Sunday, September 01, 2024

informalization of the soupjack - defyin reifyin spittle audifier

02/09 ------------- 5Earth ------ k57 ---- 11/02: {lot} - 15/08: {ctc}

oskar does zizek on butler 13m
 Slavoj Žižek – On Butler: From Resistance to the Act (Ticklish Subject, 1999)
4.94K subscribers ---- 70 views  Aug 31, 2024
From Chapter 5, ‘Passionate (Dis)Attachments, or, Judith Butler as a Reader of Freud’, of The Ticklish Subject: The Absent Centre of Political Ontology (1999).

shots fired .. but he does do a fauler early on, "formation of the subject" [THE 'maakbaarheid' wokcyckow and cashcow infla{ma}toir flaw&fail tout court, if there ever was one, widespread tho it be].
truth is we can only ever re de transform subject[ivitie]s .. either honour, respect, entertain, supplement and serve or starve them, they simply pre-exist as guide to and anchor for grounding. best allowed to breed true or not at all, acute sterilization for all seen and caught sticking to the industrial chemistry profits model after an ASAP date. a trump waiting to be played by Xi or Putin or the suprise pREZident [Winona LaDuke would do fine].
i suggest one speaks of 'informalization of the subject' as caption for the above if elucidation is at all attempted before i am good and well gone superject.
jd ebert on mason and dixon

i go: are you reserving good audio for paying customers?


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