Sunday, June 27, 2010

angels in the city

best vid in a long long while

well up there along with 'first earth'

Kew Bridge squatted land (meanwhile evicted), dwelling and recycling wonders (vid) perped by angels amongst the devilish hierarchy known as londoners

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

for the love of god

i should have done this with my blackbird but was mad until reading he was rescued with the very same injuries

and on the subject ... cannot find the songstyles info .. yet

# Song Sharing in a Group-Living Songbird, the Australian Magpie, Gymnorhina tibicen. Part III. Sex Specificity and Individual Specificity of Vocal Parts in Communal Chorus and Duet Songs
# Eleanor D. Brown and Susan M. Farabaugh
# Behaviour, Vol. 118, No. 3/4 (Sep., 1991), pp. 244-274
(article consists of 31 pages)
# Published by: BRILL
# Stable URL:

hah, (not) funny google was insisting (for a fokking long while) i look at the gospel related caroling ... due to my sonya blogging ... when it is too lazy to search it throws the dictionary at you.

In this paper we continue our study of the role of song in the social behavior of a cooperatively living songbird, the Australian magpie, Gymnorhina tibicen (Cracticidae). In this species, all members of a cooperative group sing and fight together in defense of their territory. Communal chorus songs consist of loud carol syllables; each individual sings a particular vocal role. We sampled the song repertoires of 24 magpies in 12 territorial groups in Queensland, Australia, and of 12 magpies in 4 territorial groups in the Manawatu region of New Zealand. Our results include: 1. Description of duet and chorus song. Carol portions of song are usually preceded by an introductory warble segment. Carol syllables are diverse in physical structure. We grouped 204 distinct carol syllables into 11 general classes. 2. Between-sex differences in syllable repertoires. Some syllable classes were sex-specific, and a few were sung by magpies of both sexes. Female-specific syllables were more complex structurally than those of males. Females had significantly (p<0.001) larger and more varied repertoires than males. Most syllables were individual-specific, but low levels of syllable sharing did occur. 3. Within-sex differences in syllable repertoires. We found no significant difference (p>0.5) in the average percentage of the repertoire shared between same-sex birds who were vs were not territorial neighbors at our Queensland study site. 4. Carol song repertoires. The number of duet song types in each group's repertoire varied widely from group to group. Females had significantly (p<0.05) larger song repertoires than their mates. 5. Carol development in young birds. A young magpie seemed to sing variants of the carol syllables of only one parent, perhaps the same-sex parent, and echoed the parent's carol syllables during communal choruses. 6. Geographic variation in carol syllables. Carol syllables of individuals at our New Zealand study site were also sex-specific, and could be grouped into general classes. No syllables were the same as those recorded from the Australian study birds. 7. Song context. We compared the amount of time magpie groups spent warbling, warble-caroling, and not singing, during five commonly occurring types of contexts. Warbles were most frequent in nonaggressive intragroup contexts. Warble-carols were most frequent in aggressive intergroup contexts. We discuss the function of song in social cohesion, and group and individual recognition; evolution of duet song; singing behavior of females; and mechanisms of vocal learning.

yall welcome to send it to me

Definition: vocalize as a bird. Synonyms: chip, chipper, chirp, chirrup, peep, tweedle, tweet, twitter ... Main Entry: warble. Part of Speech: verb. Definition: sing. Synonyms: carol, chant, chirp, melody, quaver, trill, yodel ...

not what i am after either

Multiple meanings, detailed information and synonyms for warble. ... to trill; as, certain birds are remarkable for warbling their songs. ... blubber, boom, bray, breathe, buzz, cackle, call, carol, caw, chant, chatter, cheep, chirk, ... twitter, vocalize, wail, whine, whisper, whistle, yap, yawp, yell, yelp, yodel.


40x 15 second songs ... and the suggestion to simply visit except their link to songs and calls don't work.

books, tacks, yarn and switchrich curtain railing

23rd of june: tucson gyeorgos hatonn (journal 7 = the rainbow masters by Hilarion - journal 80 = truth from the zogbog - the last one (230) is from 98 and on jews (cahilla hebrews) throughout - he does a token hattip to indispensible native american sovereignty as an afterthought on this one .. won't make up for smearing them with ufologistics and ufolation though, in my opinion)- one of them galactic anti-judaicists

who began this in 96:

if the word prodigious production applies to anybody it must be to this
h-aton-n character, his little riedel in that last PP (over a hundred missing from the archive) reminds me of the bird classifications (carolers, whistlers, pipers, warblers, screechers, and a few more, .. haven't archived it properly), he says jew rule comes by the 77 unity (one over 7 7 times): sponsor-prince, censor, minister, herald, courier, scrivenor, auditor, mute. GH has gotten into litigations over the estimated and collateralized value of his book collection

carolers, whistlers, pipers, warblers, screechers

censor, minister, herald, courier, scrivenor,

Matt 5-7

there is that nice giffie again


Aeon Byte #134-- Gnosis in 'A Course In Miracles' with Rogier Van Vlissingen,
author of 'Closing the Circle' :: Aeon Byte

mp3 preview


Tarot of Portmeirion

Lynyrd Narciso


Kerrie Carbary's Tarot of Mom

Jean Beauchard - Celtic music in Arizona




+18 (Jeff Blankfort in Counterpunch)

on Assange

on FBI comin aknockin

for comments

on Afghan minerals


'certified' walkers: Lisa Connolly

Visiondanz is the greybeard (with a bad vibe) shown on the
youtube footage.

100 acre farm squatted for a gathering (in the UK) last year

might be where the 2 part youtube is from - it is a realistic impression
of what rainbow is (rather than could ((and by now surely should)) be).




Heyall acidheads:

Dechmann took a leaf or 2 out of my hero Hensel's
books as those around him were taking living leaves out of the pacific
northwest wholesale ... (seen pics)

Title: Valere Aude

       Dare to
Be Healthy, Or, The Light of Physical Regeneration

Author: Louis Dechmann

Release Date: February 8, 2005 [EBook #14985]

PROJECT GUTENBERG - Produced by Audrey Longhurst,
Karen Dalrymple and the Online

Distributed Proofreading Team.

