Saturday, July 30, 2022

time to act on my fracUProtest vow

time to act on my vow
some years ago i saw this coming and vowed to emigrate in protest ... hence: house for sale; 17m east of R'dam, WOZ 260thou, make that 313 and it's yours. An upstairs with it's own toilet/shower, no seperate entrance, spacious bathroom downstairs, shadetrees in front lowering temps 15-20 degrees of 'summerest' daze.

Quoting Strategic Culture [last paras]:
Risibly, too, you have supposedly environmentally concerned European governments trying to replace affordable and relatively clean Russian natural gas with significantly more expensive and dirty US LNG. The mining of American shale gas is environmentally brutal as is shipping it in bulk carriers across the Atlantic. There is no way that US gas can make up for Russia’s supply to the rest of Europe. It is estimated that the current surge in US exports will reach a total of about 80 bcm this year. That only accounts for half of what Russia has been supplying (155 bcm). To make up for the critical shortfall, European states are reopening coal mines, which betrays their purported concern about mitigating climate change. Even those desperate measures in addition to unrealistic claims about using renewable energy sources will mean that European citizens are facing deep hardship from freezing households and crippling fuel bills.

The US-led imperial warmongering against Russia is indulged by European political lackeys and clowns who are treating their own citizens with outrageous contempt. Not only are European citizens expected to watch their governments squander tens of billions of euros of public taxes on weaponizing a Nazi regime in Ukraine, but they are also expected to don hair shirts to pay for American exports of shoddy gas supplies.




19/8 ------- 2skywalker ---- k93 --- 25magn
Bürgerinitiativen gegen das Fracking sind alarmiert. Sie protestieren gegen die geplanten LNG-Terminals, Ende August plant die Initiative Gas-Exit Berlin ein Protestwochenende. Bereits im Mai hatten 46 Initiativen aus ganz Deutschland in einem Brief an Kanzler Scholz der Expertenkommission vorgeworfen, dass sie sich "in wesentlichen Sachverhalten auf veraltete Gutachten beziehen, bzw. auch Daten zusammenführen, die zwangsläufig ein falsches Bild des Gefährdungspotentials der Frackingtechnik zeichnen".

Aus Fracking gewonnenes Erdgas, womöglich noch flüssiges Erdgas, das sogenannte LNG, sei noch klimaschädigender als Braunkohle. Sie forderten von Scholz:

    Ein komplettes und dauerhaftes Frackingverbot zur Gewinnung von Erdgas und Erdöl in Deutschland in allen geologischen Schichten.

Offener Brief von 46 Bürgerinitiativen

19/8 ------- 2skywalker ---- k93 --- 25magn › nieuws › amerikaans-lng-gelost-in-zeebrugge
Amerikaans LNG gelost in Zeebrugge | APZI
Door de prijszetting en de marktsituatie blijkt het de jongste maanden voor de uitvoerders van vloeibaar aardgas wereldwijd interessant hun pijlen op Europa te richten. Zo noteerde men dat er plots ladingen Amerikaans LNG richting Europa werden verscheept. In die context noteerde de LNG-terminal van Zeebrugge van Fluxys LNG op 21 januari 2022 nu ook zo'n lading Amerikaans vloeibaar aardgas ... › vrtnws › nl › 2022 › 01 › 21 › amerikaans-schaliegas-de-redder-van-onze-exploderende-energiefa
Kan Amerikaans schaliegas ons redden uit de Oekraïnecrisis?
Mar 4, 2022De EU-ministers van Energie waren op hun recente crisisoverleg alvast vragende partij. En ook ons land lonkt naar Amerikaans LNG. In het akkoord over de kernuitstap net voor Kerstmis kreeg minister Tinne Van der Straeten de opdracht naar LNG uit de VS en Canada te kijken. Maar de Amerikanen gaan dat gas niet gratis leveren. › leun-achterover-en-kijk-toe-hoe-europa-zelfmoord-pleegt
Leun achterover en kijk toe hoe Europa zelfmoord pleegt
Apr 8, 2022Roebelgas of Amerikaans LNG? De Russische rondetafel Valdai Club heeft een essentiële discussie van deskundigen gevoerd over wat wij bij The Cradle hebben omschreven als Roebelgas - de echte geo-economische game-changer in het hart van het post-petrodollartijdperk. Alexander Losev, lid van de Russische Raad voor Buitenlands en Defensiebeleid .. › een-vooruitblik-op-de-volgende-premier-van-het-verenigd-koninkrijk
Een vooruitblik op de volgende premier van het Verenigd Koninkrijk ...
2 days agoDe invoer van Amerikaans LNG-gas naar Europa is de laatste tijd sterk gestegen. Ironisch genoeg gaat het daarbij vaak om schaliegas, wat dus overal op het continent verboden is. Truss wil ook af van de habitatrichtlijn van de EU om in plaats daarvan eigen Britse doelstellingen op vlak van biodiversiteit invoeren. › nl › article › militaire-energie-en-voedselcrisis
Militaire, Energie- en voedselcrisis | Геополитика.RU
Jul 9, 2022Daar komt nog bij dat het gebruik van Noord-Amerikaans LNG (dat duurder is voor de eindverbruiker) en geproduceerd wordt door middel van hydraulic fracturing, niet alleen tijd kost om nieuwe terminals te bouwen en veel energie verbruikt voor het omzettingsproces, maar ook "ecologisch vijandig" is.

