Thursday, August 22, 2024

Natasha update

 Dear digitizen, are you volunteering for pharmafiyate inroad cabals, cliques and blox or would you like to fess up to paid position retainment?

YouTube is finally BANNED in Russia // Will deactivation of Russian AdSense accounts affect me?

371K subscribers ----64,249 views Aug 22, 2024 ✪ Members first on August 22, 2024

The Russian government has long targeted YouTube as it became the main platform for Russian political opposition. Besides, YouTube was the main and only platform for entertainment content like travel, cooking and lifestyle videos. But those days are over -- we are abandoning this Western woke soy anti-Russian project called YouTube -- and are moving to... RuTube? In this video, I'll discuss Russia's ban on YouTube, the impact of YouTube's ban on Russia-based monetization accounts (including how it affects my channel), how people are bypassing the block, and the Russian alternatives to YouTube. 

 0:00 what's happening? 0:46 Russian government vs YouTube 1:54 importance of YouTube in Russia 5:20 how it worked since 2022 7:11 How AdSense works for YouTubers 8:04 will this affect my channel? 11:20 alternatives to YouTube? 13:34 conclusions 

Become a channel sponsor on YouTube:    / @natashasadventures  


moral 'impatriation' memenuke countersignalled
bulgarian sylvie of .. a huge collection of hi quality photographs
28:09 ---- Herbs Against the Nano-dust? And Current Situation Update August 2024 ---- newearth ---- 140K subscribers ---- 3566 views ---- Aug 22, 2024
the mirror chanel
Sahara dust laden w poisons she says.
..... on top of all the flotsam and jetsome it picks up during France flyover 'transpos[izion]ing' biocidal glyphosate take up?

oct 4th 2023 832 rabbinikins fleuaiod AlAQSA


oct 4th 2023 832 rabbinikins fleuaiod AlAQSA

 'al aqsa flood' by 832 rabbis, 832 years after the 3rd and worst battle for jerusalem in 1191 [lionheart vs saladin]

in the 2 years previous i mentioned that number 1/2 A HUNDRED TIMES cause it happens to be the page amount of a 4in1 pdf .. a four [if not more] themed note collection ..

i am pasting a few samples below the Temple Mount 'UltraStition' interps i posted here and there since that ZiOp

26-28th decimal of Pi ....
π = 3,

2023 -- 7/10 ---------------- 13Hand - k247 -- 15/02 : : [LOT] --- -1/11 : [CTC]

This is what set it off [SORRY, FLAKED GETTING THE SOURCE]:

More than 800 Israeli settlers stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem on Thursday morning under the protection of Israeli forces.

Rabbis, heads of settlement associations, and far-right university lecturers were among 832 people who forced their way into the religious site compound, a source in the Islamic Endowments Department in Jerusalem told The New Arab's Arabic sister site Al-Araby Al-Jadeed.

Israeli forces imposed severe restrictions on Muslim worshippers entering Al-Aqsa and those under 60 were prevented from accessing the site.

It comes during the Jewish religious holiday of Sukkot, which started on 29 September and ends on Friday. The holiday has seen thousands of Israeli extremists storm the Al-Aqsa compound, with almost 1,500 entering the site on Monday.

Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa complex on 6th day of Sukkot holiday
    Hundreds of Israeli settlers on Thursday, October 5, forced their way into the flashpoint Al-Aqsa Mosque complex in occupied East Jerusalem to mark the sixth day of the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. Palestinian media reports said that at least 832 settlers entered the compound on Thursday under heavy police protection.
    05 October, 2023. Rabbis, heads of settlement associations and far-right university lecturers were among 832 people who stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound on Thursday morning under the protection of Israeli forces.. Rabbis, heads of settlement associations, and far-right university lecturers were among 832 people ..
-------------Piet: but who is they? a sleeper remnant the original funders / founders managed to keep in the game with ..?

Rewriting Noah: The Al-Aqsa Flood - Jewish Exponent

Al-Aqsa Attack | Middle East Eye

How the Al-Aqsa Mosque became a flashpoint in the Israeli ... - NPR ------

Al-Aqsa mosque: Violence as Israeli police raid Jerusalem holy site - BBC ---
    By David Gritten & Yaroslav Lukov. BBC News. There have been violent scenes as Israeli police raided the al-Aqsa mosque in occupied East Jerusalem, saying "agitators" had barricaded themselves and ...

