Sunday, May 29, 2022

Eva from Donetsk w Redacted Conversations

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Opp for dutch Roundup Exposure Lawyer

my case is fascinating and complex if i say so myself; come have a little immortal notoriety at my expense [kept down to save for worthier causes like permaculture advocacy ... but perhaps a combo is in the works, ... a wholly holistic  boulversement]

Finding a Roundup Exposure Lawyer [The Ultimate Guide]

Finding a Roundup Exposure Lawyer [The Ultimate Guide]
By: Douglas Dedrick
In: Blog, Uncategorized

Update as of June 2020: In a proposed settlement, Roundup attempts to settle mounting class action lawsuits for $10 billion dollars.

After years of claims that it’s product was 100% safe, lawyers are finally making the company pay for damages caused by Roundup exposure.

In fact, Roundup exposure lawyers are working around the clock to represent injured clients.

It’s true, Roundup, a glyphosate based herbicide is: the world’s most used herbicide.

Get this- Roundup exposure law firms have brought forth over 13,000 lawsuits against the herbicides owner.

For years, Monsanto assured its consumers that Roundup was safe, but recent court cases suggest otherwise.

Here’s the catch, it is becoming more and more clear that: Roundup is not 100% safe.

And if you have been injured by long-term Roundup exposure, you may want to find a good lawyer.

However, if you want to learn more about the difference between filing on your own with private attorney, and joining a class action lawsuit, I like this article from Personal Injury Law.

Here are just a few of the law firms representing Roundup victims:

    Campbell & Associates
    Weitz & Luxenberg
    John Foy & Associates
    Dolman Law Group
    The Sawaya Law Firm

Those are just a few of the many law firms representing Roundup exposure clients. If you choose to do the class action, do research.



Thursday, May 19, 2022

The West vs spectre Stalin 1.0 -Arkady Mamontov docu

stubbornly refuses to see Stalin followednazi suit and had a Khazarite purge on his own turf as well as the Ukie liberating nazis who earned undying [yet undead] loyalty for ending the bureaucratic Bolshevic genocide, targeting the mostly jewish kommisars.

iow, Stalin 2.0 resembled / prefigured Putin who doesn't put up with excesses of thanatorahide cultoids ... the Nazi 2.0ish ones, like pravi sektor and the rest of the Kolomoiski crowd tentacles

Stalin also followed Hitlerian Havara Agreement suit by being the first to recognize Israel .. and Putin is finding out he's been waaaaaay too tolerant of simmering hostilities via money dirtying tactics for waaaaaaaay too long.

Saturday, May 14, 2022

therapy camp for Monsanto Bayer etcetera

let us begin with prosecution shall we?

 shiny example:
Break 2 of Beyond Pesticides virtual forum - Day 2, June 1, 2021
4 views -- May 9, 2022
1 - Beyond Pesticides --- 1K subscribers

Dwayne Lee Johnson, first guy to get a favorable ruling against Monsanto re glyphosate .. footage from hawaii by Mahalo members

3rd of april -- k215 --- 28solar
5th of 23rd 144 since 2013

Double Jeopardy - Mad at the Internet
16K views -- Streamed live on Apr 2, 2022
1K - Mad at the Internet
21.7K subscribers
IF you like to change your influence and reach [not to mention effectiveness] for the better to the tune of 10thou fold, begin using your skills to tackle the glyphosate probs. I'll sponsor you getting started if you like.
josh: "the what"
Stephanie Seneff 2019
2019 w no takers for DisQus facilities