18/8 ======= 1human //// k92 ------ 24magn

19/8 ------- 2skywalker ---- k93 --- 25magn
frak shill

For Branka Vuleta, the Founder of, the transition towards full-time remote work was simply an extension of the practices she already had in place at her company.

“We did offer remote work options before the pandemic,” Branka explains. “But it was only occasionally when employees needed it. For instance, employees could request remote work if they needed to attend an appointment within business hours.”
Proximity to fracking sites associated with risk of childhood cancer
August 17, 2022
using a 'novel metric'
frak shill

For Branka Vuleta, the Founder of, the transition towards full-time remote work was simply an extension of the practices she already had in place at her company.

“We did offer remote work options before the pandemic,” Branka explains. “But it was only occasionally when employees needed it. For instance, employees could request remote work if they needed to attend an appointment within business hours.”

regal gobshites must never be let near newmanglefangled 'innovations' [like the castrated glycine rebaptized glyphosate and capable of getting god himself in a tangle. › articles › fracking-sites-children-health-leukemia
Study: Pa. children who live near fracking sites have greater leukemia ...
1 day agoChildren who live close to fracking sites in Pennsylvania have a higher risk for the most common form of childhood cancer, a new study finds Researchers at the Yale School of Public Health used the Pennsylvania Cancer Registry, along with state data on unconventional oil and gas drill sites, to determine that children born within two kilometers, or 1.24 miles, of an active well site were two ... › pennsylvania › 2022 › 08 › 17 › children-living-near-pa-fracking-sites-are-at-increased-risk-of-leukemia-study-finds
Children living near Pa. fracking sites are at increased risk of ...
1 day agoUnconventional gas development is also referred to as fracking, which is a part of the overall process that injects water with chemicals at high pressure into shale rock formations deep ...
Proximity to fracking sites associated with risk of childhood cancer
August 17, 2022
factor 3 and a 5th of the total tested affected????

Pennsylvania children living near unconventional oil and gas (UOG) developments at birth were two to three times more likely to be diagnosed with leukemia between the ages of 2 and 7 than those who did not live near this oil and gas activity, after accounting for other factors that could influence cancer risk, a novel study from the Yale School of Public Health finds.

The registry-based study, published Aug. 17 in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, included nearly 2,500 Pennsylvania children, 405 of whom were diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, the most common type of cancer in children.

and you're gonna try tell me that the sheer use of the 'purified product has health effects comparable to 'normal' gas.

satanicized clownworld led by witches on the hunt .. you know the type, fueled by jealousy and fear, .. pure reflexivity and selfrighteous purified.
The horror people ..... › fracking-new-freeport-greene-county-pa-water-quality-eqt-corporation
Frack out in PA town leaves residents questioning water safety
Jul 21, 2022A frack out — sometimes spelled "frac out" — occurs when fluid pumped into a well to fracture shale formations and release gas instead enters an abandoned well. › dep-investigating-a-frac-out-eqt-gas-well-in-greene-county-residents-claim-water-contamination
DEP investigating 'frac-out' at EQT well in Greene County, possible ...
Jul 14, 2022Reid R. Frazier covers energy for The Allegheny Front. His work has taken him as far away as Texas and Louisiana to report on the petrochemical industry and as close to home as Greene County, Pennsylvania to cover the shale gas boom. His award-winning work has also aired on NPR, Marketplace and other outlets.

