Sunday, September 22, 2024

poll russia on nukeTrigRing ColdWarStashPoof

PoofRates n Baits .. loss n swallow ratios before punishing TaxMenReprobates

also interested in the percentage of TaxTeccies either side of the former curtain who understand GFKnapp anymore ..........

23/09 ---------------- 13Mirror  --- k78 ---- 04/03: {lot} - 08/08: {ctc}
4:32 on Putin and the Pentagon rebuffing Starmer urging his US colleague and 'familiar' to sign the present's states of uncivilizations apotheotic and idiotic death warrant.
The TNT for Manhattan Project built on LBJ in-laws land in WW2 while in Navy
Ep 59 of WarzStrikez has a few hours of horrendousness on LBJ
i decided against providing the link .... too many channels blew up after i pay attention to them ... an equal amount blow up big tho so ... i try to be less ambiguous ...
side quizp: did benjamin lay, 18th century dwarf quaker and early vegan abolitionist ever grant the same defense / effort for the red 'racefamilies' i wonder?
has a side dish on a veganist angloman a century earlier ... a brash belligerent who reformed after getting his skull split in a war .. Roger Crab

Mormon beaut goes remote trad and blows up in envywoocooland
Why Women Hate Ballerina Farm - Tania Reynolds | Maiden Mother Matriarch with Louise Perry ---- 1K views 6 hours ago ----- Sunday Times piece on Hannah Needleman and Ballerina Farm, whether the response to the article was concern trolling and what it says about female intra-sexual competition, and what women dislike about other women. delivers the only family shot ........
LP did not lie when she said "stunning"

jesse w sacha

also jess .. numorollajizz plebpainter

 Do You Condemn Hamas Do You Condemn Hamas Do You Condemn Hamas Do You Condemn Hamas Do You Condemn H
The Vaush Pit
168K subscribers --- 71K views  3 days ago  #israel #palestine #politics

SAYS THE GUY TOO 'NONRACIST' TO SPARE A 'THOT' FOR RED RACES ON WHOSE GROUND HE nevertheless HOLDS FORTH, PONTIFICATES AND WOOCOOculls ... i mean 'cAlls' ... fuck u phoney 'selected for mellifluousness of vocalization to make the leftie poison go down easy' cuckscolds ... i got your venomous number beardieburd
apropo 21st minute: "altho the pilgrims did commit some pogroms"
why are pilgrims 'given' to understand the bible is boney enuff to chew your way clear thru to eternity ?? so they don't realize it takes a pilgrim to pogrom .. so the hand that feeds them can stay hidden without poah pillgrams feelin they're missin out on sound biting by their hierophantic voicagers ....

Glorify the gorifyers .. i mean the reaction .. and place it squarely, obscuringly in front of the instigatory action .. damn the causes, long live scapegoating the effects ... it's partiality due to polarity entartung und enterdigung .. hey brownbeard, am i reading your tarnationung rite?

you're gonna have to do better to defend gazans and other colored pallable peeps

i asked Ryan Dawson if he would debate this guy ....

Putin and the Pentagon rebuffing Starmer

 4:32 on Putin and the Pentagon rebuffing Starmer urging his US colleague and 'familiar' to sign the present's states of uncivilizations apotheotic and idiotic death warrant.

... just goes to show you who to be wary of the most ... the baby faces who grew up on the wrong side of right living ..

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

RD w Dore --- time for a yt pressure valve vid ..

 11/09 ---- 1WoBridger - k66 ---- 20/02: {lot} - 24/08: {ctc}
Trump Prosecution Is POLITICAL! Says DOJ Chief Of Public Affairs In Undercover Video w/ Ryan Dawson

Monday, September 09, 2024

bein Stewish on 9-9-24

09/09 ------ 12Seed --- -- k64 ---- 18/02: {lot} - 22/08: {ctc}
6px from 5p in 2 of my pdfs .. try make sense of lower left one:
you can still steal Rolling Stone's thunder Stew. ACT NOW .. set your minions to study my stone rolling suggestions and envisionments .. i yield'm, ..once .. before wisin up over makin gifts .. before certainly of assured abuse made me shut up about nontox autonomy to switch to autonomy preventing toxicity, i was gonna do it myself.

you can still steal Rolling Stone's thunder Stew! ACT NOW .. set your minions to study my stone rolling suggestions and envisionments .. i yield'm, ..once .. before wisin up over makin gifts ..
can u make sense of the lower left one @realstewpeters ? #RSstealsStoneRollingThunder

a few more notes to bulky to squeeze into a tweet ... who do u think i am? David Cranmer Underdown?

Wanna see my smilin' face
On the cover of the Rollin' Stone
last song on a '72 album, the year the flower power revo urbanite went 'wild[erness paralaw practicer]. missing my point by a hair or twotrillion and ['86, my 1st Nat RBG-Pa - '72 =] 14 years, 38ya now .. our late mariner gone drummer brother BamBam [refs in my old notes]:
shortly after hit by Lyme in Memphis .. possibly targetted as i was cycling / hitching on the freeway from Colorado at that point

also has 'get my rocks off' summin up rockstar vices, written by Shel Silverstein:
Get my rocks off the mountain, and roll 'em on down the hill

Sometimes I dream of chicks, to bring me ever lasting joys
Sometimes I dream of animals, sometimes I dream of boys
Sometimes I kill the living, sometimes I raise the dead
Sometimes I say just screw it all, and crawl back into bed

Sunday, September 01, 2024

informalization of the soupjack - defyin reifyin spittle audifier

02/09 ------------- 5Earth ------ k57 ---- 11/02: {lot} - 15/08: {ctc}

oskar does zizek on butler 13m
 Slavoj Žižek – On Butler: From Resistance to the Act (Ticklish Subject, 1999)
4.94K subscribers ---- 70 views  Aug 31, 2024
From Chapter 5, ‘Passionate (Dis)Attachments, or, Judith Butler as a Reader of Freud’, of The Ticklish Subject: The Absent Centre of Political Ontology (1999).

shots fired .. but he does do a fauler early on, "formation of the subject" [THE 'maakbaarheid' wokcyckow and cashcow infla{ma}toir flaw&fail tout court, if there ever was one, widespread tho it be].
truth is we can only ever re de transform subject[ivitie]s .. either honour, respect, entertain, supplement and serve or starve them, they simply pre-exist as guide to and anchor for grounding. best allowed to breed true or not at all, acute sterilization for all seen and caught sticking to the industrial chemistry profits model after an ASAP date. a trump waiting to be played by Xi or Putin or the suprise pREZident [Winona LaDuke would do fine].
i suggest one speaks of 'informalization of the subject' as caption for the above if elucidation is at all attempted before i am good and well gone superject.
jd ebert on mason and dixon

i go: are you reserving good audio for paying customers?

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