Monday, May 20, 2024

Dont be fooled (or depressed) by how many public voices are against us

20/05 ------------ 5Skywal - k213 ---- 19/10: {lot} - 02/06: {ctc}
i'll add a few grace notes ...
quoting sura 5:51: 'do not take jews and christians as allies
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MenchOsint quotes 5:41 and hiliites: 'taking rulings out of context'
Context is important, coincidence or not, this verse talks about the people like the one who posted, those who distort the scriptures & take rulings out of context.

Are you accusing Lucas of something like this:

lots of industries [dis]thrive and come 'alive' [/'make a dying'] ignoring ground in favor of figure yet pretend the conneXzion is there still, like all good figuring sings the praise of grounding like an ancester honouring service ... and short of that, at the very least, the figure / abstraction witnesses turnaround / churn a ground, or, at the last least and limit of redemptivity, indicate the shortest quickest, safest and most pleasant WayBack.

it's the empty grave / arisen beloved :: form / content binary
the dust evacuated from a [grave]stone along 'gone to ...' lines of duhflight .. is already a loss of context .. an unmooring at the start of a hero's quest as it were.
The words, formed by shapes we 'morphoculturally' / 'signilludically' assign meaning to, symbols tracing the borders of their former places, now, lithorally and literally for the foreigners who cannot decipher them, empty spaces.
Contexts are like those rhizo-, aro- and 'nautomatic' scrypts that can pulse in and out of focus real fast and slow, a pattern here a blur there, a grave now, a crib later.

Bottom line tho: the alphabet itself is already in danger of conducting a catastrophic loss of context cause the emphasis on that empty space, assigned a sharable significance ... in fact, runaway sharable once belief ascription comes into play [billfold or playpretend one, sold as the reel thing tho ... your measure of faith ready while u waith ... INexhaustible holybookpage .. skewmost of bedevilin binaries i'd say#] .. favors an irrelevated, castrated remnant / relic of something one can only ever 'pin arbitrarily' as this or that aspect of the 'figure :: ground wave :: particle nite :: day' divides

imagine a nice upstanding lemnisc8 and lop upper and lower bows off. you are left with an x to mark the 'spot'
it's a good symbol for the tentative connection bipeds have with canopies and root

# = in fact, once you declare a figure as "the new ground" [Bob Dean, the Apostle John of McLuhanite Catholicism {'ionandbob'}, is always on about the "hidden effect of a new communication {'communistification', also McLuhanesque insight regarding software} technology"] the sky is the limit if you wanna stack 'figure ground' decantations to infinity till cows come home. Many heros are in fact traitors, treasonous runaways. The real good fight is for the returnees ... don't let zionism steal such a sacred concept.

as far as Mark's condemnation of Ivermectin .... i reserve judgement

HCQ was condemned based on idiotic experiment ... and a strong, brief burst of taking strong measures with something harmful in any longer run is often still the wiser choice over choosing too low a dose of something friendly for years to suppress and contain a problem.


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