DDOSwars - a comment for Mati
around 52nd / 53rd minute [a 'gendjuxt'], the woman in the clip says 'women don't do that' [beat each other to death]. No, they don't, cause that would spoil the fun of seeing a long drawn out trajectory of suffering ... so they specialize in poison [careporn anybody?]
soon now, there will be an 11point, margin to margin A4 size 222 pages on the 'gendeurz' subject, a trilingual book with an example of this [poisoning of my 'stoepsteenkruid'] ... triggered by .. simple jealousy [and yeah, that stuff is deadly] over music from the mouths of kids who know they are heard seen understood and payed attention to. When an imitation action next door with their own grandkids went horribly wrong each time [hysteric heaves of upset every time they tried], a campaign was launched to spread and proliferate expressions of dirtied imaginations brimming with illicit intimacies, then attaching my name to, using me as their projection screen, a form of crucifiction of course ... and instead of having different groups of minors (those ages got lower and lower over the years, beginning with teens in the early 10s), go out of their way to catch a glimpse of me, they were told to give me a wide birth, specially after police advice: don't let'm in anymore [specialists were involved too, cause of my wardrobe malfunctions, old rainbow family member that i am) ... but they were already heavily punished at home for contact by then. I tried to explain to the police how the height of intimacy involves slippy stuff alrite ... fresh mud .. please consult 'Quest for Ethics' on archive.org for how i learned all this... use 50kft.com to get around the shadowbanning .. .etcetera.
on cory barnhill, the pedo who organizes a hunt [along withh keffals et al] on the kiwifarms
DDoS Wars - Mad at the Internet 26th August 2022
Aug 27, 2022
330 subscribers
#KiwiFarms #MadattheInternet
29/8 ---------------12nite ------k103 -----7-lunar
that Fong creep
Liz Fong-Jones - 665 subscribers
.. need to be signed in to watch
satire is only the first step to a completed 'freeing' / break away .. let alone reach out and rescue .. i mean it in turn[achurnorrrrrratshit!!!] is but a first step to that. Typically Discordians [and all flavors of festi inspired subcultures] never make it to say amish levels ... and the latter are just the kindest subset of cruelest occupyers / suppressors eyeing and vying for 'finaler' 'solutions'. Where's a jailer/therapist when you need one?
Mister Metokur - Isabella Janke: Queen of the Trolls (CENSORED)
August 20th, 202194 views
Kill All Pedos
Kill All Pedos
15.8K subscribers
All hail Queen Isabella Janke. She sacrificed everything for some epic LOLs. Zoomers rise up.
If Only You Knew How Bad Things Really Are | JFGT #620
August 28th, 20221,574 views
JFG Tonight
@RyanDawson: I had my own Juijitsu school and competed in college. back then MMA still had shit pay and was run by the mob. so that was as high a level as there was. Two of my students won Naga nationals and one was supposed to enter UFC at the start of Rona.
I did kickboxing and Karate since i was 15. also won 1st in our high school boxing. taught judo and BJJ at yuhogaoka in japan. also worked at a pro wrestling school teaching break falls some of those giys went to WCW.
id do a fight under some handicapped rule, but only for the money. the only people i hate are those cville idiots involved in attacking confederate statues.
learned a lot from Tony Jefferies and Edfie Bravo, Don Tyrell, James Ennis, Greg Thompson, and Minami
to show my appreciation for the much more embarrassing confession / 'cred crud' in your last stream i'll give you the short version of my next thousand pages ready to go [covers my last half a decade]:
smile killer markers along the pride/groomer trajectory:
terrain theory crumble and precipitous ['free'?fall off] loss of all thing truly humble ... [macro]think lanky tall treeculture man vs stocky [gedrongen as the dutch say] fight-suited statures and statuses ...
... zoom back in a bit to:
nuke / ddt [polio?], agent orange, gmo [percy schmeiser] and duh 'frogagayin' waters [JA should win awards for that as much as he deserves criticism for claiming nobody died [which btw, leaves 'onverlet' that indeed false flaggery had a sharp rise in that era .. people were just not used to them being just exactly as deadly as excercizes gone live just exactly as deliberately].
the 80s began to feed the genderz debates real nitro fuel [which have the weirdest echos to 2 lookalikes btw, shulamith firestone and otto weininger, not to mention the mix of their topics].
Hot Engine Change countering measures anyone?
Take the Garbage docus centering around what happened in canada [FEMINAZIFIED LEGISLATION#].. throw in the queen of mafiya protocols: careporn 'for good?' measure and you are set to explain more the most degenerative devolution of the few decades at once: 'WHOLE' TERRAINs had to be cleared to make way for SHOOTIE JABBURZ
# = dilution of pollution in compost that brought back persistent hormone disruptors via sewage, maffiose trucking to farmers and from there back onto people's plates in the metropoli of origin in the first place. Talk about vicious cycles.
time to unwind yet?
2:44 .. not bad
1m08 on the next one has guitar accomp.
the 2:30 thing after that has that crescendo strummin action
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