Friday, December 29, 2023

Grayzone slips us ziopreciated truths

30/12 ------------------ 6Monk ---- k71 ----- 17/05: {lot} --- DOOT: {lot}

my quoteshare of a Moshe Zimmerman Ha'aretz article gets an immediate shadowban, i guess i shouldn't have restated his point hah?

this began to dawn on me a generation ago:
zionazi vs human
zionists + nazis == #zionazis
females + males == humans
ya nazi sought to purify
yo zionist wanted to recallibrate
now ... several metastati[zion]ation cycles later:
zionazis seek to eliminate

 The torture never stops - The Grayzone live
The Grayzone
326K subscribers ----- 27027 views in 9hours

TM on abarmy bunk zuckin away for over a decade now ... finally 'catching' or undead blobness now featuring a feature film as tootbell

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