Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Coronavirus - is there a system behind the madness? (Interview ... | kl...

i am sure you wanna hear about some precedent:

about a flag scammer in ireland
•Mar 31, 2020
1.82K subscribers
my fave ire channel .. until i find one that softens rockhard bottom for treeroots to burrow into ... there's a mountain of the stuff in amsterdam as a sideproduct of the paradise paving pro-abjectivation ... and people are so traumatized with toxic slibs (cross border 'trade' starts at a single one folks, sometimes the sell outs are awful close) that they associate the wasteful action of burying it under forementioned stuff (coin of the norse realm btw, the very stuff Julius Hensel [he dead and i try honour his name] had so much hope as the protocullian pharmaffiya had chased him from his perch via their breathers in 'hi' places of justery) which is urgently needed to be a live pond bottom all over the lighter soils if we want to do some real tree nursing our weather back to health ...... is:


No Going Back...This Pandemic Changes Everything!
4.8K views -- Mar 31, 2020 -- 579:27 -- Bealtaine Cottage
28.4K subscribers
glad you dulled the sharpness of your words with a thrush soundtrack ... either that or she followed you around .... i confuufffweatfweatfused
Grote Lijster / Mistle Thrush / Turdus viscivorus
Ami Lijster / Hermit Thrush / Catharus guttatus

www.houtekamer.com/vogels/040 Passeriformes/catharus guttatus/catharus guttatus.html
Roodkeelsialia -:::::- Blauwkeelsialia -:::::- Bergsolitaire -:::::- Bergdwerglijster -:::::- Heremietlijster -:::::- Geelpootlijster -:::::- Merel -:::::- Kramsvogel -:::::- Koperwiek -:::::- Zanglijster -:::::- Grote Lijster -:::::- Reuzenlijster -:::::- Roodbuiklijster -:::::- Vaalborstlijster -:::::- Crèmebuiklijster -:::::- Cabanis' Lijster -:::::- Grays Lijster -:::::- Ecuadorlijster -:::::- Mexicaanse Witneklijster -:::::- Roodborstlijster

Thursday, March 26, 2020

March 25th, 2020 Wuhan CoronaVirus Patient Zero Revisited

he should have put bioweapons in the title really ... here's what i posted:

some[ wan ]'one' pranked the ccp and told them 'hey i'll show the way' to awe and respect .. we'll help you pretend you can handle an epidemic. Remember china had bioweapon experts AND pandemic simulators over for a prepping excercize ... and we know how often these are upgraded to live and sharp oopsies.

The stampeding specialists i am talking about knew full well a flue is uncontainable and goes round the world in no time, using planes boats and the weather itself, the latter doin a heads up homeopathy prep that natural way.

Anyway, they fudge the numbers and manage to turn the whole thing into a nepture entering pisces celebration leveraging the make believe into a worship of costly terminal care which succeeded beyond their wildest dreams with an 'at all cost clause, ... draconianisms stacked to ever more perilously sharp heights of alpha position clambrin after ever more staggering proof of decept, belief & compliance.

Good luck educatin  people about the uselessness and positive evil of pharmaffiyose care porn ... you'll need it.


i found the most levelheaded vids on the subject are produced by german speakers, hands down ... with this notable exception:


Viruses: Do you believe they are making some people sick and killing others? Part 9 - 495 views -- Mar 20 ---- Calen Tanner Lightheart

26.6K subscribers - Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D. discusses the Coronavirus

plenny of italian ones with this antivaxxer:

Entspannte Töne aus Italien: Dr. Stefano Montanari (20.03.2020)

 „Sie Wissen was Sie tun, das ist Kriminell oder Sie sind total Verblödet" Gelöschtes Original Video von YT  byoblu


 here's a few good ones in German (first a translated one):

Coronavirus - A respiratory illness like every winter? ( Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg) ... | kla.tv/15919


Corona - Eine epidemische Massenhysterie

672 views -- Mar 22 -- ViaVetoTV - 2.03K subscribers

Corona-Tote: Was verraten die Zahlen? | Harald Lesch



Dirk Pohlmann


Corona: „Ich sehe wirklich keine Neuerkrankung am Horizont!“ – Dr. med. Claus Köhnlein im Gespräch

Das Coronavirus macht uns nicht krank - Prof. Dr. Stefan Hockertz 24.03.2020 - Bananenrepublik

ps: if you liked my comment go here for more:

Coronavirus: A call to (in)action

13K views -- Mar 22 -- Maximus Ironthumper -- 94.7K subscribers

say 'one' can attach something deadly to a virus .. and it's deadlyness is if affected if the virus decides to change / disguise that side of it's appearance ... which it comes 'around' to sooner or later ... strikes me as a russian roulette situation ... to test this one has to use general populations ... i hope yall ferret out all the ones subjected and bring all weaponizers to trial asap ... i'll prolly have won the world cup for best treatment of worst disea .. i mean, that sort of crimes by then. ... Hope to relay from you. Congrats with your catchon rate.

the bad news is in the last 3 minutes

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Coronavirus - A respiratory illness like every winter? ( Dr. Wolfgang Wo...

take an hour to listen to this also: E. Michael Jones on COVID-19 and Black Frankenstein

 ... it sounds fine to me at one and half the play speed

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Ces femmes qui sauvent les hérissons

she saves about 250 animals per year

Friday, March 20, 2020

We Are Being Played

7th Fire Podcast: Wet’suwet’en & Jordan Cove Pipeline Update

Sunday, March 08, 2020

Saturday Morning Live with George Webb, 11am EST, 030720

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