Rootland is an hourlong feature on the results of fracking right in the breadbasket of the NM and Southern Co, available to watch 'free' on vimeo.

if you don't get the message from it, you are subhuman
I wish Putin would bomb all AmiFrakGas buyers in the name of preventing suffering by that 'wellheeled' strain of BiPedal SataniCrazed 'unhuman' .....
EQT stops fracking at site in Greene County after claim of water contamination; DEP investigating
Reid FrazierJuly 14, 2022

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection is investigating several complaints possibly related to an incident at a fracking site in Greene County in June.

According to the DEP, the incident happened near EQT’s “Lumber” gas well, where the company was actively fracking for natural gas. The agency said in an email that on June 19, an area resident complained to the company that sediment was getting into their well water and that gas and fluid were coming out of a nearby abandoned well.

The DEP said EQT confirmed the fluid from the active fracking site was “communicating” with the abandoned well – a condition sometimes called a ‘frac-out’.


Friday, July 29, 2022

George Webb w Peter Duke end july22

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

i serve jay dyer a cerntification

Augustine, Analogy of Being, Delusion & Fr Romanides Worship in "John the Pilgrim" - Jay Dyer
Streamed live on Jul 23, 2022
Jay Dyer
93.4K subscribers
Note: I misspoke when holding the book St Basil Against Eunomius: I meant to say Basil Against Eunomius and said “On the Holy Spirit.”  Today I will be replying to an individual as a test case of mental illness and obsessive subversion which will function as a case study - not only in mental illness and prelest, but also in some of the real issues in the Orthodox world.  For years various individuals, when opposed or refuted, become obsessive and as always happens, eventually out themselves as adopting bizarre heresies or having unorthodox pet beliefs all along.  Often this has to do with not having actually done the reading or had any philosophical training, thinking they can bypass that with their nauseating piety signaling and spiritual one-upping.  Today one of these subversives has been outed and will be a case example in delusion, heresy and mental illness as we cover the real issue in Fr Romanides' actual mistakes and what the fruits are with one of his obsessive, clearly mentally unstable disciples.  It will also help clarify the issues are not a choice between Augustine or Fr Romanides but that both are in error.

i see you tryin to take [back?] markcyst tactics for a righteously realistic solid cause ['backage'?] when comparing the theowoo you leave out of your sessions w Tim Kelly. Takes a split person to debate one i guess. I use colours and hammer on piety, pointing to my notes, beggin people to chuck them into their searchpool .. and recently lost a youtube account with thousands of vids listed .. but no loss to you. i don't think i listed any of yours, .. unless you were part of that freeman thing ranting against the psychedelic movement, ascribing the whole thing to psyops, suppressing the rainbow family aspects completely. am i rite?

VBeeley chats w man in Lviv

i'll chuck in  today's notes for the hell of it ... [can't vouch for all the links yet]

6MONKEY -- k71 --- 3mag

8. Nord Xfce Terminal: Go Nerd With Ubuntu Terminal

The Nord Xfce terminal theme is a lightweight and handy theme for Ubuntu. For installing the Nord terminal theme, you can either place the theme directory into the default directory, or you can run an installation script for executing the terminal theme on your Ubuntu machine.

In the terminal preferences, you can browse the ‘Colors’ section to select the text color, background color, cursor color, tab activity color from the Nord Xfce terminal theme package. For getting over the installation process, please go through this web URL.

july 10th
PIETY PIET July 27, 2022 At 08:26
Your comment is awaiting moderation

HI, i held off updating the 4.14 linux version for fear of losing themes made by iamjustus until i ran into lots of crashes this year …
Turns out they still work .. except for mousepad. Is there a simple way to restore this? I am no techead at all [but posted thousands of ‘searchpool’ fodder [decades worth of notes, repros of my early [90s] sites and then some.

In your terminal type:

sudo apt-get install dconf-cli uuid-runtime

You can now install in interactive mode (easy) or non-interactive mode (ideal for scripting)
gear Install (interactive mode)

1. Just copy and paste this one-line command:

bash -c "$(wget -qO-"

bash -c  "$(wget -qO-"

EasyNote p pw still missing .. catfish finds none .. not even the 'leich' one which i am no longer sure about fully, or not now at least ...

But what was it like out in the world for you? I would be interested in the tiniest of details….and I know you notice the very tiniest of details …down to the tiniest mollusk in dirt..
do you mean to ask how i felt travelling again?
how would a little studied complex influencer, well aware of the infantile, not to mention counterproductive beginnings of effects from his existence on more and more of those around still also, feel? To sum it up in 2 words: faustian and futile.