Valere Aude




A vade mecum on




Dr. Louis Dechmann

Biologist and Physiological Chemist

Second Edition (Compendium) 1919


Christmas 1918


In response to the chemical consumption of lecithin a new oil flows down the axis cylinders of the nerve fibrils, which are arranged like lamp wicks. The duration of the flow of this oil is, on the average, about eighteen hours. When the cerebro-spinal nerves refuse longer to perform their function, fatigue and sleep ensue, and the current of blood leaves the brain and seeks the intestines. While the cerebro-spinal system rests, the sympathetic system takes up its task of directing the renewal of tissue and supplying the nerve sheaths through the lymph vessels, which draw their material from the digestive canal, with a new supply of phosphatic oil. Thus the brain and spinal nervous system are prepared for another day's work. For the fulfillment of these processes, the magnetic blood current forms the intermediary.

The presence of formic and acetic acid supplies
the blood with fresh electricity to stimulate the nerves. "Under normal
conditions," says Julius Hensel, "this function is assigned to the spleen.
This organ takes the part of a rejuvenating influence in the body in the
manner of a relay station, and does so by virtue of an invisible but significant device. In every other region of the body the hairlike terminals of the arteries which branch out from the heart merge directly in the tiny tubes (capillaries) of the veins, which lead back to the heart again: in the spleen this is not the case. Here rather the arteries end suddenly when they have diminished to a diameter of one one-hundred-and-fortieth of an inch and end in a bulb (the Malpighian bodies). Under such circumstances the sudden stoppage, particularly the impact of the magnetic blood stream against the membrane of a Malpighian body, exemplifies the physical law of the induction of electricity, in accordance with which the blood that enters the spleen is changed into plasma and exudes through the membrane of the Malpighian bodies. The event indicates some fluidity of the red blood cells, which is a change effected in the body by the impact of electric sparks, and one which electrical therapy also brings about locally to prevent increase in the solid constituents of the blood."

The numerous Malpighian bodies in the spleen act
as so many electrical conductors, and the product of their electrical activity is found in the formic and acetic acid of the fluid plasma which filters through the Malpighian corpuscles and supplies the acid tissue of the spleen (pulpa splenica). These acids are the electrolytic division products of lecithin. In the splenic pulp arise the capillaries of the splenic veins whose acid blood is carried directly to the liver, where certain cells formed like galvanic elements possess the property, through the electrical action of formic and acetic acid, of extracting from blood albumen the opposite of acids, namely, alkaline bile. The normal functioning of the liver, therefore, is dependent upon that of the spleen, and since the bile produced by the liver goes to aid the digestive activity of the duodenum, disturbance of digestion must result when the quality of the bile is inferior.



O.K. so Bruce Parry lives in Ibiza and started
out his Tribe series as a Christian, ending it as a "pan-deist atheist"
of sorts:

Parry was raised as a Christian but his experiences among the tribes have led him to believe in a sceptical form of pandeism:

“ When I came back from expeditions, I had some
experiences that made me readdress all that. I'd pretty much known all
along that Christianity wasn't for me. Ever since then, I've been on my
own quest to find another truth. I can't read novels, but I do read books
about cosmology, about astrophysics, about genetics. I'm interested in
altered states of mind, and creation myths. It's all part of the same thing
- I want to know why we think what we think. Now, I'd describe myself as
pan-deist, reluctantly verging on atheist.[5] ”

Parry has since been described, with his apparent
approval, as a "Christian turned sceptical pan-deist turned reluctant atheist" who "sees himself on a spiritual journey."[6]

Bruce Parry reflects on his drug trips

Bruce Parry reflects on the pure boredom of it:


Bruce Parry's Amazon reading/viewing list -- radical stuff.

Bruce Parry supports the Ibiza Perservation Fund
of Spain

I caught a couple of these shows on cable about
6 years ago maybe.... now we can watch them all! - GOING TRIBAL SERIES
ONE (6 hours)




Bruce Parry reports on the destruction of the
Amazon for gold mining:

Bruce Parry's blog for his Amazon series

Bruce Parry does "Songs for Survival" fundraiser
c.d. for Survivor International featuring music from the tribes he visited.

A review of Bruce Parry's book Tribe -- with another interview

Posted by spiraldance at 6:45 PM





The penis inversion was damned funny. Thanks!


The BBC show us this "unspoilt" or "endangered"
tribe and ecosystem so we feel guilty and then bring in the EcoTrotskyism
to Rewild the world and kill off the people.

As for "low carbon", don't get this grumpy Cloudtiger started. Yeah, Drew, I am one of those white middleclass guys "in denial"
about carbon dioxide causing "climate change".

At least Bruce is going in the right direction.

I am just down cause the world is going to Hell
and 95% in the West don't give enough of a damn to cooperate to do anything about it and the 5% are mostly making it worse. Tell me I am wrong.

Harumph! Going out for sunshine to pretend the
world is doing well.

June 20, 2010 8:12 AM



books, tacks, yarn and switchrich curtain railing

add a bit of bemomb bomemb, eehrrrm,
ahh .. demand (yeah, thaddit) demand driven budget for rope and squishy
seats and the lack of and craving for bounce by way of fatherly force of
arms can be met by the tangle toss along the way to targeted lowbrowery
stack ... and that brings me to somebody with the thankless task/mission
of distracting from the most unethical jostle hustle imaginable and getting tired of it:
General MCCRYSTAL. He must be connected to 7 .. as is james joyce .. as is i i learned since i cracked the little 'numerology' (1974) by Austin Coates yesterday 
(mine survived being the Westminster public library copy splendidly, apart from the characteristic indentation their stamp inflicts - check the --'two' trait-- entry near the top of of yesterday .... 5 page-ups from where ((and how)) i am now).

but as most are ( M philips
on gematriaKaballah thingamajig that comes up 55 a lot for instance) this
matrix is too flat, not lively enough. ... guess i am due for a leaf through the BF Fuller (inspired) material ... and play with a bunch of fruit a while ... hang my numeracy/fruitstand and landscape pics and posters. Just invited the arguelles crowd for a conf at my place. ... but just in case i get inpatient and/or thrown out of my present onlineyhood wallop dole out spot .. .a rehearsalish foreshadowing of which happened last night

quicker search functions, camera,
onlinehood, i am ready to spend big bucks on ya ...
specially after ...
....the grief given me last nite by the type
lass who will take any opp to humiliate a man, any and all, bring them
to their knees but pretend these victims put themselves in her way deliberately, the more the merrier, it's the put-in to the drawforth these brave brave souls (not) cannot resist, the sedition by way of sedation, immobilization by way of stuffage
(pride cannot be plastered, but the plastered can fake pride). Suffocatress of stricture and far from friendly squeezes, maybe a missus McCrystal (of cruelties) candidate.

