating” with the abandoned well – a condition sometimes called a ‘frac-out’.
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