Well…we are both so lucky to have roof over our head…our mothers’… protected space…til we leave
country tune 'progress' reaches no 1 in 6h

a fave by hemant kumar [1955]:
28th minute
8. Main Garibon Ka Dil Hoon (27:31 = 1651)
Movie-Ab-E-Hayat ---- Music Director-Sardar Malik
Lyricist-Hasrat Jaipuri
Mood- Joy, Cheerfulness, Happiness -- Theme-Joy
Starcast-Prem Nath
Old Hindi Movie | Abe Hayat | Prem Nath | Shashikala | Bollywood Hindi Movie --- 11,745 views -- Mar 17, 2018 --- Ultra Movie Parlour -- 19.8M subscribers
Clif_High : Conspiracy Analytica Podcast. ---- 351 views ---- followers 321 ----- Sama_El ----- Jun 11, 2022
The Truth About UFOs, Fake Space Whistleblowers, & Earth's Pole Shift
Clif Joins Jordan Sather -- First Published January 11th. 2022. -- Gratitude and Thanks. Mirrored From Rumble. Conspiracy Analytica.

CH w  Jenny Constantine on Nummo / origins.
eva bartlett
July 27, 2022 – 3:34 pm

Journalist Steve Sweeney Exposes RSF’s Call For Censorship of Russian Media As Ukraine Bombs Donbass Civilians
InGaza, Jul 27 2022
only a few of the RELATED LINKS:

Reporters Without Borders launches campaign to censor Russian media
How the World Press Freedom Index Was Politicized – Long Before the New Cold Wars
British Media “WHITEWASHING” Ukrainian Neo-Nazis – UK Editor Tells RT

Western media quick to accuse Syria of ‘bombing hospitals’ – but when TERRORISTS really destroy Syrian hospitals, they are silent
Western media and politicians prefer to ignore the truth about civilians killed in Donetsk shelling [When Kiev’s guilt in attacks on a maternity hospital cannot be denied, it’s simply brushed under the carpet]

on Lviv
'Lviv is packed full of Nazis, Fascists and Mercenaries' - interview with Steve Sweeney ---- 9.2K views -- Jun 8, 2022 --- 758 ---- vanessa beeley --- 18.7K subscribers

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

US libertarian comedy looks hard again

Episode 239 - The Four Horsemen #17 - Coverdale, Jackman, Dawson and Jeremy Kauffman
Streamed live on Jul 25, 2022
Naturalist Capitalist
9.64K subscribers
Jeremy Kauffman joins the Four Horsemen to talk about his run for US Senate, why you should move to New Hampshire and most importantly of all, why we need to make the nukes gay.

Follow Jeremy on Twitter:

Support Jeremy's Campaign:

Follow Eric on Twitter:

Subscribe to Eric on YouTube:


Support Eric's Patreon:

Follow Ryan on Odysee:

Follow Ryan on Telegram:
20th minute: censorship 05 ... well, there was pre-vid 'threadcership' triggered by the impermissibly prophetical headsup word zionazi in 2002 ... followed by feminazi some years later

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Melro preto (Turdus merula) na Murtosa

Melro preto (Turdus merula) na Murtosa
Apr 8, 2012
1.77K subscribers
O melro-preto é das espécies mais reconhecidas, tornando-se notória a presença desta ave em zonas verdes. Na Murtosa é facilmente observado em espaços verdes e mesmo nos jardins das casas.

let's keep it musical shall we???

via een link naar PD w GW via van/te zie ik een bekend channel icon:
Piety Piet duh Pious Poet
Piety Piet duh Pious Poet
0 seconds ago
hey, .. ?? did i get reinstated??

oh, it's my other moniker ... of yesteryearzz ... only a fraction of the listed and now lost vids [an average of 150 for each of the 155 {lists} in sept20 and then some at his 'Rockease ZZZZ to [beginner] Earth SPInner' sibling/persplit / perspinoff ... and 'ancient'] are prolly still there .. i'll have to go see myself... i'll be right back

only 6 subscribers there, 856 subscriptions ... and 11 [all small] lists:

bass harmonica for 40m, 18th of forty liked vids:

yt won't let me make liked ones public

Sunday, July 10, 2022

The Poison Squad | Full Film | American Experience | PBS

no institutions are exceptional, with individuals there's a chance, with the FDA not a one ... but .. altho this principle has a shot, it can 'nach hinten los' go ... take Zelensky for instance, 'properly cuckmedia amplified, he does the devil's work that once took thousands [of kommisars] but woke media all being kommisarish now, he manages 'by his lonesome'.

at GW substack .. morningstar writes:
And this 749 page book by Christopher Story was way ahead of our times, Christopher was both prescient and prophetic.