While even onto highest levels (cabinet formation), word of the day the other day (-- ...
or other week, i cannot follow that stink too closely anymore ... i like dispensing good advice cheerfully and cheaply but apply the 'graag of helemaal niet' clause (no gratitude, no continuation)
, like yesterday's was 'perspective', the media cut-up/out and collage has everybody saying it so the semblance of agreement is thereby incessantly repeated, the automaton model reinforced, exemplified and 'had' the only way it can be had at all, fake, with salving, soothing and syrupy words that stick to everything and everybody with it including whatever 'it' can be cracked up to be and become in whosoever's eyes --) was 'tolerance' (in that 'oogluikend toegestane' schietzionist sense of never inapplicable but always unapplied rule that rules), well, that much abused atomization process where o so potent can all show prowess AND thoughtfulness was once again, at vital micro-level, only one where any- and everything matters, affecting me, cut and killed dead down to the (militarily) lowlaylawletter (like Coates on about gunnery and generals a lot but zippo about musical rock grinders and grippies).

rID, let's play pin the balls on the wizard



middle line horizontal = people

middle line vertical = things




drew hempel

4955 854753

23 ---- 32

5 --- 5

1 - sole command - literature

you will have to do your date of birth to finish the job

as your 1 is derived from a fiver pile i would watch out for the subconscious frust of the surrounded one and dilletante ... keep on paying that boozin respect there. Rainbow family has plenny of hoarse indulgents who shamelessly hog the sacred emptiness and what's far worse, the sacred emptying in the middle, dat da placementpriorty i allocate to the musical rock grinder (not surroundings to ashes but fresh ground availabilized mineralstashes to surroundings, HO! tripple frickin HO is next!!).. then again it should swiftly be magically mobile and lure folks out of the pile up and terrorist temptations one and all, the fumbly, rumbly and al/l ways but) humbly varieteaze. Then again, when you're in a good way, it's easy lime-light basker, all over the place, kinda like golden mean on downward and logarithmic/Archimedes on the uptick (did you crib that from Laffoley by the way?) ... double 4 accounts for your mathy interests.

Normally, i save up some youtubes as i hurriedly surf to get all the reading fodder onto my stick to take home to my liddullappytoppie and stay 5 to 10 minutes after the online buttons gets pushed off at the main reception (where, you guessed it, the evil witch holds court 2 days a week .. and rather than conform to colleagues (which she did one week), she goes higher up to the likeminded 'kenau' (and both come at me with full severity the next), equally blind and hostile to any and all measure of mindfullness  ... making them gravitate to jobs in healthcare) the same way the media are the lying lefty media worrying over loss of privacy where they should berate the lack of transparancy or fishing around for the next austerity triggered violence to justify the next strangulation of ultransformz where ideally-like, extreme individualism, discipline, simplicity and highly regimented, strictly enforced, collectivized, and polarized regimentation (oops, said that already) meet, meddle, mate, mold, muddle, morph, mediate, miserate and might as well, some salutary time soon, muster a mugfull of generalizable and soaked crystals, ... mud. Fresh. Now shoot for shade shoed on this list and lean tubtender lender - lubberlander tubbertender and lol around till ripe. The kei is tast, the dag acome klouty.





a wooded (and or woody) set up with lots of tackery and webbery, yarn with colourcoded keyword clouds dangling on slips of paper lead to pages in books and prints at the other end but not before and without being switchrich (over your head but within reach and not boven je pet = unintelligible), that is to say, suspended (bundlable, rearrangeable)

on curtain-railtrack circuitry ... damn look at the lines growing in front of my mind's eye rollercoaster realercoster liebriary
(that is a term Ray invented perhaps but he charted cheating his own inventiveness with the funetik skeemeree).

imagine panoramio fused, merged, partnered and synced with the giffie i have yet to go collect (via 5 page ups).

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Tony Rice

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


my favorite isaacs notes fit in that slot of this vid. Hell in one word. Relates to that vet post the other day and earlier ones about this group, the style the culture, the consequences.

depth or debt - nother easy choice

Date: Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 9:12 PM
Subject: Analogy between Gaza aid flotilla and the desegregation
movement: "Their goal was not to get breakfast; it was to end

Here's a very cogent comment from MJ Rosenberg, a former AIPAC staffer:

so, there's life after death .. but one bird no summer makes
BP not really trying to cap but to tap .... can't they cap with a tap??

it's like saying christianity is not a word but a sword affair (tired confused best retired), fact is they profit by breeding their own bogeyman cause and as long as page spreads with jetfighters sprawling on them, the hi-lite that can do without context like only a men's mag feature porn star can, get and remain associated with duty and decency.
white money movement and mr duck ... forgot to look for that (see june part 1)

Jacques Attali laid out a specific centralization plan. It is suggested that the EU countries create their own institutions to monitor the activities of financial operators. It is also proposed that they should set up a European creditor of a new formation that - while not being linked to Europe's central and investment banks or governments - would guarantee assistance to viable local financial institutions, buy into their assets, and extend loans under specific terms. Attali further advocates the formation of a European ministry of finance that would immediately be empowered to hand out loans from the name of the EU, and the creation of a European Budget Fund with a mandate to oversee the budgets of the countries whose cumulative dept totals over 85% of the GDP. He warns that an even severer crisis should be expected otherwise.

I always thought his book called 'noise' was quite lacking and here too, he knows where the action is but aint the choice tailor to rise to the rises potential to be gotten (to be and to be begotten at/)from this occasion.

