Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Fear Factor vs charmed existants farmin fear

a live stream about to start has a chatter called euroabridged ... it leads me to a parody version of Asterix one needs to join to see ... and there's a fandom page ...
https://abridgedseries.com/cast/euroabridged/ is that your site? i hate the 'board it bill' join/jail janusization ... does only telegram allow a look to outsiders anymore? ... duh noonetters obviously 'have no message on/from' [translit'ion from dutch expression which is the noncolonial version of 'oostindisch doof' and means not feeling appealed to, pretending not to hear, denial of being found out, diagnosed' .... ze hebben geen boodschap aan] ... my 'nethics' [formulated around the last past millenial turn] and available here: piety piet at archive.org

speaking of diagnose: charmed existant fearfarmer by snordster .. white South african ... youtube.com/watch?v=LjXfoJYFyg8
this time with handy mimeart that is appropriately stunning to stuff i looked over earlier this week: Gonzalez-Cabrera on Wrangham re bonobo : chimp .. and wether or not we are the upshot of a misfortunate mongrel bastard schizoia built in and hard to cure.

Holiday plan? Real Amerikins invite to water protector vacation

combine pleasant with useful is all they are saying ....

Honor the Earth Press Conference About Line 3 Pipeline
•Jun 15, 2021
Unicorn Riot
90.5K subscribers
On June 6, the day before escalated actions were planned at different Enbridge Line 3 pipeline work sites, Honor the Earth organized a press conference at the Shell River to further explain why thousands of people were in northern Minnesota to oppose the new tar sands pipeline.

Rising Up to the Heat: ‘Treaty People Gathering’ Resists Line 3 Pipeline: https://unicornriot.ninja/2021/rising...
Indigenous-Led Blockades Occupy Line 3 Pipeline Sites: https://unicornriot.ninja/2021/indige...

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Real men take U to duh treeshake and rockstirsow

past the 1/2h mark, a passage on murderous europol vs interpol battlegrounds [Lyon, where one of GW's foci, Sinofi, or Synofi is based] .. segues to Benveniste France 1988 at 37 minutes .. here's my take on stir vs shake ...[censor / dilute / potentiate]

kirlian of manual vs mech vs no succussion Homeopathic remedies
http://www.moratherapie.fr/homeokirlian.html = gone
Your all too brief post offers no stirring info despite title
that reminds one of the Benveniste [homeopathy] hullaballoo in france 1988.
repeated the other day at a conspireality show:
which, at 37m dirties or shakes rather, the waters instead of stirring them. It's the Randi trick all over again, 'banana' or no 'banana' [reference to (codespeak for) criminals too big to prosecute and for youtube to say no to, resulting in over 10 channel erasures thus far, talk about dilutions ... hah!!!!! the oldest maffia trick off the books is to dilute the toxic material they get paid to 'disappear']


 Traian D. Stanciulescu titled Homeopathy and Biophotonics.

hi, i got here via 'related' below your 'shaken not stirred'
https://homeopathy101.wordpress.com/2010/04/06/shaken-not-stirred/  which is only flippantly related to your meager content there cause it has isn't about stirring vs shaking at all. i know the stirring is a big deal in biodynamics [Demeter brand, homeopathy for soils and plants ... or people VIA sols and plants] .. would you like to flesh it out a little?

tsjennel stopped and hopped George Webb

Sunday, June 06, 2021

Economist Michael Hudson on new cold war, Super Imperialism, China & Rus...

Learn some telling facts about Pfizer at the 1 hour mark ....

Friday, June 04, 2021

GMOs: Engineering the Nature out of Humanity, Webinar Replay with Dr. Za...

GMOs: Engineering the Nature out of Humanity, Webinar Replay with Dr. Zach Bush
•May 7, 2021
48K subscribers
A special Earth Day 2021 Webinar with Dr. Zach Bush: GMOs Engineering the Nature out of Humanity. In this webinar, we discuss the history of GMOs, their detrimental impact to our environment and health and what we can collectively do to affect change

See the full recap here: https://zachbushmd.com/replay-gmo/
Read the foundational blog on GMOs here: https://zachbushmd.com/gmo-1/
Connect with Zach Bush, MD: https://www.zachbushmd.com

... whatever hoops you need to dig thru to get this info ... translations and whatnots ... do it, ... it's a price worth getting you up to speed with those who try to treat you as chattel and cattle

Thursday, June 03, 2021

youtube perps hellish irony on Max Blumenthal Gaza docu

youtube requires an age verification for this one .... most hellish form of irony that ... given that it's israeli policy to target children and Max is sure to show that


Killing Gaza: Documentary by Dan Cohen & Max Blumenthal shows life under Israel's bombs and siege
•May 18, 2021
The Grayzone
147K subscribers
(To see the translations of the Arabic-language interviews, turn on the CC captions.) In the feature-length documentary film "Killing Gaza," journalists Dan Cohen and Max Blumenthal documented Israel’s 2014 war on Gaza.

