Thursday, November 24, 2022

pollution overmaplaps gender agitation
please compare map shown with areas of lgbtpqrs agitation and stockholmian symptom celebration .....
US counties that have more lgbt people per capita than the national average
 [pollution map overlap?? .. i mean ... overmaplap much?

 How “forever chemicals” polluted America’s water
10.9M subscribers
800,140 views  Aug 4, 2020
Why 99% of Americans have these chemicals in their blood.

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North Carolina’s Cape Fear River is a massive water system. It stretches across the lower half of the state, collecting runoff from 29 counties and providing water to millions of people. But in the city of Wilmington, where the river meets the Atlantic Ocean, the water has residents worried.

In a 2019 test of tap water, Wilmington and neighboring Brunswick county were among the top five areas for high levels of PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances — a group of man-made chemicals commonly used for making nonstick or water-resistant products. Now North Carolina is reckoning with the legacy of pollution upstream — and discovering what decades of PFAS contamination means for the rest of the country.

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and gender issues 'uebertuenchen' pollution probs ... they can take more 'it' and 'any' , our dear antiverb pronounish mitmentijen


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