Thursday, September 22, 2022

Genetic WarFront Fighter Vet Jeffrey Smith

What Could Go Wrong? A Conversation with Jeffrey Smith on GMO 2.0
Streamed live on Sep 13, 2022
Organic Consumers Association
4.47K subscribers

#Monsanto's first genetically modified organism was a synthetic growth hormone engineered to make cows over-produce milk. It went on to stuff the human diet with vegetable oils, sweeteners and grains that had been engineered to absorb herbicides or produce insecticides.
Since merging with #Bayer, the company has vowed to go much further, replacing animal products with lab-grown synthetics and restructuring soil biology with synthetic microbes.
Bayer is taking the GMO technologies developed in agriculture, combining them with advances in big data, artificial intelligence, the internet of things and wearable tech, and applying them to the health care sector, as well as food.
Why stop with fake meat when you can use genetically engineered pigs to grow new organs for people who need transplants?

is russia fitin to keep the GMO / BioLabRatLines and BioCidal ProfitGraph Plotters out of Russian Gardens or what? If yes, why does RT not say so????????????

i shared Ry's cozystream yesterday in which he played an RT docu on wheat growing and movement around the world focusing on price ... and the effect of blockading Russia while schizophrenically accusing Russia and offshoring their own blame on the broad shoulders and back[cunttree] it is known as. This is like a game of ballfetch by hellhound who hurls his prize/burden into onto target territory and then goes after it as a retrieval game for which he carries no conquerment blame. Galatian crossdress Templar banker pilgrims use Deelike calculations instead of balls but that's another story ... i'm not getting into waters before unburdening myself of this boatload:
Said docu [Breaking Bread] completely misses and/or avoids .. either way it lacks an explanation for 'reasons' as to why Putin isn't just risking lives over nothing .... much much more life is at stake ... the "nature of nature" even as Jeffrey puts in towards the end of this video.

He is one hell of a Genetic WarFront Fighter Vet for sure. I saw him in Germany somehwere, probably Witzenhausen, where i went to look for 'traces' and echos of Julius Hensel, in the eighties!! I thought i'd win battles along my chosen trajectory, if i had to fight any at all, easily. Overconfident little brat with fuck off money access and licence that i was. Little did i suspect i was to be ignored [misunderstood, vastly underestimated, etcetera, prolly for most of the next few centuries at least, in fact] and be at the receiving end of the horror tales i didn't take to heart enuff to have them serve me as motivation, prolly afraid they'd backfire and add to the already awesomely impressive burden of discouragement factors; the signs of my anachronism .. due to the fundamentally different breeds that brought my parents about and together.

all of europe could taken curing cues from the explosive being i am, part germanic, part sephardic .. but it was the avuncular dirty trick strain that won out

Ry, for all his self assured but delusional signaling he has this prob down pat and watertite has thus far managed to repress and even fite such clues and i'll be prodding him to look at his own family thru a Kalergi and Fong-Jones type outcome lense a little closer often going forwards, hoping at some point he'll have the humble type of courage that will take ... certainly diffrnt from forbidding his chatters to post eric striker [i did not know his inner had copied me, or, discounting my reach a little, that it was doing this rite along w me .. or even before me .. this reminds me of going to see what the Bronx Blogger is up to these days. It is this dickshittyer who brought ES to my attention].

see also:

Dear Wokie West, dropduhSchizo antics
first 40m on the civil war .. i am listening unsped up for a change .. then he plays an RT docu called 'breaking bread' .. about the EU blocking russian exports [not to mention peace efforts] but accusing it of blocking Ukraine exports [not even trying to cuck up a peace effort list to complete the mirror 'bounce off better' symmetry factor to fake 'TrueBreed' veracity]. Beautiful docu with truly worldwide shots.


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