 February 4, 2022 At 6:48 PM

Stephanie Seneff

buru--D ---- zieik--
12th of april -- k224 --- 9 planetary
14th of 23rd 144 since 2013
dead of nite
Auron MacIntyre -- Followers: 61K
changed like to dislike the 2nd half .. Sugg'in sumthin ominous w nearby US build-up only to conclu 'no bocro spillage' is moro .. speciulee in face of 6 languages --[recorded in the precious little spare time left, in between filling atrocity orders from cucky stuckfuckmedia, part of Rus bottom line dishonour code - fueling nazi delusions about basics and bescheidenheid ... crossed by NAZINATO 'spirit emanations buzzin up from the buried 8 story biocidabbullab stack, provin russian excess prunin points.
woooooooooot????????????? i wrote this comment without realizing i can type again after half a year's worth of massive RSI related (and [UN]neighbourly RoundUp bottle squirt aimed at a dandelion 30cm from my frontdoor triggered) finger paralysis causing lymphoma????????????? .... now i can barely walk with edema .. perhaps my final great self alienation and wages for truth via keyboard 'pursuit' [sedentation] .. i ain't no pacal leapin into a tree as monster jaws are about to snap shut on a well aimed fart.
.... and i haven't even begun prosecuting my 'neighbours' yet. i'd rather sue the anglosphere for not paying close enuff attention to have stopped all war and tox by now twice over anyway.

hollands ::x:: Dutch

17th of april -- k229 --- 14 planetary
19th of 23rd 144 since 2013

Glyfosaat blokkeert de syntheseroute van shikiminezuur, een stofwisselingsroute die niet bij dieren voorkomt. Deze stofwisselingsroute is in planten een belangrijke route voor de synthese van aromatische aminozuren, co-enzym Q10, tocoferolen, naftochinonen (inclusief de vitamines uit de K-groep), alkaloïden en heterocyclische natuurstoffen.

Glyfosaat gedraagt zich als een één- dan wel tweewaardig zuur door de aanwezigheid van de fosfonzuurgroep en de carbonzuurgroep enerzijds en de basische aminegroep anderzijds. Van glyfosaat zijn talrijke zouten bekend met gelijkaardige werkzaamheid: onder andere glyfosaat-diammonium, glyfosaat-isopropylammonium, glyfosaat-monoammonium, glyfosaat-kalium, glyfosaat-sesquinatrium en glyfosaat-trimesium. 

Glyphosate was first synthesized in 1950 by Swiss chemist Henry Martin, who worked for the Swiss company Cilag. The work was never published.[18]: 1  Stauffer Chemical patented the agent as a chemical chelator[19] in 1964 as it binds and removes minerals such as calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, and zinc.[20]

Somewhat later, glyphosate was independently discovered in the United States at Monsanto in 1970. Monsanto chemists had synthesized about 100 derivatives of aminomethylphosphonic acid as potential water-softening agents. Two were found to have weak herbicidal activity, and John E. Franz, a chemist at Monsanto, was asked to try to make analogs with stronger herbicidal activity. Glyphosate was the third analog he made.[18]: 1–2 [21][22][23] Franz received the National Medal of Technology of the United States in 1987 and the Perkin Medal for Applied Chemistry in 1990 for his discoveries.[24][25][26]

In August 2018, the jury awarded Johnson US$289 million in damages. Monsanto said they would appeal,[244] saying they were confident that glyphosate does not cause cancer when used appropriately.[245] On appeal, the award was reduced to $78.5 million in November 2018,[246] and subsequently further reduced to $21.5 million in July 2020.[247]

In March 2019, a man was awarded $80 million in a lawsuit claiming Roundup was a substantial factor in his cancer,[249][250] resulting in Costco stores discontinuing sales.[251] In July 2019, U.S. District Judge Vince Chhabria reduced the settlement to $26 million.[252] Chhabria stated that a punitive award was appropriate because the evidence "easily supported a conclusion that Monsanto was more concerned with tamping down safety inquiries and manipulating public opinion than it was with ensuring its product is safe." Chhabria stated that there is evidence on both sides concerning whether glyphosate causes cancer and that the behavior of Monsanto showed "a lack of concern about the risk that its product might be carcinogenic."[252]

On 13 May 2019 a jury in California ordered Bayer to pay a couple $2 billion in damages after finding that the company had failed to adequately inform consumers of the possible carcinogenicity of Roundup.[253] On July 26, 2019, an Alameda County judge cut the settlement to $86.7 million, stating that the judgement by the jury exceeded legal precedent.[254]

Using litigation discovery emails it was later revealed that in 2015 when Monsanto was discussing papers they wanted to see published to counter the expected IARC glyphosate results they wrote in an email, "An option would be to add Greim and Kier or Kirkland to have their names on the publication, but we would be keeping the cost down by us doing the writing and they would just edit & sign their names so to speak. Recall that is how we handled Williams Kroes & Munro, 2000."[255]