For instance, why no attention paid to what (exactly) credit should fund in the first place. Cause the author lost appetite for prying eyes as well as admiration? I sympathize, gives meaning, volume, impetus and momentum to the saying 'beste stuurlui staan aan wal' .. for those who happen to, like me, see us as one and agree that Marten Toonder has more exportable import to holland than all of its culture so far combined ... i (victim of high(ly hypered) and hyped but otherwise or therefore as good as hidden) hope could easily see him work 'us' out but adressed him way too late, half-heartedly and ineffectively, not to call it plain failingly).

A one line history of money:
A huge and primary part of the success, raison d' etre and worth of money consist of defining not the (PurPow) freedom it affords but what the owner commited to giving up for it in advance of 'spending' it as his promise (before anybody apart from speculators and gamblers perhaps, traded on this particular skill, substance, location, development and/or outcome), in other words, we all would like to know what this here, that and the other money over there stand and are good for and what's more, keep up with their evolutions over time .. but remembers the gamblers do clockwork too and they can usually afford a faster beater.

Soon as too much of such 'pesky' specs (blessed little factoids really - ad-world antidote, hollywood cure, the real not reel keepers) go without saying (foreshortened by short sighted shortsellers) so the bland (non-descript, one size fits all, monomeaningless megalomusterbluster) money flows, steady as she knows, the whole sorry load of contradictions will continue to provide cover for criminals to remain seated in places they favor, those of highest authority and in plain sight, violations keep on sailing under flags that read: integrity but act out invasion, occupation, extermination, that is the secret of nations ... as is, much more powerful that the security councils of nations where volunteers aren't allowed to voluntarize.

Turmoil and mixage set up a calamity din that favors hi-tec, surveillance and mass- anything or as close to just about anything as possible, characterizing such ventures as distinction maintenance, etcetera, but making life hell on earth. Just saw the word 'predacity' for the first time in a book about Prussia (the title i could not remember the other day is 'the thousand year conspiracy' a must (Req.R) to get the hidden hand - hidden god - holy land complex in perspective). That's not reptilian, that's plain primally gaseous or gasbageous, that's why it will be seriously therapeutic if we let the ambient, fluid, semites, semi-semites and 'semitoidality' friendly folk -- found on the edges of availability, where scarcity ups the price or where it goes without saying so much that marked and marketed erosions are not remarked upon enough to begin motivating remedy -- work on the wesseldiwesseli wonder ... i am a little uneasy about easy power but hey, better than nukey turning, same as i prefer seeing digital credit bombs a churna churnin over the nukey kinds ... still ... i am in fact a little more than uneasy about keepin on mentioning truths like these every time i do and in keeping with my growing misanthropy, but ... hey... now that more people than ever think about depths and pressures this proposal is nothing if not opportune to get a non-monopolizable start, air is more like water than seed and surface to grow it out. It's like giving everybody a key to the federal ... no .. the galactic reserve and (you know) who needs water anything if you can milk all (you know), right?

*# To maintain distinctions despite contact is of course a sought after merit, but being reliable and consistent is not automatically a guarantee for easily indexed baskets if you set the timespan too low (kinda like an alarmclock with worn and weak spring). After all, a well cared for and carefully loaded gun can last a long time too (the most prudent use being the parade and display, not the use. Hi ho rainbow square tianaman man.

(Perhaps not) Apart from that (reason for as heavy as heady adjustments) there is a panoply of ever growing eco criteria, sprouting fresh term-crops, like diverse (i'll shorten a few here: sust, de-cent) and lately 'resiliant' ..i know it is officially spelt with e but none of the less supine terms i tried to promote like grip instead of hip has made it yet .. and lemme be a grouch for a minnit, the world is punishing itself for not trusting itself to give in to the sort of divine guidance that would be their generously and warm-heartedly 'parted with' (Hah haah!) lot were they to trust themselves instead of suspecting i will smoke illegal substances, disrespect the sanctity of marriage and put entirely dangerous ideas into the tender and receptive little heads of their o so vulnerable children (the ruination of whom they tend to hog, monopolize and perp by their own hands if they can help it)

Instead of ('centralization plans')... or as the perfect opening move along a way towards .. perhaps not overstating the goal but exasperatingly stating (their gross misunderstanding of it) over and over, the govts should practice scalable and/cause principled contractuality .. not take hold of but focus on a select number of worthwile stock(ed dust)piles (like nurseries) and simply help these type honorouble businesses move their inventory*, giving credits for the explicit purpose of turning public or way too monoculturally managed (and therefor lawfully disownable) land into replicas of basic necessity (re)localization (and therefore temporary supply line) set ups. Gvts must of course also totally punish pollutors out of business, make the detox intense, mandatory and preferably pre-emptive. All this in order to create prize property, planted with planned out, millenia spanning lifetime 'sitchawayshine' for trees, aiming to, in 30 or 40 years have newly grown support limbs beginning to outweigh just as rapidly dwindling (unconverted - died .. the jewvert killed it) armature and such poisionous projectile gadgets (like fertilizer gizmose, the dutch call 'm artdung spreaders = kunstmest strooiers).

*holland had lots of deals by way of 'laser' (subsidizing up to 90% of purchasing prices for land and trees) ... but it was tailored to the rich and not those who need to make a living from what was to become semi-public space. At the very least subsistence in the most diverse sense think- and practicable would simply become such a permanent attraction and urban problem (di)solver, you'd think concessions towards this way of 'landschapverfraaiing' would be dead easy... if and as long as you forget we are dealing with a bunch of hypocrites suffocated by their own century old bi-culturalism pastureland and bibles .... We all need to forget that for as long a timestretch is we can manage.

earlier this morn, this next line was the third one i wrote (i should use wiki and keep a succesion of versions).
when this long long overstretched lie balloon loses it's air in a weak whisper while toxic shreds of it rain down upon us in mental mayhem#, it's mythical status will just disappear no matter the amounts of proppy money (costs our mother nature and moral hygene in general more than all the wreckage by way of poppies) it has been propped up by all these ages, is climaxing all around us, even now trying to maintain that 'germany agressed' while all the latter did was mirror/join the imperial competition, protecting it's trade routes and trying to lift blockades, unblock stopped and clogged up supply lines (using threats against continuing the squeeze on, not of market freedom ... and this reason 'gets' conveniently ignored in order to assert what this nice size sentence began with ... remember?)
# -- recently saw a 'jewvert' turn truth around and worry about the toxic fall-out of ... no not the publishing or financial shinanigan industries ... volcanos ... that's almost as dumb as saying jewry or numeracy is dangerous --