Weird Wednesday | Willy Wonka, Roald Dahl & MK Ultra

donna on willlie wonka .. after goin in on roahl dahl's supposed spooky pedophily
Weird Wednesday | Willy Wonka, Roald Dahl & MK Ultra
•Streamed live 9 hours ago
Dystopian Deep Dives
370 subscribers
ok has anyone seen the 1971 version of Willy Wonka? Recently? Let's take a look back at this film, Roald Dahl, and the film's obvious MK Ultra Scene.


all the 'owin' rhyme words are indicative of 'slowth' 'gears' ... if not inducive ['demarcative'] of them, but the sketch you show in the middle contrasts with train and motorcar speeds ... pedoism has the same ail and fail i noted in my previous comment ... it halts and gets fixatedly stuck halfway to the real demografixumagic .. rubbin rock like it's a magic lamp spitting food for the microsteps pre pre warmblood baby steps .. grindin a frozen dildo into it .. cause the iceman cometh ... haahah .. duuuh ... condemning lewdness which is certainly not agist under transparant conditions, non patriarchal tribal group cohesion and all that natural brakes applied to upscale impulses of buncher and packer plus bundler and stacker jazz is a special kindawoke. NOT reelly and they won't heed my roll or any other calls.
and call green satanic? .. something only a satanized cityZenot [sorry zealot echo fail] can get stupid enough to

Dystopian Deep Dives
1 hour ago
RE: Cernunnos and the Celts, I believe the Celts were all over Europe and one of the people's (root races) that Hitler tied the German people to. From Wiki:

"Cernunnos" is widely believed by Celticists to be an obscure epithet of a better attested Gaulish deity; perhaps the God described in the interpretatio Romana as Silvanus or Dis Pater,[3] which are considered to share the horned God's woodland and chthonic attributes.

He seems to be like a lot of other horned Gods (coughs Pan coughs), fertility, earthly realm (material goods)

The Pilier des nautes links him with sailors and with commerce, suggesting that he was also associated with material wealth as does the coin pouch from the Cernunnos of Rheims (Marne, Champagne, France)—in antiquity, Durocortorum, the civitas capital of the Remi tribe—and the stag vomiting coins from Niedercorn-Turbelslach (Luxembourg) in the lands of the Treveri. The god may have symbolized the fecundity of the stag-inhabited forest.

no shit, and "the god may have" fed all critters great and small ... the point where word would come back from even the fishes about which floods guided thru which dams got them the tastiest seasons and/or their favorite algae bloomboom varieties, etc, from wayyyyyy out in dem laaarge mamapubbles .. i mean puddles ..
here's hopin this still works:

hpun hpact: i AM the son of a 'prominent' butcher and AM the first to 'go' .. revive old elixir knowledge [do a search for Samudra Manthan and tell me what you think].

Zijn joden wit?

 natuurlijk zijn de kommentaren gesmoord ... zoals bij het eerste voorbeeld van verwant materiaal dat ik onder de beschrijving geplakt heb ...

Zijn joden wit?
•Jun 3, 2021
Joods Cultureel Kwartier
846 subscribers
Antisemitisme is terug van nooit weggeweest en de cijfers liegen er niet om: in Nederland nam van 2017 tot en met 2019 het aantal antisemitische daden toe met 126 procent. In een grootschalig onderzoek, uitgevoerd in twaalf Europese lidstaten, geeft 90 procent van de ondervraagde joden aan dat antisemitisme toeneemt en bijna de helft van Europese joodse jongeren heeft de afgelopen vijf jaar met antisemitisme te maken gehad. Toch worden joden en jodenhaat zelden genoemd in deze tijd, waarin antiracisme- en andere emancipatiebewegingen juist steeds meer solidair met elkaar worden. Wat is hier aan de hand?

In Zijn joden wit? buigt het Joods Cultureel Kwartier zich, samen met gastconservatoren Gideon Querido van Frank, Lievnath Faber en Anousha Nzume, over de vraag waar joden zich bevinden op het spectrum van de huidige identiteits- en representatiepolitiek. Worden zij gezien als daders of slachtoffers? Bevoorrecht of benadeeld? Hoe zien zij dat zelf? En hoe zien anderen hen?

Info & tickets: jck.nl/zijnjodenwit



one hour 12m in, Edsel Mazard, the roundskull, bald head white elitist jew [who larps as a serial native peoples' languages rescuers on several continents] begins to pontificate on israeli politics and demographucked uppityness. He's as bad as Max Blumenthal is good on what happened to jews in arab countries, even though Max does not mention Naeim Galedi, he at least recounts the pattern faithfully.
Ep. 5534 – Max Blumenthal on the Israel Lobby's Efforts to Distract from Gaza Atrocities – 5/28/21

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