In June 2020 Bayer, which acquired Monsanto in 2018, agreed to a $10 billion settlement as a result of a number of class-action lawsuits alleging that Roundup had caused cancer.[256]

Richard Sacks, Host ::x:: GUEST: [banned from yt]

hollands ::x:: Dutch
19th of april -- k231 --- 16 planetary
21th of 23rd 144 since 2013
maandag 11 april 2022 16:55:45
Aan: webformulier --- Onderwerp:Wonen & Buren
Sleutelwoord 1: kanker
Sleutelwoord 2: glyphosaat
Sleutelwoord 3: roundup

Vraag: onkruidverdelger gebruik op mijn grondgebied [stoep]

Apr 19, 2022 at 5:16pm
U heeft een e-mail gestuurd naar het Juridisch Loket, maar u stelt geen juridische vraag. Helaas kan ik om die reden geen inhoudelijke reactie geven op uw e-mail. U kunt uw vraag alsnog per e-mail aan ons stellen.
U kunt uw vraag ook telefonisch aan ons stellen. U kunt ons bereiken via het telefoonnummer 0900-8020 (€0,10 p/m). Kijk voor onze actuele openingstijden op onze website. Als u een rechtsbijstandverzekering heeft dan adviseren wij u hiermee contact op te nemen.
Iedereen kan bij het Juridisch Loket terecht voor kort, juridisch advies. Is er meer tijd nodig om uw vraag te beantwoorden of hebben wij documenten nodig? Dan kunnen wij naar uw inkomen en uw vermogen in 2020 vragen. Verdient u te veel of heeft u te veel vermogen? Dan kunnen wij u helaas niet verder helpen. --------- T 0900-8020
zal ik het deze keer dan maar kompleet met vraagteken doen?

kunt u mij helpen de aangifte te formuleren die doeltreffend vervolging instelt wegens het vergiftigen [door direkte buren, een escalatie van 4 jaar lang grofheden] van geneeskruid wat ik 30 centimenter van mijn voordeur verzorgde?

Door onderdrukking van deze werkelijkheid heeft het gif maandenlang op me ingewerkt en moest ik ik tussen 10 dodelijke draaikolken laveren die allemaal door slechte gewoonten verzwakte lichaamsdelen en -funktie naamplaatjes droegen .. waardoor ik lang met eigen verleden in de weer was voor ik de helderheid en moed vond om bovenstaande onder ogen te zien.
Deze gedrochten van mensen ... gluipmoordenaars [het eerste jaar nadat ze zich tot mijn buren bombardeerden waren vier nestvogeltjes de slachtoffers van takken brekerij] mogen toch niet ongestraft jaren van mijn leven aan hun snoeifatsoen goden offeren?

ps: jullie antwoord is 'te laat' naar jullie eigen maatstaven.
ik biedt een herkansing want kinderachtig geneuzel kan me gestolen worden ...... u kunt werkelijk geen vraag ontdekken?

ps2: waarom rekenen jullie niet gewoon een tarief inplaats van mensen van "teveel" verdiensten te beschuldigen?

21th of april -- k128 = 11STAR --- 18 planetary
23th of 23rd 144 since 2013

Mind over matter (part 2) ---- 8 views -- Apr 21, 2022 - Linda Woudstra --- 342 subscribers
ik had een vergelijkbare ervaring in de pet scan
door de 'kleursuikers' die ze gebruikten ... gecombineerd met het uitstellen [wegens de 'nuchter' vereiste] van de dagdosis prednisone wat ik toendertijd* als pijnbestrijder nodig had ... de techneuten hadden ook 0 benul over mijn martelgang

ik ging chemo halen vanwege handverlamming ... die werd me de volgende dag beloofd [maar een week uitgesteld voor allerlei testen]. 26 september was het zover. enkele weken later kreeg ik enorm dikke voeten en kuiten wat me de vervolgbehandeling deed weigeren [voor mij geen 'bijwerking' maar hoofdzaak, dan nog liever een lamme hand]
nu gaat het eindelijk enigszins vooruit ... gebruik alleen nog fulvine ....
er is een landbouw toepassing die vast stukken goedkoper is maar ik moet ze nog vragen of ze soms alleen op aanvraag verkopen .. ze halen het uit grondwater inplaats van humus .. of de versteende himalaya versie bekend als shilajit

22th of april -- k234 = 13Wiz --- 19 planetary
24th of 23rd 144 since 2013

2nd of dec:
norbert dikkeboom met 20 'duizunt' sterke petitie tegen Willem Engel krijgt 'tijdlucht' op GLD
35x woo .. he's american ...