Hamas: October 13 Is 'General Mobilization Day' | MEMRI 1X. On October 10, 2023, Hamas issued a statement[1] designating the upcoming Friday, October 13, 2023, as a day of general mobilization for the "Al-Aqsa Flood" operations.
    Hundreds of Israeli settlers on Thursday, October 5, forced their way into the flashpoint Al-Aqsa Mosque complex in occupied East Jerusalem to mark the sixth day of the Jewish holiday of Sukkot.Palestinian media reports said that at least 832. settlers entered the compound on Thursday under heavy police protection.

9/10 -------------- 2Moon --- k249
19:49 Ry spells out 'my' number again ... w some emphasis .. and more specs:
¨.. actually, out of total of a thousand fivehundred [academics prepared to play along with the talmudheads]
that was oct 5th = 11Serp = k245 = 13/02 [LOT] -/- 27/10 [CTC]

19/12 ------- 7Storm ------ k60
Brut Rema
what i want to know is why nobody i subbed brings up the 832 .. no not pages of my last book, .. the 832 rabbis doin a do or dare dance in Al Aqsa on the 4th of october ... triggering their top Hamas sleeper to give a go ahead on latest 'worcaiming'


2023 minus 832 = 1191
Saladin/Lionheart [3rd crusade]
The cunning Saladin shied away from a direct confrontation with the English King thereafter. --- Helena P. Schrader [specialist author, still blogging]

 David Nicolle (2005). The Third Crusade 1191: Richard the Lionheart, Saladin and the struggle for Jerusalem

King arthur found w mate [both 'large'] in Glasto
Robin Hood
Assasin's Creed refs go to this year
Henry6, son of Fred1 [Barbarossa] becomes emperor of rome
cover of the Economist 11ya
2023 minus 832 [rabbis 'flood' al aqsa oct 4th] = 1191 == Saladin/Lionheart [3rd crusade]

King Arthur found w mate [both 'large'] in Glasto
year of peak Robin Hood

Assasin's Creed refs go to this year

Henry6, son of Fred1 [Barbarossa] becomes emperor of rome -see PWinkler's book
381 pages, Hardcover
First published January 1, 1943
a reviewer writes: "Winkler explains the set up of the Third Reich in the view of a continuation of Teutonic logic, under Prussian Junker rule.
An aristocracy dictating politics, a deliberate financial cut off and an absolute favor of Industry, leading to a false experience of poverty and a climate vulnerable to xenophobia."

24/12 ------ 13Serp ----- k65

vOOr je blok? ben benieuwd. #kommisaristen zijn een 'onpasras' ten tonele sinds de heftigste slag om jerusalem [3e kruist.] 832 jaar gelee. 4 okt: 832 rabbis doen een 'alAqsa flood'. Heftigst K'isties wapefeit: holodomor 'te zwaardig' herdacht als gooi naar wereld titel omniciet.

vOOr je blok? ben benieuwd. #kommisaristen = een 'onpasras' ten tonele sinds de heftigste slag om jerusalem [3e kruist.] 832 jaar gelee. 4 okt: 832 rabbis doen een 'alAqsa flood'. Heftigst K'isties wapenfeit: holodomor 'te zwaardig' herdacht als gooi naar wereld titel omniciet.

29/12 ------- 5Dog ------ k70

637 to 1191 = 554 .. another 832 [amount of rabbis providing 'sleepers awake' go ahead w da trigga words n toys n kites n whatnots ignition n signals on the 4th of october, calling it al aqsa flood before the 3 day younger 2nd interation/echo as 1st salvo of anoduuuh final soloot loooong in the planning ... ps: this tale is stupid .. 'romans' out .. you mean early 'mixtribalites' ?? check my 'borderlands' pattern notions] = 2023

637 to 1191 [3rd crusade] = 555 .. another 832 [amount of rabbis providing 'sleepers awake' go ahead w da trigga words n toys n kites n whatnots ignition n signals on the 4th of october, calling it al aqsa flood before the 3 day younger 'second stage' of the genocide loooong in the planning ... ps: this tale is stupid .. 'romans' out .. you mean early 'mixtribalites' ?? check my 'borderlands' pattern notions] = 2023

30/12 ---- 6Monk ---- k71 -----
Fuentes almost 3m
minor flaw: reflexive schiz does w'out agency

 :::: yes, al aqsa flood WAS a tric .. 832 rabbis,

832y post 3rd crusade, birth of jesusbait [impatient hourforcer 101] :: hofjude :: kommisar :: NaZiRaElocon arc ..

