Thursday, June 13, 2019

US raped kids in Iraq and recorded the screams for their mothers

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Japan goes to Iran and crop burning in syria - culprit spcltns

Here's Why Chernobyl is Still a Massive Problem Today

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Little Tybee - "Don't Quit Your Day Job" at Doppler Studios

Monday, June 10, 2019

Discussion Hosted by Omeed Malik in NYC (full video)

Sunday, June 09, 2019

A Day on our Worldbicycletour - How is China in 2019?

52th minute he says he needs to buy cooking gas before entering china cause roadstations won't fill it into bottles since it was used for self immolation often enough to cause this measure ... HLS (TSA) sinostyle .. foreign cyclists not excepted ... makes you feel part of the ... victims doughnit?

A Way Around some of the Censorship

Strike & Mike: RAM Case Dismissed! Update

acute observations regarding the American justice system (read: bias flavors)

Saturday, June 08, 2019

Political Correctness Excuse for the Left to censor whatever they dont like

Ry, i tried to point this out to you YEARS ago ... you commit a 'baby/bathwater' act on zionism when you omit the rootsy root of it's history ... very similar to how the nazis initially rallied support via nature clubs of all sorts ... those beta led crystallization points / camps / kibbutzes ... you name them ... got pushed over and out by the bullies .. on both sides ... (of the 'agreement' coin).

The Gay Wonk Cries Out in Pain

Friday, June 07, 2019

Elton John - Ticking (Caribou 10 of 13)

O EM GEE Censorship

on your mind

Part 5: Mike Mease about Buffalo Field Campaign

Published on Nov 5, 2010

The Buffalo Field Campaign (BFC) is the only group working in the field, everyday, to stop the slaughter and harassment of Yellowstone's wild buffalo. Volunteers from around the world defend buffalo on their traditional winter habitat and advocate for their protection. Our daily patrols stand with the buffalo on the ground they choose to be on, and document every move made against them. This is the only continuously wild Buffalo herd left. Find out more:

Thursday, June 06, 2019

Mister Metokur State Of It All (Full No Superchat)

YouTube begins Mass video Removal on the anniversary of the 6 day war

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