Henk Verhaeren - 9 hours ago: Ik hoop ook dat ze met een scherp oog naar de uitlatingen van Willem Engel kijken. Dan zien ze namelijk dat hij gelijk heeft!
suiker, pindakaas en een half leven toetsenbord regiment hebben me vertraagd opgeblazen tot 63 jaar ouwu kiewkraagkankerlijder. WEngel ontwaart een andere wijze van "zichzelf opblazen".

24th of dec  / 359 :: 151 / k115
kieuw = kieme auf deutsch
3rd and last picture here
oops, ... that's a thyroid
lamina pretrachealis kieuw
lamina pretrachealis gill
lamina pretrachealis kieme

22th of april -- k234 = 13Wiz --- 19 planetary
24th of 23rd 144 since 2013

Matter of Fact Science ep13 - The Man Who Found Your Inner Fish - 4.6K views - 10 hours ago -- AronRa -- 271K subscribers
I'm speaking with Prof. Neil Shubin PhD, the paleontologist who discovered the famed transitional fossil, Tiktaalik roseae, and who wrote the best selling book, "Your Inner Fish".
i was hoping for something fun and instructive on
lamina pretrachealis =kieuwkraag in dutch, a scarflike remnant from 'gilly daze' ... [kieme in german]
auf Deutsch halsmuskeln-halsfaszien-halsdreiecken
slide 16 of 26
HALSFASZIEN 1. FASCIA CERVICALIS Lamina superficialis Lamina pretrachealis Lamina prevertebralis

HALSFASZIEN 2. LAMINA SUPERFICIALIS OBERE URSPRueNGE/ ANSaeTZE: os hyoideum, mandibula, arcus zygomaticus, proc. mastoideus, proc. styloideus, linea nuchae superior, prot. occipitalis externa UNTERE URSPRÜNG/ ANSÄTZE: acromion, clavicula, manubrium sterni) Umhüllt den m. sternocleidomastoideus, die glandula submandibularis und den parotis. (Wozwischen steht der TRACTUS ANGULARIS, auch als ligamentum stylomandibulare genannt). (Unten ein SPATIUM SUPRASTERNALE gebildet wird – da anastomosieren die vv. jugulares anteriores – arcus venosus jugularis. Umhuellt den m. omohyoideus venter inferior. LAMINA PRETRACHEALIS OBEREURSPRÜNGE/ ANSaeTZE: Kehlkopfknorpel, fascia buccopharyngea Vagina carotica, UNTERE URSPRueNG/ ANSaeTZE: pericardium fibrosum Umhüllt alle musculi suprahyoidei, die trachea und die glandula thyroidea. (Da ein SPALTRAUM ist gebildet welche ins Mediastinum zieht - 2 Anteile: SPATIUM PREVISCERALE und SPATIUM PARAPHARYNGEUM) LAMINA PREVERTEBRALIS OBEREURSPRÜNGE/ ANSÄTZE: basis cranii inferior, lig. nuchae UNTERE URSPRÜNG/ ANSÄTZE: lig. longitudinale anterius, fascia endothoracica, membrana subpleuralis Umhuellt alle tiefen Halsmuskeln (longus capitis, longus colli, scaleni, levator scapulae, occipitale Muskeln). Um den PLEXUS BRACHIELIS eine VAGINA AXILLARIS ist gebildet welche in die fossa axillaris zieht. Die prevertebrale Spalte nach unten mit der Pleurahöhle Ist verbunden.

