Wednesday, April 05, 2023

paradise law ponderwonder
clean/cheap but bulky energy gen. patents are one thing ... but patent use patents quite another. IOW, how can i earmark, dictate the use my invention gets put to?
i want it's application to have outcomes as clean, cheap and fruitful. Or is self-similarity, breeding true ECon [eco consie] a rearview mirror spasm, at least for the time being?
 -- 'Use put to' patents require the tight ethics only radical transparancy can infuse structural rigidity with right? And yeah, i'm talking about multi gen multi story treehousing projects / outcomes and objectives .. of course.

How's that for duh restrain and refrain from fuccin w heavy metal tox? Afraid to lose macho appeal. How about a rock gauntlet run and well stocked mudbath prizes??
.... Anything less leaves 'my' 'trix' subject and vulnerable to abuse I guess. Legal format in the way of rights for 'inanimate' beings like mountains, lakes, streams and species, trustframed basics ..
.. etcetera, have been sighted / sited /// but not cited and limelighted much yet .. since the wokey world - besides the native culture where these concepts are inborn, lived and lived out and lived out and out without having to be spelled out, in another one word: innate - has much pettier kneejerkeree to harvest more easily.


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