Quote; "THE NEW UNDERWORLD ORDER is a world in which official criminality, driven by

bribery and corruption, is the norm among all layers of governance. At the vast

intergovernmental level, the Rule of Law does not apply -"

is this the same herbart he is on about?
october 2008 ... on PLW (Peter Lamborn Wilson)
"Writing begins as a method of controlling debt owed to the Temple, debt as yet another form of absence."
I admit, credit isn't quite targetted correctly, taken up and cracked up to what is can and is supposed to be but this is ridiculously biassed. What happened to wealth(writs) as indices to all in stock and store, besides the quanta of immediately commitable inspiration, anticipation, etcetera? Like so:
debt/indemnity telescape stack sweep stalk to handle loan (lean limb loanery) in depthitude
--------- primary: surplusses serving preparatory prelimbs
--------- secondary: bridging budget adjustments in the stages of run up, latent and incubatory costs
--------- tertiary: to subsidize pr, (brand)recognition, verify and callibrate demand.
--------- quartiary: and subsequent loan layers can be earmarked, served and repayed from first --- felt but ineffectually targetted need, misidentified lacks and unrealized demand --- proceeds, profits, benefits and simple sample supplies and surplusses
Following that German fella, Herbart on surplus deposit receipts (Joseph the 'rainbow' genius of storage) taken next door and turned in in exchange for prostitutory servicing I take it, many primitive monies were proof, credit and captive slave slutmachine token in that perved sensuality sense.
A minor critical note: A man with Roger's calibur kopflastigkeit would not in a million years be expected to get to the nitty gritty levels of bottom up as i call them (though i seem to do OK on the slivver of his turf i had a peek around in) but he can't quite reach the ones Beckerath explained either. Instead he reads Mark Thoma's Economist’s View and cites a commenter named James Kroeger before imploring us to plug his ideas everywhere (we go [[digital{{{ly}}}]])
Comments on Michael Hudson whom i read on tuesday, mirrorgap day, september08, ... a few things that strike me about this article:
fire (finance insurance real estate) savvy, passivity ... Michael nonvalidates choice and confound[aPound]s the two last mentioned terms with extremely agressive parasitism.
am i a pilot fish for sharks (as the astrologer thingamajiggy [[Barry Lynes]] said told me to my face)
philos levy / jcarvingblock at goldismoney cites Todd's ledgerism site in februari, but it has been down most of this year
not as if but a sieve not as if but a parsseepzion .. not as if but a real sievishly ... slothropian bonus: improving-your-productivity/

page 51 of linked book shows an ed related diagram that ranges from Hegel and Herbart ["servant of the state"] to 'Rockaraiser' Foundations ... yet no Herbart in the txt ... is this the same herbart who explained money's relation to slippurry thingz [temple tokens] that inspired me to say this, end 2001:

I've become a member of a borderline delusional group where some heavy hitters on the monetary front (like turmel who spends time in court on behalf of medpot it seems) fi(b)re a way, the 'mom, Jon Chance Citizen & Chief of Staff group/jpchance recommends:
One of the "classics" is TOTAL RESISTANCE - SWISS ARMY GUIDE TO GUERRILLA WARFARE & UNDERGROUND OPERATIONS by Major H. Von Dach. Might be somewhat outdated, but solid and simple.
-------Jon likes to be hard to get a hold of; he claims never to read conspiracy literature but mentions Larouche and Quigley only sentence away. My intropost: explanation for grind rules I apply and am constantly grounding (if not better at least differently 'keyboardEfi(n)ed', albeit impromptu, briefly below) I would attempt to direct your attention, skill and perspicacity (how else would you get back bout me bones?) at the links in this subdirectory: /guest_appearances/ it contains 2Mb worth of material on the subject from the 30ties.
I'll try to give the gist in my own words after a much deeper stab (via W Herbart) in the first sentence:
Money started off as the tokens proving dues were paid and templeslut service secured evolving to the slot/machine footing but money is (not causes, IS) the wrong kind of trouble when getting hung up in the taboo selection department on its way to a local manifestation of universal principle in (P)revolitionary fashion. ----
Money was happiest (most dignified non-inflationary) during the days state and private moneys made each other toe the line and held each other in check thanks to international ties of the inflation wary(and punishing) and their fast info monitoring the (free enterprise and fedfed) feed in(tax 'n' time, product and plan based) monies (as lube)which trade and taxoffice traffic would bear/need without spilling any (which would proclaim and taletell the wastercurse of ineffection and unaffection, war 'spending' notably). -----
Private monies 'exuded' from and represented the gamut range between brief basic necessity perishable backed voucherlike stuff no less distinctly than the less tangible and informative yet more collective 'promissaries' of long term consensus (its representational success substituting [[displaying a paradoxical inverse proportion regarding the need]] for solid backing, in it's worst case stipulating gold as exclusive payments instead of using it as a background reckoning unit and stable standard of measure - I propose and predict photosynthesis rates becoming a future one) - ---
Thus gold demand is passive agressive security seeking which ignores any and all refs to weights of this, that or other present or future good or service which as a relative reckoning unit it can 'fathom', tackle and get utilitarily hitched onto in order to become 'productive'. -----The confusion between gold and money stems partly from the fact that states were first (ar)rivals at the stage where tightrope dancing skills navigating between trust and consensus on the one hand with clout, notoriety and manipulative speculation on the other obscured the fact that any money worthy that name is principally a VERY WELL SPECIFIED, and consensed by all involved and affected 'QUALIQUANTUM' and not a soldier's soldi decided upon by more or less witting pawns of arms industries.
I doubt the war tribunal will find a check from daimler/chrysler in Milosevic' records for instance. Many problems around hyrarchies (leading the desperately unreal- and idealistic to try deny its viability and do away with it altogether) stem from the fact that the stage which launches and spawns a next thereby disqualifies itself; this sort of rocket blunderblustery is a burnt bridges policy that gets family feuding with tribes, them with confederation, the latter with nations and now tnc's are doing their own lateral crossreferencing to the detriment of vertical and always primary types. Watch for the tecnuke iller version coming to a netoutlet near you.
Umpteenth  printversion file (61K)  Made one for all 34 of them    Take - home - work - prin t- out file now containing (in flux till full): Borsodi [[moved to next issue meanwhile]] (School of living founder and currency experiment purveyor); exposure of warcrimes (Nato's and others) gets going (via Mihai, Chomsky and LBO);   LBO posts on what Nato does wrong or not at all. (Noam Chomsky reply to Aryeh Nyer's review of 'The New Military Humanism: Lessons From Kosovo'); another recent Chomsky (LATimes) called "neocolonial invite to tribal war"--------- Buckminster Fuller Institute Newsletter sample (
: : : --:: X ::-- : : : november : : : --:: X ::-- : : : about LETS in Japan; I collapsed the "way" [[one out of five categories/multipages, nine in this case]] into one compact-n-continuous read stream [[takin over half of this file]] as is my wont). Here is a segment from openmoney and some comment:
But above all, at a cost beyond counting, our monetarily driven behaviour has utterly disastrous effects on our society and the global environment. That's the bad news, but you probably knew it already. Now here's the good news - all these problems can be fixed with money that's better designed. Money is just information, a way we measure what we trade, nothing of value in itself.
--- If we let go of the issue and emission duties inextricably linked with rights thereof, let go of consensed AND unopposed as widely as possible, earmarked, moored to physical reality kinds of info yes, that indeed is part of the definition for worhtless money; parasitic versions thereof include those called into existence as betting, speculation and derivatizing contracts which by no means merely shifts entitlements but erode reality with it's tug of war between greater efficiency and power accumulation on the one hand with a viability serving diversity on the other.
----And we can make it ourselves, to work as a complement to conventional money. Just a matter of design. There is no good reason for a community to be without money. To be short of money when there's work to get done is like not having enough inches to build a house. We have the materials, the tools, the space, the time, the skills and the intent to build ... but we have no inches today? Why be short of inches? Why be short of money?
----- If you have all that already inches were used and it is better to formulate differently, namely that you ran out of them (out of money to pay wages would be a fitting analogy). I would use a different analogy to bring the energy equity aspects out better. For instance: say, you want to build a house in a solid rock wall; you start with zero inches except the ones accumulated in their lack attenuating, acquired ingenuity, all you can bring to bear. After all, life don't start in empty space as much as in niche-like places (before all rather, where money is tight, literally so if you wanna go along with my fresh dust as money analogies) ---
Open moneys are virtual, personal and free. Any community, network, business can create their own free money - "free" as in free speech, free radical, freely available - but NOT free as in free lunch, or free ride. It's not something you get for nothing. Open money is money that must be earned to be respected. When you issue it, you are obliged to redeem it - your money is your word. It's just a matter of your reputation in your community. Open money is flat money. It confers no power of one over another, only one with another. Exploitation is no problem; when you have your own money, you can't be bought and sold so easily. You can choose what you do to earn your money. And there's no monopoly, all systems coexist in the same space. Flatter than flat (piet: fleeter than a flatterer?) - open money is superflat. Open money is virtual and not limited. Physical things exist in space and time - which makes them limited - in number, mass, place. Virtual things don't exist and need not respect any such limits. So any and all things are possible in open money space - any form at all. It's just a matter of devising a scoring system for those who consent to using it - money is simply a social arrangement. Of course, a system won't work as a money unless it's well designed. A scoring system that nobody wants to use isn't a working money.
---- At the moment lots of folks are trying to fight a scarring system and emancipation from monies in service of the war industry is indeed your potential contribution ---- Related: Richard has said goodbye to his adress (see the latest prfr's last item, and another somewhere in the one before that) for more ----- -- -- -- Keith Hart
next spin off special candidates which will probablt not make the grade for permanent residence/representation here (all the prfr that did)  I am afraid but for the next day or so, enjoy: a prfr version called Document.htm (102K):

