it's about time for our new skills to serve old ones .. indexation dexterity (rockarrest ((rock caressed)), 'grippied', opened, made pub[l]ic) secures n spreads diversity
Monday, March 28, 2022
8 year old ukraine front in [sm]other[ed] wokey nooz
130K views Mar 28, 2022 12K Dislike Share Save Patrick Lancaster 200K subscribers Witnesses Claim Ukraine Using Human shields In Mariupol. Russia - Ukraine War
#RussiaUkrainewar #Russia #Ukraine Report by Patrick Lancaster US Navy veteran and independent crowd-funded journalist. Over the 8 years of the Ukraine War I made more video reports in anti-Ukraine Government (Donetsk People's Republic) controlled territory than any other western journalist. All so covered the Armenian Azerbaijan war reaching over 8 million on his youtube channel with his reports there I show what the western media will not show you.
You can find My reports on Youtube and other social media:
The battle for Ukraine, with ex-UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter 69K views Streamed live 13 hours ago 12K Dislike Share Thanks Clip Save The Grayzone 189K subscribers The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate talk live with ex-UN weapons inspector and military expert Scott Ritter about the Russia-Ukraine war. Ritter provides a detailed analysis of the battlefield that stands in stark contrast to the rose-colored perspective of most Western analysts, and offers his perspective on the political follies that drove the conflict.
22th of march -- k203 --- 16Solar 137 of 22nd 144 since 2013
Beyond Russia v. Ukraine and an announcement! 206 views Mar 22, 2022 56 Dislike Share Clip Save Apollonian Germ 13.4K subscribers Is Russia controlled by the same hidden hand as Ukraine and NATO?
Required viewing: Johnny Gat/Vigilante Intelligence:
Antony Sutton: Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution —
An example of an “academic research paper” in the continuity of the Russian elite: Evolution and transformation of the Soviet elite * Valery Lazarev Department of Economics, University of Houston, and the Hoover Institution E-mail: Draft: April, 10, 2001 Introduction Radical social transformations are often represented as sets of policies that are consciously designed and implemented by selfless, benevolent - although probably ideologically biased - “experimenters.” Hence, titles of numerous books and papers referring to either “Soviet socialist experiment” or “Russia’s capitalist experiment.” 1
and duh 'demish' did it again .. successfully shorted cloggery churnin cogs into 'grounded' whitie set up 'ginsht' 'nazi' whitie .. which defines real nazism. german NaSis targetted and slaughtered Stalin's pre180 preBanderite Holodomorazin Kommissars [which makes Putin a NaSi Nazis w Nato ridin comettail, target ... or a tough iz real drill master at the very least]
The US says Russia after Ukraine's bio-lab | Russia claims the US making bio-weapons | English News 58K views Mar 10, 2022 804 Dislike Share Save WION 5.43M subscribers The United States said that it was working with Ukraine to prevent invading Russian forces from seizing biological research material amid concerns. Meanwhile, Russia has claimed that the US is making bio-weapons.
#US #Ukraine #Russia
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MARCH 7 -- K188 --- 28 Galactic RHYTHMIC STAR 123 of 22nd 144 since 2013 20ha [hours ago] - 2h long
w tommy 6h younger .. they mention 10thou Vs on the biolab episode i blogged in dutch sundie shiteshoot w tyrone and music
4h - CISM belt and road
1h w john
2h34 on the 4th [or 3rd] the last section [15m give or take] has a crisp version of [perversine] ukie parallels to the havara agreement and real reazion the dnjepr divsliprivs good bl&soil mossadites from nazio slav targetting meanies did not survive patrolbot 2h34 on the 4th [or 3rd]: twitch dot tv videos 1415141985 the last section [15m give or take] has a crisp version of [perversive] ukie parallels to the havXara agreement and real reazion the dnjepr divsliprivs good bl&soil mosXsadites from nazio slav targetting meanies - as per GWebb to ytuyherhirls
1h44 w mark and the greyhaired lady [carol mcintosh] DNA Vaccx .. fim fam frakkkuppity .. flim flam fukuppery a history snip collision /ev. pile up Bill T on Burisma
1h55 on the 3rd
john and dave on the second
... hmm the biolab issue does not have a twitch version
THOROLEE TESTED 160P/2X STREAMIN .. perfectlee hitchless .. includyng a copyrite mute stetch or 2
saw [part of?] this [before 'nixin']: Ep 108.a: "Wuhan Coronavirus" by Robert Mask Ep 108.8: WANTED:: Copy of First book ever written on ... › @Housatonic:0 › 355-ep-108-8:9 View Ep 108.8: WANTED:: Copy of First book ever written on "Novel Coronavirus" Robert Malone Feb 12 2020 on Odysee
DH2 w yoichhi Yoichi Shimatsu On U.S./NATO-Ukraine-Russia 1.4K views Premiered Feb 26, 2022 142 Dislike Share Clip Save Professor Hamamoto 8.36K subscribers 02.25.22--Important recent article by journalist Yoichi Shimatsu.