[needs work]
the dutch have a saying: 'de das omdoen' .. something that proves fatal .. but literally 'putting on a scarf' ... i can feel that portion of me all too well after digestive juices for lipids have been sabotaged by heinous 'gluipmoord [derive of 'sluipmoord'] targeting a 'weed' (talk ahout bible belt biocidality here on the lowest of low peatlands) 30cm from my front door. I committed a socratic hemlock act feeling awful w devastated status while in the back of my mind dark suspicions were suffocated by my inability to accept 'gifts' ['gif' is poison in dutch], iow, to accept that harsh reality comes for headons .. wether soon as or late as you make  stance [stuck in mourning for mommie in the house (where) she left me] ... after decades of distance between that and 'my precious' ideals putting dance.

Mars in pisces by the way, crucified on the crassed cross between juwp||merc and forc||viol .. and no restoration aid in sight. Not even sure if should 'trust the plan' will fall into the 'rite' hands ... perhaps this hemlockean thing was just a prehearsal
join duh party for spoils dispersal

this is what i got:

Chemotherapy is used when there is extensive disease outside the thyroid and usually lasts for six months. The treatments used vary from centre to centre, but the common regimen used is CHOP (cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisolone.) Even though the disease is extensive, cure is still possible with chemotherapy.

26th of april -- k238 --- 23 planetary
27th of 23rd 144 since 2013

Zelensky disgusts me viscerally and so bad i can't bear him [kinda like my moron neighbour, more directly dangerous. He managed to nearly succeed committing a 'gluipmoord' poisoning a dandelion i had watered and anticipated partaking its healing properties from. it grew 30cm from my frontdoor, 70cm within my property line, with round up at the very time it was taken off the shelves in the Netherlands. Hope he gets to take his wife to prison, he's nothing without her pretending he's normal and not damaged by the misfortune that comes with 'fortune thru chemistry' fates].
Not a talent given very many, obviously.

an espalier apple that grew on my side of the 2 meters between our front doors shut down soon after .. but it revived this year ... and i came back from many a death's door as well. that patch of earth features 2 weeds, identical species, the one towards 'them' [my karmatic nemeses; horrorworlds making a 'play' for me] had a headstart but now the one on my side is 5 times as large .. another known effect of glyphosate ... a larger crime than all bloodsports combined .. and that's a hell of thing to conclude after the global covid heist.
these 2 alineas were posted here [below more ontopic stuff]:
.. and perhaps to a WNL vid too ...

28th of april -- k240 --- 25 planetary
29th of 23rd 144 since 2013

Ingrid van den Boogaard
my nephew, whose wife makes huge bowls of mayo/cream mixes and has a barrel model body with the usual probs, lives in his dads former shop/home across from a huge cement plant across the dyke .. which used to be all small business with mysterious waterlapping sounds around every corner. I was in that home at 5 or 6 or 7 and remembered the white horse silhouette painting on a little shed which now houses the toys of his youngest who lives in the former butcher .. 'bootsharing' section, with a child that resulted from a rape.
He claims this 15m subtitled autobiovid of a dyke who moved 12x before twenty after abuse and divorce at 12 years old  she toured the US with a band called 'blue star', reminded him of me. Sigh.
2 of many music playlists:
she travelled europe in one of the first solarpowered .. toyjeeps towing a large slab of horizontal panels ... crowdfunded .. a first also.

 He travels to city markets every now and then, towing a small trailer that houses the bible in 70 languages which he gets for free somewhere, one line of each shown on the backside. across from the back of his house is an old church .. behind that is where the oldest shopcluster features the one he handed over to two of his sons when he retired last year. He [Henk, like his dad] is only 16d younger than myself ... that makes him .. kin 71 = 6monkey

A Life In 15 Minutes ---- 5.6K views - Dec 8, 2019 -- IAMoneworld --- 228 subscribers --- This is the most personal video I ever made. Life changing.
my mom prayed too .. and accepted me back for mininal 'mantelzorg', despite decades of estrangement kept in check w short phonecalls ... but as i sank in a mourning morass, a witch snuck in next door and her spells proved a match# ....  i could explain how both are bible products but for now .. would you mind telling me your bdate?

the early abuse has caused you to feature Elora's snauwmode [and Elora had an SD/Ca spook enviro to digest - she won't make it either]
Elora Snow is a pseud for Liz Lansing btw [kiwifarms thread stalker, etc etc .. i have yet to hear Josh mention her, come to think of it .. btw].