554y before that muslims vs romans favored real jews btw. --

my admiration for X mounts .... i get an instant shadowban notice reposting this man's Ha'aretz article using the word zionazi .. and yet, as perhaps compensation .. i find this 'grace note' from someone i am only beginning to follow now ... cheers ...
historian Prof. Moshe Zimmermann: There is a whole segment of Israeli society that is a copy of Nazism. The children’s head is stuffed with 'bad Arabs,' antisemitism. They're transformed into paranoids from a master race, exactly like Hitler Youth.


25/01 ------------- 6Earth ------ k97 from here on down to 13:11
in part:

what exactly where 832 rabbis doin under the dome of  the rock .. on the former temple mound 3 days before jailbreak?

commemorating the 3rd crusade .. obviously

 1192 was when moslims [jewspace safin salladin] enabled the collection of fond memories jews could carry and that would carry them across the world in ever stranger loops and contortions necessary to keep up appearance / pretense .. that they were awful busy finding and fully intent on ways to properly, satisfactorily indemnify [said kindness] but not ready just yet ... with awful trying activities ... [why? were they bitter about not being given the mount back? ungrateful for the ways Quranic numonoia ran circles and all things platonic stickin every which way and swooshing around their books like meteors, them little shapers of being from first unfirl to last fold up?]

fact is, the 4th of october was a clear pointer to the 3rd crusades and it obviously wasn't a friendly reminder that jews hadn't forgotten their debt to muslims ... were attempting a sneak preview of full redemption or anything of that sort. Rather, it turned out to be a 'sleeper awake' triggertune and intended to destroy the bill w benefactor pedigree both at once and entirely [as if the rest of the arab world is dumb, too far away and too dependent on westie toys forever and ever].

26/02 --------------- 12Moon ----- k129

Quite [the slow accented guy] on ME genocide
is there a Quranic ConX between 832 rabbis on 'their' temple mount october 4th and Muslims welcoming jews back after liberating jerusalem from Romans 832 years ago????
a 'sleepers awake' tric? ... righting tables overturned by jesus ? ... whatever justifies genocide ever and why can't we trace name and land thieves as they swarm around the world ????

09/03 ----- 11Drag - ------- k141
Dear Darryl, my admiration rose listening .. until you blew it on the last stretch ... Arabs made room for Jews after the 3rd crusade .. search 832 and wonder if some ingrate bastard who wanted it all 'back' 'promised' a flattening that many years ago

13/03 ----- 02Serp -- -- ---- k145

@shahpor12341: The events you mentioned, such as 832 rabbis on the Temple Mount or Muslims welcoming Jews back after liberating Jerusalem from the Romans in the 3rd Crusade (832 years ago), do not appear to be mentioned in the Quran; Allah knows best. Thank you for your interesting comment.

24/03 ---------------- 13Warrior --- k156
if u wrote on the ConXzjinn btwn AAqsa Flood of 832 rabbinoids & year 1192 [3rd Crus. and a time Jews were extended 'welcome back' by Saladin which they now show wasn't enuff, whatever ever is, riiiite? .. ask any innumeracy chall. control freaks linear mindsttrs] i missed it.

THE REFS TO MY PDF promised at the top

11/9 2021

----: :: :---- 12warrior- k116 --20-lunar

Hi Mark, here is the promised accout of my glyphosate experience
 540 occurences of 'glyphosate'... between page 267 and 593 [and that's not counting glyfosaat [dutch spelling] which 'happens' about nearly half as frequently. --- 832 pages

THIS WILL HAVE SERVED ITS PURPOSE IF GENERAL WARINESS OF AND RESISTANCE TO GLYPHOSATE ENSUES AND/OR I GET SOME MOTIVATED HELP SUEING EITHER THE PRODUCERS OR THE NEIGHBOURS WHO THINK THEY CAN GET AWAY WITH USING IT AS A TORTURE POTION .. not to mention getting some help finding and using effective healing means and methods ... my search for the latter make up most of the trilingual portion of this pdf
zieik / tokziek

i managed to publish 750+993+1121+832+754
4450 pages in 2 days time, .. more than doubling account size

forgive to forget vs memory suppression [fuels thymotic grudgekeeping .. bookieness .. boil down, store, encrypt, writing culture as direct source of writhing CultSure it's an awry thing a wry thing ... not to be confused w RyThing, like that robosong w lyrics by Ry, second verse in the 52nd minute

between june and october i write and rewrite lots of blurbs for my 832 page 4in1 bookpdf / note collection
another 30 or so in the next 8 months

very complexly worded ref in relation to what i perceive as unupdated / unflipped meanings of corporatism .. corporality roots long since betrayed, sold and polluted down the river and all downriver reachables
21/2 --------- 6storm ---------- k19 --- 15-galactic

