Friday, January 15, 2021

Biden and Harris to be Impeached 1st Day in Office


Republicide! -- 60K views -- 15 hours ago -- Jeffrey Prather
63.4K subscribers -- BREAKING! Pelosi blackmailed into 2nd charade impeachment. POTUS declass China Strategy. Dem's bill to end Electoral College. Antifa Agent Provocateur John Sullivan outed.

i would frame it differently buddy, the antagonism originates in USies refusing to accept the return of their dollars [those the sinosweaties amassed for their overlurids] thus forcing them to come back [reflux .. as all means of payment must credibly 'promise' the redemption to qualify as such] in illicit ways and 'manners' [ .. via 'louchere sujetten' than one finds in the transparant layers of market mercie murk it kit n kithery] .. not to mention that you already ticked me off suggesting judeotoxed whities are in the habit of returning conquered lands. Go climb a palestinian tree after you helped a gaggle of squaws restore her bloodlines ... before you 'return' yadayada .. why doughn cha??

DGR critiques 'multiplicitification' = long convo w Fialka duh mcluhanite [[and FWake reading group guy] and an urban architect plus 'concerned netizen'

my comment there
version 1: toxic matcho? sure, plenny .. but it exists by request .. from the snowflakey multiplicitified ... i mean -fiends who routinely disserve self one and all lathered in phoney tsjujtsjianity and 'schijnheil' 

version 2 [from the next day#]: toxic matcho? sure, plenny .. but it's more complicated than push/supply siding withism .. there's the betrayal abandonement front stuck to the backwaters and hinterland of 'backwards' origins for those willing to seek their fortune, luck and wisdom in cities, not just the banished rejects 'hapnin' when failing to breed true to form due to all sorts of toxic leakage and seepage .. building burdens cummulatively ... cities exists by request .. from the snowflakey 'multiplicitified' therein ... i mean -fiends who routinely disserve self one and all lathered in phoney tsjujtsjianity and 'schijnheil'

Trabajo en equipo: vecinos indios logran sacar un camión de un barranco


 Trabajo en equipo: vecinos indios logran sacar un camión de un barranco
•Jan 11, 2021
RT en Español
4.46M subscribers
En una operación de rescate única, cientos de vecinos del pueblo Kutsapo, en el estado indio de Nagaland, lograron sacar de un barranco un camión que cayó más de 20 metros desde una carretera estrecha. Como no había ninguna maquinaria para el rescate, los residentes utilizaron cuerdas y enredaderas para la exitosa operación.


heaven is reachable and teachable ... by the use of rope tricks

why do india and japan, but not china, as far as i know, have them?

and why has the western equivalent, cernunnos ... degenerated into snake handlers?

these are follow ups from preceding ponders here:

The US ruling class does not want economic growth!

Thursday, January 14, 2021

What is a Qigong Person? versus Neidan or Acupuncture and Yuan Qi and qi...

Drew has spoken ... on 2 of his 20 vids already, the effects of that swedish are as i expected they would be ... posted:
patience rewarded ... waited only 15 years to hear your voice
a decade ago he tolerated my presence on his blogs ... traces here:

Thursday, January 07, 2021

Covid-1984: Censorship & Medical Tyranny (with Spiro Skouras)

Covid-1984: Censorship & Medical Tyranny (with Spiro Skouras)
•Jan 5, 2021
Helen of Destroy
9.94K subscribers
Welcome to 2021, the theatrical performance for which 2020 was merely a dress rehearsal. If you haven't been deplatformed yet, don't worry, you will be. That is, unless we can get our shit together as a species and work together to pry the boot off our faces. The sooner we do that, the better.

Spiro was recently booted off Twitter for wrongthink. There's a lot of that going around these days, no matter how meticulously-researched one's content is. We are an information war - don't bring a plastic fork to a drone strike.

'Like,' share, & subscribe if you got something out of this content, because it probably won't be around much longer. Download this (& the other videos on both of our channels) & repost it to your own channel or platform.

Spiro's channels:

& as usual you can find my work at
Twitter: @velocirapture23

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