Glyphosate in 80% of US urine samples

Friday, July 08, 2022

Tibetan Song by Dorje Dolma

Ry w Scott Ritter for 2 hours on wokedo[o]m

juicy anecdotes about:

[Worst Kind Of] Fratboy BJohnson elected on the merits of not being establishment disfunctioning as establishment accelerator

the f35 tragicomedy

Richard Pearle and Paul Wolfowitz [from the early 90s]
..these 2 have been Ryan's all time top 10 bete noirs anywho .... monstrosity flavored fruits from the diseased branches of zionist ... eh ... armorescence.

A certain type of jew's passtime AND raison d'etre is to kill whitie reddie and blackie. They'll usually find some pawn to off their own en masse cause the 'up for grabs' phase they're after after [and gunning for before] all bibilical hell breaks loose causes and necessitates a gauntlet marathon of corner cuttings which kindle more and more primitive notions of sacrifice and appeasement to get the job done. But at hicucktide they can dispense with intermediaries and have straydup 'jooowz' say "fight to the last ukrainian" .. and the naivecuckwest swallows, echos and sponsors it .. causing not only nothing standing in the way of whitefleshtrade but, as our man Scott explains, a very severy culling of 'duh poor' regardless of race, gender and location. A mass murder [by starvation, barring switch to algae, water surface plants, insects, whathaveya] committed by wokie westled global cultmembers who can't think properly or are too damaged, cynical and/or unethical to even know what that means. compos mentis?

Bjerknes [cjbbooks] keeps mentioning sacrifice and appeasement in connection to moses on his latest vid .... but good ol' moisje had a much easier fit in my camp mayhap?

smashes stone tables from on high ... [how fine? .. and what happed to the fragments {{bags of proceeds}} afterwards? ... Did that get censored like my work and the likes of it? 'incommuarantined'????]

and what about him striking rock ... sounds to me like a very tiny fragment of another 'doofpotted' tale ....

like jesus, on about churchcornerstones ... into which i take the liberty to read naturally essential stonemeals, stonedusts, stoneflours .... stricken rock indeed ..... struck with loving kindness only, trail n trace foresight, insight, provisionary paternation and patternnotion .. grounded notation via humblest of channels for divinity, as vital as basic

kindness so dear yet so near yes near.

i dedicate this rant to my birthvillage youth, specially the part that breezed thru my house for a few years before the witch and her monster ... developed a deadly jealousy ..... i think Toonder's [trullenhoedster?] tale did not quite prepare and immunize me enuf against taking loss of territory [even if it's only a meter and a bit by barely that] easily enuff ... cause it's thought that counts ......... it's 2 years ago now .. it got baited w poison and i so underestimated the depth of evil ---in a dutch family trying so hard to fit in and keep up [dem deceptive /cuck] appearances, taking the liberty to go ['down yar throat forceful' or 'op z'n gluiperigst' rather] missionary on someone with no such hang up--- that i didn't even realize my appletree's sudden sickening was not from a spate of too intense sunlight but from their poison, prolly bought expressly for that purpose .. justified by the fact i refused to remove the [freshly planted] tree and instead made clear it was gonna be pruned to not cause even a square centimeter of shade on their side of the deadly sharp property line if that's what they insisted on ... 'meanwhile' .... even  the fact our raindrains have been connected since 'oplevering' [2001, thirteen year before they purchased the property] hadn't been reason enuff to waste a word on me before buying the house, whose seller i so implored to send prospective buyers by to get acquainted [as i am an odd burd indeed] .. a 'feel'. Is this a 'free' country?

is the eu helping Ukraine get 'free'?

or are Ry and Scott dead on truthteller of this timejoint, being asked to do the impossible by a creepy and creepily global cult federation?? .... poor burds ... poor plants .. poor coldbloods ... pour waters .... sad sun .....