the attempt to salvage, repair, refurbish, heal and make whole must be restricted to tangibles at/in hand ... cause if it involves any other, that is, a phon[e]y form of time stretchery, which all otherage and abstractation is [even and/or especially the most personal baggage and garbage, one's broken past full of dangerously fresh and sharp shards of memory messes and masses which refuse to break and go down enuff to arise refreshingly], it cannot amount to more than inversion and miraging, telltale of every projection process, frequently stooping to but not stopping at diabolication

# = i have lost half of my remaining years and health thru a socratic hemlock acceptance, imprisoned by the cancervibes of 2020's july [at 63yo] and a set of notsee [nutsy nazi?] paradigms:

1:: refusal to face reality / real threats .. after failing to fend them off in the first place ... in the past it was always i making first moves that did not last and were last at the same time .. singularity man and routinophobe that i am

2:: feminant zorgpornophobe ... if only i had immediately gone to have my stomach pumped ... etcetera.

.... paradigms that hemmed me in and funneled a roundup bespattersprayed# doorstep dandelion leaf to the spot in my stomach it could burn a hole in, gain entry and throw me into a psychic stupor and stew, part paralyzed acceptance, part fear of total loss, terminal selfblame and disgust with the human psyche which allows its own worse parts to dominate, contaminate and ruin it for the rest. It also very much confirmed my suspicion that Ryan Faulk's hiliting of long term deathpenalty effects might have something to it .. altho the britpire was earlier and worse at sending rowdy, reflexive, brawn away, shipping them off and around in part as and with risk capital but mainly in the spirit of good riddance 'nationkeeping , all the total losses and the like of which seem to converge into a backfire, a westiewhite conflagration

# =  [from squeeze bottle, right when retail of this diabolic yet to fully unfold panplague fluid became illegal]
buru--D [8 alineas]

the bottom to this butchbitch is also named ingrid .. and here she covers her lesbo careen/carriere with reli sauce
after new age peptalk degeneracy they now cater to kkkrustdjinns worldwide

From New Age To Jesus - Interview with Ingrid Bijl
4.2K views -- Apr 3, 2021 -- IAMoneworld -- 229 subscribers
This is the testimony of Ingrid Bijl. After 35+ years of New Age teachings, God showed her His truth through His word. This changed her whole life, privately and workwise. Now she is a Biblical counselor. She also offers Biblical retreats in Spain. -- Ingrid Bijl's websites:
team of 10
a 'flat' and vulgarly matterofact interp is ingrid deriving comfort from singing and so she gravitated to a neighbouring missionary cultchoir she could have for free to star in with only a few txt adaptations, and putting 'faith' in phoneying up txt collections. Sure, i too attempt to make divergent books by many from different eras cohere and shtick .. but i haven't been able to launch and float it as a faith ... even though i am obsessed with not having my efforts wasted and my collection dispersed, despite the very 'duerftige' ways i manage to string and 'babble' them together

fingertips still strange .. and right side armpit lymph still very tender and dependent on frequent raising of arms .. moses like ... but that part heals faster than my legs

BIIIIG setback yesterday from herring [still spoilt with salt .. but i was fooled by finding them in the Dordrecht Odin [health]store i frequent once every few months

29th of april -- k241 --- 26 planetary
30th of 23rd 144 since 2013

 - ::-:: - :: - ::-:: - :: - ::-:: - :: - ::-::
am i [self]defeated by the desire to paint my neighbours as utterly evil .. which mirage revericochets against the invisible schizo mirror and hits me in the pit of my stomach and subsequently all vitals cause i stubbornly refuse to face my part in it and realizing the cure is wholly and truly my part, nobody else but myself is gonna overvalue my life and consider it worth all sorts of efforts ... my virtues are as virtually invisible as my faults
 - ::-:: - :: - ::-:: - :: - ::-:: - :: - ::-::
ps: wasn t there enuff left to lose besides mounting frustrations .... things like GW havin a bad day souring my fantasies of me being his interpreter chauffeur sponsor??

Friday, May 13, 2022

Mearsheimer on chinese CGTV

Sunday, May 01, 2022

WarWoo Defang by PEPE ESCOBAR

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