Oily terminoil terminal all out ailment fighting spirit .. i much prefer to die from sadness (exactly what i am doing) and speaking about dying (process((ion)) and conversion):
long chains to most consistent single element simple massage is the politics of pressure .. a hard(ening) game by nature and trying to set soupy and souped up standards with reckless lying has escalated from crisis to crisis since the demise of heir and herr to the largest amassments of clout to date --- son of slavotto nimrud a la Kaulins or a la Robert Graves some sort of 'romite' ?? .. who cares .. either way .. the sun of god got associated and confused with some of the first humans to actually do something about right of way and growth by way of photosynthesis (rather than just be ritually slaughtered ((renewed, replaced)) sacred ((spoiled! to compensate for dreadfully exact and scripted departure point)) calendric gods). A sun-god to merit the title and become first-fruit born near the end of a very long and twisted long tail tale.

Monday, June 14, 2010

chasing whitehood some more

Jim Giles does a 'show' on Leadership and the White money movement (guy called Duck who he was on the phone with for 2 hours ... although he trusts people of few words .. strictly .. and proving his lack of self-confidence with hourlong .. cough .. shows). This act of self-shaming is hilarious, he is furious and yelling a lot, recounting moving his bees, getting stung a lot and stuck in his own driveway cause a fat white lady is wanting directions and backing up 20 vehicles before she turns towards him, gets half out of her vehicle and asks. He tells her off (aint got time for fat retards that booahj). UPS calls in about queen bees waiting and he goes on wondering about the actionability of him bringing up 'anti-nigger' at the state fair. He sure aint afraid to scream it on his pitiful pod.
a csa white race defender guy called Kievsky (must look for his blog, linked here possibly) ... otherwise gagle: Kievsky - Voice of Reason Broadcast Network

Thu., Jun. 10: Bolshevism and the Ukraine
Matt Johnson
this fella i find pretty solid

shifting a load of registers on this here spectrum:

13 juni:

nother howler in sundy mourn dutch monocultreal radio (someone ranting on it at 4 that mourn already), midday news on about 'niet genoeg draagkracht..' pretending the are in power, democracy really works fine and dandy miracles but unfortunately the balance of power delivers a temporary deadlock ... yeah, like all needs needinesses and needy niceties totally emasculated, circumscribed, -sized and -vented ... cause you know, one must make natural forms of it conform to the political constraints in the interest of a succesful austerity hype. No more needy stomachs to fill, supplies and inventory to move, garden-growing agreements to make, act on and out, contracts to sign, currencies to emit ... all in the service of reflecting the institutions that bridge the sparkgap between spirit and matter, to sustain their paralysis they need to subsume infect and control all the helping hands and minds that could menace their little polarization schemes. In three words: the holy book syndrome.

Lemme take yall 'home' yall usaians…d=75473&cmd=tc
52 year old Martin Linstedt, still going and so is his blog but the site is nixed, this Martin admits being in a nuthouse taking medication from what he now scolds niggers. Ran for senator too. Encompassing terms of contradiction i guess. Vulgar pervert poopiedog cuddling white and christian identity champion/expert .. cough. An hour out of the 2.51 is all i could stand. atrociously low Q audio

more suicide soldiers than combat victims

it'the more honourable way if the referees and paraphernalia finaglers aren't into fair fighting ... the us needs to take a leaf from it's own history by way of Sidis and study real hard before firing off a single anything.

Ian masters has two young vets on his memorial day show/slot (Background Briefing on kpfa)
all the money going to new shiny toys for the absentee boyz, while the soldiers themselves are suiciding at a rate higher than ever before, there are more soldiers right now, in the active duty military who are taking their own lives, than are being killed in combat (in Iraq and Afghanistan), more than doubling the latter's numbers reported in the news, and that's not even counting those who killed themselves after they disenrolled and are separated from service which is expected to be just as high. PTSD, mental scars, hideous physical injuries (over a 100.000 victims).

Green-card carriers and mercenaries not counted of course.

Is todd aware of all this??? .. gonna ax him rite now

Saturday, June 12, 2010

S-laveren - the sail-boat

not that blacks never had an imperial phase ... see alice
ok finally found the vid that will cure me from a dangerously burning love for this gall, see her fake the heart-ache in the beginnng, .. i cannot dissociate it from Jim Giles yelling at niggers unabashedly -- on his rant regarding Barrett's death, a man he thinks the fbi sicked on him ... and sure enough he is quite torn charmed attracted and yet disgusted with rhetorical skillfulness ... he claims the outwardly stable ones are dangerous and showing emotion is healthy so he self- and others harmingly, pushing the dial way into the red with his yelling ... showing he has no shame or qualms to do a little dry swimmin .. . ready to take up a slave driver's whip cause he ain't no whimp and does not need his duck sicked. i was offered a whip brandishing job in my early twenties by a visiting pastor ... that's how little my folks realized which way i was heading ..

the end of this one is brill .. "The Love Of God" By The Isaacs (2008) part of a 40 piece 'isaacs mix' .. oh, some kid stole the guide feather off my bike

Friday, June 11, 2010


kapitalistisch manifest volgens Hans Achterhuis
zaterdag 3 april 2010 - Trouw
vrijdag 2 april 2010 - Trouw
Autisme is niet louter een last
a very brief look at the 2 mentioned articles triggers a little conceptual enchainement reaction: IT-hype - dotcom bubbles as overdrives for monied privilege of old (a prerogative of the numerate, forced to be accountants in days of yore, bureaucrats and underlings who slowly and slyly over thousands of years got a grip to go along and enforce their gripe, capturing their captors by small increments, a primitive accumulation 'long tail' story which mothers all others. Within the same seconds of thinking this (once again) i see the clear connection to the hope of my parents that i would turn out decent, practice honest work by example and defend artisanship in sweat equity units. They expressed alarm and suppressed my tendency to love word-smith(er)age, concept-jugglery, bible-criticism for god's ache, etcetera. Now i connect the trouble in the middle east (which i continue to sample via rowan berkeley ((over a decade already)), Peter Myers, and the xymphora blog mostly) with earlier looks at Theodor Lessing, Sander Gilman and what's more, the latter day brilliant insights in the evolutionary aspects of hormones and brain development, Andrew Lehman at
34 responses - sorta tha TerreBlanche equivalent over in the states:

In his book The Commission, Barrett explained why he became a White Nationalist: ”Nausea hit me in the pit of my stomach. Fear of my country overshadowed me,” he said, remembering his thoughts after he heard about the Brown vs. the Board of Education decision, which ended segregation in the South. “Nature not men decreed that Negroes were different,” he wrote. “Those who mingled with colored were as much an aberration as the unwanted bluebird in the redbird’s nest and every bit as disruptive of natural and societal disorder.”

Hey, dead asshole, listen up, i totally commiserate with the ex-pit of your ex-stomach and wish you would do this thought experiment with me: try to think of less innocent and meanwhile damn near fukcing mandatory versions of desegration, like invasion, imperial kolonisation and all that. then put your dead self into the a red skin, feeling right at home and all, up comes a white man dragging a black man along. What sort of stomachpitfeeling would bubble up for you there buddy, ever thought of that before making pronouncements like the one i quoted. GODDAMN YOU, GIVING europa a bad name. Good riddance. Hope you get sent back down to earth on the double and ordered to take the black man back (at least one), guarding him with your life and seeing to his living from a mature forest before you are again let out, at liberty to gab about whatnot all hits your innocent self out of the blue injustice well have you ever ... But hey, i forgive you, taking a leaf out of the schizinstruction book prolly has you thinking you are the true israel, hell, it does not even take taking leave of europe to get that batso.

i guess one can hear Wallace, here perhaps (along with Kievsky, whoever that is)
4 links from the comments: Giles took him to court but surely not to assail him along the above lines of reasoning (i heard that much of him already, still, i will go see)

"Richard Barrett did not belong to any established conservative organization and he was a polarizing figure who made enemies on both the right and left. Many of my very best friends don’t think very highly of him, for a number of reasons. And I respect that."

mmm, i thought a polarizer cannot but harbour a fulcrum which must appear as true alternative to fighting (if that's what constant polarizing (enemy making) has reduced them to. Don't just double/flatten, .... keep on folding!!!! troublesome trouble speakers won't clarify the shades of grey. where friendliness grows, surveillance, walls fences, security industry boom wanes and israel fades.

assimilee me has spoken.

i would not do it again ... but on the whole there are tremendous reasons to be jealous of me .. if you discount the fact that my means may have been given bycause my target (familytreehousing) is impossibly hard to hit.

make this a very great hit please

the bbc world-service has a session (never memorize the show names but am starting to recognize the voices, this is the Matthew Bannister one) with a musician doing some acappela Devon traditional with the word brown in it.

good, .. but i have waaaay better still today, first thing heard on folkalley:

song: Two Brothers
Bill Jones
album: Two Year Winter - Release: August 12, 2003
Compass 4366

53 ratings there

amazon Price: $17.98
Sales Rank: 168882

i posted a little rant at Drew's (wow, this link takes up 5 lines, that is like one of them galactic signatures arguelles puts up under his increasingly rare - and odd# rants)
billy (belinda) jones sings about palestine from the position of triple goddess seated and positioned to pronounce justice.... your music expertise isn't 'een knip voor de neus waard' is you do not endorse and promote this type of work with the same alarming tiresomeness you have demonstrated to be capable of when it comes to your holding back on eating long enough to overshoot the firm turd goal at the other end (very stupidly named 'pigging out' while only penned pigs are in danger of outgrowing their own work out and off into the asterixaradise ... whatev

# so he pointed to a far away colleague in mongolia who does not speak english very well and likes round figures

Patty Griffin (familiar voice) 'be(ma)zondigde' zich aan gospel too..... (snippets at link)

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

"Look What God Gave Me" By The Isaacs

oops wrong blog .. but time's up

net na een video over het vieren van de iz piraten aktie

de geassimileerde jood heeft het goed maar het is als het grote lek in de golf van mexico ... er is teveel 'nachschub'

speaking of heroes for real

irish ex marine beat up and his (pali)pass-port stolen

he explains what sort of rotters the izzy commandos are (and ungrateful too, to be given the life they themselves already were convinced was forfeit and not stopping the abuse of this chunk of humanity for which the entire dutch parliament and political party members combined can just sink in the mud as far as i am concerned.

more musicosussery

sonya the historian in the interest of giving voice to one's interest .. .but we'll get to the voting issue is a moment (did most of already, but in dutch).

47th minute of the fieldrecordingsd_ii.mp3 from edge of americana (a NJ old time bluegrass show called Edge of Americana presented by Josh Berman) features Muddy Water's second ever recording on his own porch down south (startling and unequalled if you ask me) ... ended up on "The complete plantation recordings"

.. around the 57th minute he mentions Tecumseh prophesying an earthquake down to the day .. which reminds me how purely native that skill is, cannot be faked ... hence all the ones faking it in the bible with a nevertheless very predictable outcome: war and bloodshed, imagine the following scene (biblical equivalent and prototype of tavern, old soured and deranged zealots complaining about the natives and signing of sponsorships to get the young guys up and down the no guts (left) just gory trail in order to let the gluts run with the glory.

the right wing in america is all the more aware of miscegenation cause they have a wake-up call equivalent worth of case-worsening, biggest shock since tree-flattening resetting at bible-import era and compared to it .

apropo sonya/isaacs heros, hey, all that brilliance medallism, house of reward and bonusy structure has a reverse since it is a flat world phenom which needs extreme anchoring (hey, new thought: what if the wessel thing takes off ... his doohickies get built bigger and bigger .. then a giant one rips the lid of a full pressure diamond press ... , that's one type of disaster we do not need all that arduous inventor savantism heartbreak over do we?):

gilman "congenital diseases" jews

Wellcome History 42

This included the aetiology of congenital diseases, malformations and miscarriages ...... In under 200 pages, Sander Gilman selects several ways to view the issue – as ... intertwining of Jews with obesity and diabetes – both regarded, ... - In cache
veel galm
without 'galm' (no not glam, it's a spacial thang .. echo ... lordie ... if politics and wessel's thing are both hollow, i think a choice is not quite like one for the lesser evil is it).

not me
i have nothing to do with any heavy metal bands
offers to come do deep sea work with tons and tons of heavy metal as per are looked forward to and served on first come first serve basis.