2022 ---17/12 -------- 6wiz ------ k214 ---- 6rhythmic

Ep 184.1: Meryl Nass, M.D.: Biological warfare, bioport/vaxgen anthrax vaccines, and activism
December 16th, 2022 -- 97 views
.. no 144p yet ... i'll have to wait to play it ...
'blanketed by smallpox' was a "cover-up" for the 1832 VaxAct? Well, ... no ... i'd call it a 'top-up'
the citer of this mismoniker by Tracey, her friend Amandha Vollmer goes further [and over the top] misnaming it an "little old wives tale". ------- The resistance to being shamed clear off of the turtle isles is great but not greater than my simple solutions, strewn around the net since 1997 ... QUOTED HERE:
.... perhaps a terrainist alert is in order ... woodun twanna make no-one feel as- and/or insulted now do i ...

Saturday, August 17, 2024

They Shot the Piano Player: Tenorio Jr Netflix Doc discussion

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

reduce trace n track smear

15/08 ----1Sun ---- --- k40 ---- 22/01: {lot} - 01/08: {ctc}
477x in 6h w 3.2fllwrs
after an early morn crash i pick up at 1h30 ... skipmissin an un [as yet?] unknown amount
'origin of life' convo at Hoover Inst fisked by JJ Couey [man on a bike = yt, denied tenure in Holland, moved to Pittsb]

"irreducible complexity of life" resolves to reducible Com'ty of deadish material no? [negro neogro negotivist speak that is .. that]
 And yes .. all it takes is rubbing some finery from where they are balled up cagily and held in rock reserve, expose to rain n shine, pronto ... origin of life rehearsed, prehearsed, celebratable after and due to 'core act' prepa n anticipration ... as i've repeated and rephrased a thousand times in 40 years ... before i fell for witch dankery and got 'moved' beyond caring .. crying .. n carryin on.

Denouncing without an explabation of the goal of the wrecker behavior is defective practise.

WHY are they doing this.


1. wants to cause splits. His task is shake the left snow globe non stop, make sure no leadership & fighting force emerge.

jønny ⦿⃤🔻 🇵🇸 فلسطين حرة!
@jonnysocialism: "If we don't let twitter leftists act like 4chan edgelord groyper freaks and embrace nazi lingo, the zionists win."
piet: in subsequent tweets there one learns he is actually critiqueing usefulness of the quote source ... hence the bridge to 'smears' as polarizer instead of polarization definer, marker and cure.
Meanwhile Hamas, the PFLP, and every other part of the Resistance:…
10:01 AM · Aug 14, 2024 ---------- 2,299 Views

RK: 2. A fact is that in some key centers of media and culture, ethnoJewish intellos figure prominently in the antimperial and communist projects, such as they are.

3. He (shitklzekianly, as with irrational 'woke hysterics') aims to EMBODY the figment of 'antizionism=antisemitism.'

4. He aims to move his most isolated, suceptible, downwardly mobile white fanboys to the far right, feeding them Turner Diaries etc, and not incidentally to thus rile up their violent antiblackness
labelling black folks the puppet orcs of ZOG.

5. Embodying the far right klansman/fascist essence, he (and his John Birch-er wife) can be used to smear every cause and individual he pretends to champion

ZiAnglonist smeartilitarians? open sesame? snips, snipes n startilt calligravitists?
HardCoreNerdsOfZion run grounds, escapin the sniposhere trappins n needles that escalate to too slanted slidey bloodcuts an int regime change Cheney team suffer gladly. From where Peter Duke sits, faulting Max for failin to dig all that and more around Whelan up in a long prisoner excha segment, pins n puts u at exactly that .. deep crack to see if it cannot be given a bottomline plug to grow a beautscar on.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Seminole Texans n epigraphs


w mention of cabeza de vaca in the first 10m .. failing to mention Cyclone Covey who helped keep that history alive ...

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