Responding To National Review Article About Me
and devils take pleasure in teasing me cause they don't want to fix their repressive circuitry such that their inner prisoner can still be felt their very own but quite diferently --- 8:47:40 to 9:00 AM on the 25th of april
i mean ... you focus on one hydra head and 4 of them gang up behind you .... i'd like to say come sell my house and keep the money, find the john galt / asterix biohome where the collection it contains can be kept safe and withstand the weather for the longest time .. i failed to do so ... no hope left at the mo ...
/home/p/Downloads/Gemiste onderwerpen van zaterdag 25 april 2020 - NPO Radio 1_files/Radio%25201%2520Logging%2520Radio%25201%252020200425%2520080.mp3
from the 47:40 mark onwards
GW in NatRev
don't miss the previous one with CNN reporter
google results suggest G's own version is gone:
CNN Debate LIVE - Origins of the CoronaVirus
•Apr 24, 2020
2.77K subscribers
Dude, this is not a vaccine or virus channel. I did this becuase it spilled over into something else. I am not getting in on this horse shit. It's horse shit. I declare it so. Moving on.
Suspicious0bservers Horse shoe theory, meet declared horse shit vaccination, made with the finest horse shit ingredients. Has John Galt moved 'on'? Nobody can do more than pretend to but all try 'harder' evree day. Judy is but a tiny sparkle in George Webb's firmament but as i just wrote him after hearing the biomass related subsidy maffia 'rules' pushed worldwide [and pushing god knows what all off-world ... was it schauberger who said we spilled water into space when we don't stir stuff rite?] on dutch radio, "you focus on one hydra head and 4 of them gang up behind you"