Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ward Churchill on Soldiers of Fortune

published in CovertAction in 1984, part of a so far 3 page thread with
fresh reviewing  Aquash pennings, via xymphora, from thread 3693 at deep politics forum, here's my hi-lite shifter sifter strain hop shake out sampler of their hi-lite stringing ... funny old fashioned stuff combined with new ('submit' list), it looks and loads better on an old Netscape Composer (a feat, despite the framings) than on an Explorer one (right margin lost), that shows its pedigree right off. Nowadays we are collectively ready to leave dualism behind and go for (ac)counting beyond that - semi-homeless principl(e-)ites like Todd Boyle to the rescue. Balance push-pull media by carefully choosing which medium works where.
Can't 'mind' the heavies first without banning arms and pollutants. Drew's lock up lotus (cerebral rev) vs the opening of paralysis, stasis and inertia demonstrated by the half lotus, the opening coin of the realm flow doctrine as Cernunnos once embodied (no need for fantasy when magic is real) in a class of his own, same and equal to king, court-counter countering jesters - farmer, warrior, solar kings, the bowl of brains .... back back down the evil 'satavolutic' werdegang of organized deep sea vent storage facility workers.

Back to aim and occupied turtle island:

Saturday, April 17, 2010

from antoinette
nora claypoole

editor, Wild Embers Press

SO. Why I am writing about this today?

Because for some very obvious reason, SOMEONE--who knows who--has decided to drag out old IWJ/Karen Testerman (a member of IWJ) attacks at me. They have been able to push the bad talk to the top of internet access when my name is googled, binged or have to wonder why a group with a known affliation to a paid informant/federal operant--Serle Chapman- (see details below...or visit court documents on sidebar) - is dragging up old attacks against me.

Hmm...Well, there is a trial going on now about Annie Mae's murder, it's raining in Seattle, o, who knows. There could be a zillion off the wall reasons. And it doesn't matter why.


refs a few recent (Serle Chapman) confessions in the rapidcityjournal

recently also:

Steve Hendricks on Aquash in Indiancountry (excerpted The Unquiet Grave:
The FBI and the Struggle for the Soul of Indian Country)


John LeKay: Steve Hendricks recently wrote a book entitled "Unquiet Grave", in which he states his reasons why he believes Ana Mae Aquash was murdered. This is what he said in an interview when I asked him about this: Aquash was murdered for many complex reasons, some of which I think I know, others I definitely don't know. In overarching terms, she was murdered because (a) the FBI made AIM so paranoid with its infiltrations and provocations that AIM felt it had no choice but to execute the next informer it found, who happened (incorrectly) to be Aquash and (b) AIM wasn't smart enough to resist the urge to violence, and the group too often and too foolishly resorted to guns and fists to solve problems that guns
and fists couldn't solve. As to why AIMers believed Aquash was an informer, I'm not entirely sure.

Robert Robideau, who died in 09 at 61 denies this:

JL: When you say from your investigations that Ana Mae was killed by the order of one leader; that AIM should not be condemned for the negative actions of one person who gave the order or the person (s) who carried this out. But If this person, (AIM leader) hasn't come forward and its been 33 years, then it's inevitable this silence will cast a shadow of guilt on all AIM leaders and an organization of others who know who this is. This is still a catch 22.What do you believe is the solution to this problem of wrongful condemnation of an entire organization, instead of one person?

The answer should be at that link ..... Mighty easy to see parallels with Palestinians here, no? Corporate immunity perceived vital to the deity that their torturers like to shield from exposure is much like the frame of mind that captures how FBI and the likes  'pointystand' themselves.

Vancouver Sun, January 8, 2005

Rex Weyler received a Pulitzer Prize nomination for his 1982 book Blood of the Land, recounting the clash between native groups and law enforcement throughout the western hemisphere. His most recent book is Greenpeace: How a Group of Ecologists, Journalists, and Visionaries Changed the World (Raincoast Books, 2004).


Peltier a year earlier after the Arlo Looking Cloud trial:

I would have laid down my life to defend Kamook and her people and I did risk it several times. If there has ever been a time during my 28 years in this hole that I have felt disheartened, it is now. I loved Kamook as my own family. I can’t believe the $43,000 the FBI gave her was a determining factor for her to perjure herself on the witness stand.



Blogger Unknown said...

Wiconi, wicozani to you and your world! May you receive love, happiness, help and health in this journey you are taking! Much love, Karen L. Testerman

Peace be with you!

11:02 AM  

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