Tuesday, May 25, 2010

over 400 books of mine for sale

- 2002 editions - in exceptional cases a few years

1 --
right inside top

non-fiction -- (whole (not torn)

Since i do not know how to get rid of those invisibly coded linebreaks (about 5 page downs between tables) making this a waaaaaay too long ass post, i will put it here:

there is a black on white version you can click there but the next post has it straight (and coloured):

here's 19 boxes full for starters ... an average of 20 per box

the prices in the third columns were the new price at the time, .. second hand books are still half off i assume but non-profit community centres and libraries will get them anywhere from for an extra 15% off to free. The latter applies to places that manage to invite and convince me that they are a good home for the other half of my library also, which together with my manuscripts and many a rare gem i consider priceless).


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