Wednesday, August 14, 2024

reduce trace n track smear

15/08 ----1Sun ---- --- k40 ---- 22/01: {lot} - 01/08: {ctc}
477x in 6h w 3.2fllwrs
after an early morn crash i pick up at 1h30 ... skipmissin an un [as yet?] unknown amount
'origin of life' convo at Hoover Inst fisked by JJ Couey [man on a bike = yt, denied tenure in Holland, moved to Pittsb]

"irreducible complexity of life" resolves to reducible Com'ty of deadish material no? [negro neogro negotivist speak that is .. that]
 And yes .. all it takes is rubbing some finery from where they are balled up cagily and held in rock reserve, expose to rain n shine, pronto ... origin of life rehearsed, prehearsed, celebratable after and due to 'core act' prepa n anticipration ... as i've repeated and rephrased a thousand times in 40 years ... before i fell for witch dankery and got 'moved' beyond caring .. crying .. n carryin on.

Denouncing without an explabation of the goal of the wrecker behavior is defective practise.

WHY are they doing this.


1. wants to cause splits. His task is shake the left snow globe non stop, make sure no leadership & fighting force emerge.

jønny ⦿⃤🔻 🇵🇸 فلسطين حرة!
@jonnysocialism: "If we don't let twitter leftists act like 4chan edgelord groyper freaks and embrace nazi lingo, the zionists win."
piet: in subsequent tweets there one learns he is actually critiqueing usefulness of the quote source ... hence the bridge to 'smears' as polarizer instead of polarization definer, marker and cure.
Meanwhile Hamas, the PFLP, and every other part of the Resistance:…
10:01 AM · Aug 14, 2024 ---------- 2,299 Views

RK: 2. A fact is that in some key centers of media and culture, ethnoJewish intellos figure prominently in the antimperial and communist projects, such as they are.

3. He (shitklzekianly, as with irrational 'woke hysterics') aims to EMBODY the figment of 'antizionism=antisemitism.'

4. He aims to move his most isolated, suceptible, downwardly mobile white fanboys to the far right, feeding them Turner Diaries etc, and not incidentally to thus rile up their violent antiblackness
labelling black folks the puppet orcs of ZOG.

5. Embodying the far right klansman/fascist essence, he (and his John Birch-er wife) can be used to smear every cause and individual he pretends to champion

ZiAnglonist smeartilitarians? open sesame? snips, snipes n startilt calligravitists?
HardCoreNerdsOfZion run grounds, escapin the sniposhere trappins n needles that escalate to too slanted slidey bloodcuts an int regime change Cheney team suffer gladly. From where Peter Duke sits, faulting Max for failin to dig all that and more around Whelan up in a long prisoner excha segment, pins n puts u at exactly that .. deep crack to see if it cannot be given a bottomline plug to grow a beautscar on.


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