oddball LP - keytap spindle pop BCstreamer
oh dearie .... the Pacific Northwest ... you know what? i'll do an opener about that:
25/02 -------------- 11Star -------- k128 ---- 19/07: {lot} - 01/03: {ctc}
Rioting & Looting As a Modern-Day Form of Potlatch
By Neal Keating
Anarchy: a journal of desire armed. #39, Winter '94.
DAN CRANMER'S POTLATCH: Around Christmas in 1921, a Nimkish Kwakiutl fellow named Dan Cranmer hosted a six-day potlatch at Village Island, near Alert Bay in the Canadian province of British Colombia. (2) The occasion was that of his marriage. Cranmer, being true to his Kwakiutl tradi-tions, planned to celebrate the event with a long feast during which he would give everyone gifts. Some three-hundred guests (fellow Kwakiutls) were on hand to witness and receive Cranmer's giving away of all his accumulated wealth.
.... this way'll have a url to post on David Cranmer Underdown's X
defeatfullest user there ... his nerdy bloodline / business deal / spacial mappage cannot possibly hold up being strained thru wiki quotelets onto X .. and still make anywhere near at least some of the sense he manages to make on monthly chats with John O'Loughlin [McDuff Lives]
as for LP ... love him to life ... buuuuuuut ....
empty love - LSouthern docu on sexwork ... towards the end of 2&a1/2h
hey fans, give him hell for blocking my comment, ratio the living christian luckymuck all over him over it; here it be:
I got thru to you as much as to Lauren i see ... and i worked on her threads a lot more than yours, any, even 'twisty' males such as us would i guess.
But jesus talents [hints / coinage, etc] are wasted on all who cannot turn their feels off long enuff to get the whole meshsage of meshsagacity from any [AND aaaalllllordy meshsages which all do require some assembled concentration], nothin unique about 99.999% of furless bipeds [homo furlossis .. homo sphlassicus] other than missing all points of and connextions to better and better redemption ... gettin the hang of catchin duh light without hijack torture op jerkery kickin in is a ubiquitous potential, not for a rule of heavenly law reigneur on earth but for an at best vaguest idea of it.
you get a like [52nd .. give or take a few i guess] for unblockin me tho.
the mud that doesn't fit any of not all sexuality, from the most miniscule to the giants of long faded memory, is extremely rare ... but the sheer commonality of this comfort, caress and precondition ought to spring all bipeds free from their ANTHROcentrism [/ coompletelee effeteleee femmie anthroFIXATION] ... and with that my friend, i leave reminding yall that jesus was a sunsurfer .... aaah, that sun ... severe here, gone tomorrow ..... chemically female, spiritually male ... place your mirrors wisely ... a pole is a piercy palace of moresee mercy ..supply of all things precious always limited. Don't give a demandsidercuck. Ancestors gave an occupationforce fuck? Give a place up if it keeps you stuck ... in stockholmy jackpot tales of luck.
Peace, .. tho not in our time short of a miracle.
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