Stax version of Ry w Scott:

Friday, July 01, 2022

Christopher Portier - EU Hearing on Glyphosate 2016 == onbezorgbaar
#2 Christopher Portier Presentation EU Parliament Hearing on Glyphosate -- 650 views -- Oct 18, 2017 = undeliverable ... could you supply a valid one?,,,,,,,,,,,,

seeking help to start [or join a class action] courtcase over glyphosate poisoning

lawyer adresses very welcome

anything really ....
the attachments contain a chronicle of my illness,,,,, info@fulvic,,

it takes an unconscionable time to find this:
3rd of june, 3warrior:
Verdict: Overwhelmingly for the Plaintiff
Award: $2.055 Billion

roundup -- 16 vids, latest 5 years old
eu parliament hearings -- 14 vids
#1 Opening Statements at EU Parliament Hearing on Glyphosate
Oct 20, 2017
800-882-2525 they are in Va
please let me know if / wether you can recommend some dutch lawyer for my personal roundup poisoning case by a neighbour in 2021 ... possibly days into that deviljuice use finally getting prohibited in the Nethierlands ..........

1x 2022 on the front page, the blog latest is from 2019
4 head team that got an award from
Contact Jennifer at (502) 717-4080.
For additional assistance contact paralegal Mary Oost at (502) 717-4044.
the kentuckyan lady is grey now but the contact page has a photo of her w black hair .....
Jennifer A. Moore tried the only case in federal court involving the weedkiller, Roundup, proving that it caused her client’s non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma resulting in an $80 million verdict against Monsanto and leading to settlements exceeding $10 billion for thousands of injured victims. For over 20 years, Ms. Moore has fought to secure justice for her clients and held numerous wrongdoers accountable resulting in multi-million dollar trial verdicts and settlements.

please let me know if / wether you can recommend some dutch lawyer for my personal roundup poisoning case [by a neighbour] in 2021 ... possibly days into that deviljuice 'private' use finally getting prohibited in the Nethierlands ..........

health specialists info welcome also ... i am [self]helped w HCQ [CD/CDS, MMS, etcetra, chorinedioxice] and fulvic acid at the mo .... trying to recover from chemo and blaming myself for allowing an abject human couple [their diabolic 'decency' underestimated via suppression of very unpleasant memories ... an infamous 'look away' syndrome of 'dutch' culture. And to think any semi inaccessible places were the last holdouts of matrist cultures [beaut 'mermaid' vids at 'wabond' on youtube].
thanx for your focus and so long

on the way to retrieving this bunch of links i revisit:
    Roundup lawsuit lawyer firm in DC:
    Tosi Law LLP --DC
    Tosi & Rose ----- 888-311-8292
+4 not being replied to

    What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Roundup Exposure?
     Alexander Gallo | Dec 27, 2019 | 4 Comments
    Roundup exposure can cause symptoms ranging from minor skin and eye irritation to life-threatening cancers like non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

    Mass Tort Lawyers
    When “big pharmaâ€? and corporations put profits before the health and well-being of American consumers, our personal injury lawyers for mass tort and class action litigation fight to hold these companies accountable.
    100 3rd St --- #100 --------- Washington, DC 20004

Roundup Cancer Attorney R. Brent Wisner Discusses Roundup Lawsuits.
Mar 10, 2016
Baum Hedlund Aristei & Goldman, PC
Baum, Hedlund, Aristei & Goldman is representing clients who have been exposed to Monsanto Roundup [glyphosate] herbicide and have been diagnosed with various types of cancer.

it did not actually get banned in the netherlands [for 'private' use] till 2021 .. and in the very last days a 'weed' [i had watered 30cm from my frontdoor got the last drops from a hateful neighbour whose underhanded ways i had underestimated and suppressed [dutch 'look away' syndrome]. If you are acquainted w lawyers who would like to prosecute such a case, please put info in a reply to this comment

0800 827 0087

subversion of europe from all sides

A BROADER RUSSIAN RESURGENCE? – Russian Moves Beyond Ukraine – w/ Praise of Folly --- 1.6K views --- 11 hours ago ---- 223 --- Semiogogue -- 14.6K subscribers
Praise of Folly:

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