Statistics and accounting was my thought. go visit todd Boyle at A-list and read up on his ledgerism ... we have to get through this aut(omat)ism stage and the sooner we do the better (see next post).

1. Lack of dexterity or readiness, especially in the use of the hands; clumsiness; awkwardness.

indexical -
(Library Science & Bibliography) arranged as or relating to an index or indexes

(Linguistics) Logic Linguistics a term whose reference depends on the context of utterance, such as I, you, here, now, or tomorrow Also deictic

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

plit thockens

so deary, you rich enough to get '200 years together' translated?
the first hit for it look ok:

if anybody deserves to have some emotional knots softened and massaged by the wider view message of a good historian it must be you, the dear mom of the 2 best trained singers in the world.

it might also(/instead?) serve those few oh all too few chosen few who dare to look at their long and windy pedigree with the biasless that helps making the turns when the path calls for it ... etcetera.

say hello to the highest priestesses for me.

Monday, June 07, 2010

waddaya make of this

in the light of all i have worked for so far?

easy, my heavenly reward and hellish betrayal at the same time ... thank god they know not what they do except what they do best .. not knowing better ..

at 3.22 native american mother floats past .. it is a miracle

Saturday, June 05, 2010


reading back yesterday's tapsplash i guess an apology is in order ... hard to fit a jocular tone to them fightin words but there is truth to it and yes, most money revolves around, gravitates to, is roped in by confolk and by god they will

i just like the truths in my songs to be a little more universal and will sacrifice sound savvy (heartstring pickery-expertise) for that (the latter is fake to the degree it comes at the expense of the former).

Recursive weaving between co-operation and true privacy needs the in- and assurances Beckerath et al provide and not a bunch of manipulated and/or outright genocidal colonizers.

if we cannot get whities to settle back in europe and permacultivate themselves out of the biblical hive and antheap mindset there is no hope for native americans and palestinians.

I do not mean it as severe as it sounds. I do enjoy the isaacs and what's more, am aware of diffusion science. Cyclone Covey is in my personal top tier of worthwileness and validity but what i am saying is in the interest of voluntariety and voluntarization

Friday, June 04, 2010

a juicy earlful or dry and dusty sightings

hey .. i am the easy choices man right?

the plague seasons and circuses march on
to the tune of 85 vids by that christian arms industries laudatiating lass
.. see about 3.33 in the second vid for a lass in haar sas betraying the crypto semite strains in her make up with the ululationizing (sound quality is very borderline) and not sounding so mournful when the semite has not managed to escape his wasted habitat and supping up someone elses. .. the fourth one is amazing ... still dark haired there ... since it has a little muddy truth in it too

now really though, ... cut the sweet holy spirit crap and celebrate the destruction of your enemies like the holy books want you to. sheeeesh

ps: here's that pic i ranted on:

regarding the pre-ambel in the rewrite

don't remember if i mentioned this on blog before (other than in a comment at Drew's mazbe):
the relevant post is the last one on the front page

too bad clever guys like this don't care a fig for the 'permacological aspects of self-delusion and violence. Why is DeMeo such a lone light? Why am i?

yesterday's repeated and polished up a tad

fresh thought, might the mythical semitical rejection (by jews) and downplay (by arabs) of jesus (who stands for the sun-gods and sacred kings of yore (passim R Graves, truthbeknown zeitgeist etcetera) have something to do with lichtvervuiling lichtverspilling ... nee ... lichtontvangst en verwerking ... refusal of our saviour's mercy is a dangerous personalization of a creepingly collective and intergenerational ailment resulting in erosion to the point of inhibiting sunlight processing altogether.
you want to read the sarantium books by GG Kay and get a taste for the loss of greenery in this region between semite and slav ... the ottoman empire.

somehow the link got funny on this one:

digging that kitty gramma tried to hide from you until (she taught you to be and) you were good and ready? The worst things you can split are atoms and personalities, other phenomena positivelz need it, cleavages cry for it, money and bond markets become a pack of liar serving mess without it.

here, better your life and learn a thing or 2, 3 about keepin the slop clean..then quickening awaits anyone toeing the foot in the doorline just beyond abstract duality trickonical and quadrivalrosy to quaint kwink and qwonk

cute, spontaneously found a work around (invisible line breaks one encounters via blogger's full dress front door). instead, just use this composing window shorn of all other commands:

written yesterday:
posted on lyrics from 'the isaacs' (playsuffering in order to justify outsourcing and imposing it) including ref to paper art found via jorn barger:
+52 and 5 related posts

back to sordid states of (in)humanity
quicksand, america's pursuit of power in the middle east - 700 pages by a totally nice guy from north texas state - warow warrow or worro .. J Blankfort does not spell it for us.

Max Keiser invented and explains financial terror, check Virtual Specialist Technology patent - how to make markets in an 'infinite inventory environment'

morning of the third:
palestinians are not allowed arms, they know not how to use them properly though who in the final analysis really uses them against their own interests if not at the same time against themselves entire is an open sore and question.

Instead of help in procuring arms to give them a chance for a fair fight (same amount, same kind and same source of such help would quickly perk the market don't you think?) it is imperative and the only decent to do:

i know what i will report below will

a - be familiar to those following me beside the news

b - provide fodder and cater to the myriads and mirrormad sites playing with 'occulpiracy' and code fads in refashioning 'grip on rube' and 'spin 'm dizzy' schemes .... hey i will humour them but ... beware, all i have left to show for trying to read that madman michael topper - and wondering

c - who set him up to distract my crowd from the type of salvation ensuing from an understanding (=operativation, i won't say employment, cause you cannot fire them though god knows, poison and burn is their fate) of two simple verbs reduction and organizationation

d - what became of him and why of all 80 tapes he distributed never a shred turns up (guessing it will, but in its own sweetly took time .. or .. delayed by that thorough type of idf vettage i guess, not that among his (at times fervently) favorite words (those beginning with p) was palestinian.

