Thursday, February 13, 2020

Vanessa Beeley Interview - Turkey, Israel & US Openly Protect Extremists...

Vanessa Beeley Interview - Turkey, Israel & US Openly Protect Extremists In Idlib
•Feb 13, 2020
vanessa beeley
9.18K subscribers
My latest interview with Ryan Christian of Last American Vagabond.

We cover everything Syria - Idlib, Aleppo, Turkey, Israel, US, UK, White Helmets, "For Sama", propaganda, OPCW.....

Joining me today is Vanessa Beeley, an independent investigative journalist and photographer who has worked extensively in the Middle East – on the ground in Syria, Egypt, Iraq and Palestine, and has covering the conflict in Yemen since 2015. In 2018, Vanessa was named one of the 238 most respected journalists in the UK by the British National Council for the Training of Journalists. In 2019, Vanessa was among the recipients of the Serena Shim Award for uncompromising integrity in journalism. Today we are discussing Syria, Idlib and the wall of propaganda surrounding all of it.
there'll be an mp3 soon

Monday, February 10, 2020

The Guardian wants a world without whiteness.

rebaptize stockholm syndrome into pyramid syndrome
nile deltans had paradise until they didn't and the grudge they carried away with them while being carried away and/or chased off, following those who departed voluntarily, unable to resist a gamble with venture monies and providing an underground 'trailgoad' ever after up to this day, burned into them permanently ... so permanently in fact that those attempting to outrun it found themselves failing, those who tried via dilution only became whiter as they went north, blacker as they went south .. but it remains with them, in various phases of homeopathic potentiation.
Deltans enjoy the best of the best and get to enormous extremes of beauty and hardiness easily, which for a very long long time echos thru their genes.
Hi testy guys get a thrill when they jolt their immune systems with challenges (closer to death / closer to life, ... feeling more alive from exporsure to danger) and this is the forever unfaceable factor that makes righties righties and legitimate targets.

take yourself. your T levels are so good they fight immune challenges without missing a beat unless you really really go down the degenbithole deep. Hence you make light of toxicity ... cause you can afford to .... and righties can afford stuff ... cause they handle tox so that it make merch shiny, lasting and all that fakery foxery fixery .... but those at the receiving end of the falll out, blessed with no better than average immune systems .... suffer and suffer and oh hell .. pass it on ... but so do the righties when it finally catches up to them on account of pollution's creeping generalization .... or quickly .. like in Oz, where they got diabolically greedy enough to puncture the watertables of entire provinces at regular distance and see everything go up in flames from resulting leaks alone within just a handful of years (not even mentioning the longterm there this time am i? oops, too late).

ANC Report 1/2 returned

ANC Report removed

Brown's reducing oh is this the line for
freezing doctor isolated by man Hulu
hello so guess what happened by the
title go ahead and try to get on a and
see report com you can't it was removed
deactivated all my sites where dancing
Israelis calm also rise to since
everything yours work gone this is
harassment no I'm not only am i targeted
on PayPal and Adsense got my income
removed and then kicked off of I came to
member stream element stream labs and
bunch of scrubs now my personal websites
been attacked two years have been for me
I was getting ready to post a story
about Palestinians who were tortured
eleven broken ribs failed liver another
man is unrecognizable to his wife beaten
for 36 hours that we were going to talk
about the story it was sick this is what
happens when you're fighting racism and
bigotry you get accused of being racist
bigoted by actual racist bigots it's
it's like the mirror technique they just
scream at first right I don't know what
to do I'm on with the hosts trying to
argue with them right now so entropy
lake is there if you want to support
stream offline they seem to be solid and
not going anywhere you have to be
watching this on entropy for that to
work right now it's only taking offline
chats cuz I got that I got heartburn but
I gotta go deal with this with the host
he said give me three or four minutes
looking over stuff so hopefully I can
get it back but like karma service
violation like what I do
I haven't even posted anything today
it's never gonna end the censorship is
out of control the president does
absolutely nothing about it
and will not that needs to be the issue
for 2020 but the only candidate really
talking about that was Tulsi Gabbard
she's not even invited to the scene in
town meetings
she's polling in single digits because
she can't get her name out there in the
accused her being a Russian bought blah
blah she just doesn't have billions of
dollars to spend on the election like
Bloomberg and these other turds so it is
what it is so I got to go fight this
please pass that entropy link around
tweet it whatever say hey throw in a
shekel or two still working on new MEK
anyway and I don't know we're gonna put
it but you know we will build another
one if we have to fuck censorship
ANC Report removed

Sunday, February 09, 2020

K-1 Airbase attack wasn't even Iranian militia

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