Jewish (semiest of semi-semites) Schizophrenia:
180 degree (exact) inversion ... not us, YOU did it, ... are doing it (the Netanyahu monster). folks like that rattle on about 'our job', 'our market', 'our lucre', 'our land', etc.

Semite Schizophrenia:
90 degree twist, from irresponsilble macho overacting to pure innocent feminine passivity, does not reach beyond denial, they do not accuse their prosecuteurs of having done the crime themselves but simply and steadfastly of not stubbornly deny they did it.

Derek Bird, Cambrian taxidriver went on a 30 mile 3 hour rampage killing 12 wounding (?? oops, BBC did not bother mention the number of wounded at 10) .. a local man comments yes yes and yes regarding questions about (investments in) 'airsupport'

i trice repeated and mocked SOA - IDF etcetera type drill yells and played off of them (omitting plays on squeezy skidney needlement resulting in oilspill in a quest for lucre rather than seing to what a pure will can will) on june 1

i have a bird who gave me his .. no THE last song of the day out of gratitude.

well that's it for the 3x19th post by this particular vision man (one of ones) who's fate is according the organizer as linked to harmonic convergence as it is to nagasaki okinawa and most of all hiroshima,

but why not

e - stick to all but crumbled and hard to revive cernunnos rather than a flesh and blood valum votan who keeps finding funny folks (folks funnier than me) like a mongolian lately who reckons (1) mayans got their clues from them and (2) back over 6 billion years (3) he is saving us all by visiting an alpan cave, the place emma kunz painted her webbings .. all in broken english

f - a link to monastic studious and walled garden catholicism or even the bare hand nail driving qi gong powers through proper celibacy cultivation via drew hempel (got chinese christian rather than roman help) ..

forget all about that stupid date hyped by that stupid superstitions loving crowd and do a dippy grippy circus.

should i just buy a camera or can i keep hoping to charm an expert? i wrote the maker of 'back to the garden' (same background as the isaacs i gather - see yesterday's post) the other day, showing in amsterdam in 2 days

dress up as a hippy and win something

just reserved 2 tickets.

lurker first come ex-lurker first served

come on, if i dig out my rainbow wings and unfurl my twirlythrillwinddrill octahedrone we can't lose.

as for the rest ... die lurkers die.

piet said...
hey drew you ought to pay attention to the bbc world service report on celibacy (in the cath. c).

i mentioned but did not make the orientalism connect between willyway and willfully while a woe away (squeeze, tension, skizknow kidneyds, hoppy bouncy, squirt and tracky rockwatering trick trajectories and transforms very clear, let alone methodically but enjoyed listening to the pragmatic take on it.

any readers in holland at the mo?

free movie ticket for sat nite ... i fancy a female real bad lately.

more split art
dead in vietnam, che carried out of the jungle dead, etcetera.
fair fighting news on the other hand? zip
they haven't taken a leaf out of my book yet.
careful what you wish for. they won't know how to put things back just the way they were ... (not that rearrangement isn't a thing all collecters and classifiers are guilty of as much as the next graffitoxhead comeraid comerote comerite council comfort hlper liberator skipgait candidote).

the '65 years after the war' commemorative publication will squander money but can i blame them for worse propaganda than mine .. when mine is no more than a diary or dream book entry? And isn't absence as well as unwillingness betrayal to crowds, slack taken up with jealousy, a mere lousy jew, me?

tecnically my crowd aversion is just a matter of scale there. The more the merryer is the perfect compost pile rule. the dust speck is the smallest possible emotional quant (here) .. .take it from me

this is what i mean, what they HAVE taken over/on (and offer, besides free piles in public libraries) is the leafing tecslickiness i first saw about a year ago i guess and know the whole earth catalog has applied to issues which i believe one can not get in pulpmode new anymore (my lousy software set-up blocks access right now). I own only the last let alone much of what gets blurbed there (just a few essentials like 'space colonies' which i tried to run into the ground thoroughly) so hey my collection is not that great really is it.

Hierarchical cults like Soros Conglomeroid and the lesser host of wannabe key charismatricullers lights like (uses De Hoog Dombosch graphics with the rainbow logo) clamour for 'regiebehoud' (holding onto the reigns) once they are cornered lucrative (lucre cracktive inactively corrective and incorrectly active) markets like those for physical security, the police, but it is better to, dare i say it (again?), enforce the market freeing guarantee: automate the tally in a non-meddlable 'read only' way. watery. level indicator. of purest passivity so sheer pressure of informed and therefore (not ((by way of)) proppy power manipulated and conmanhandled) popular as wel as imperative opinion rules. Politicians who have business nor skill with this technicality can fuck off to the theatre or pulpit.

i possess a poster of a numeracy stimulating foundation which shows a fruit stand and entitled 'money and problems'. When the time comes i will show it along with posters of the tree-alphabet mapped out on finger joints.

Palis and sympathizers SAY izzies are dogs (mad ones at that) but izzymouths call THAT hypocritical while they themselves ACT like their neighbours are so many multiples more dangerous than them, they need astronomical numbers of times the amount miraculously received through the odd tunnel. If anybody tries put these people on an equal footing it is an open goal to do so on the grounds of what they say methinks.

Thursday, June 03, 2010

more split art

yeah split alrite, all sorts of gruesomeness but not too bloody, that's left to be condemable about palestinians supporting and their affairs reporting sites

dead in vietnam, che carried out of the jungle dead, etcetera.

fair fighting news on the other hand?


they haven't taken a leaf out of my book yet.

careful what you wish for. they won't know how to put things back just the way they were ... (not that rearrangement isn't a thing all collecters and classifiers are guilty of as much as the next graffitoxhead comeraid comerote comerite council comfort hlper liberator skipgait candidote ...

they will squander money and punish me for blaming others about worse propaganda than mine .. but is mine more than a diary or dream book entry. And isn't absence as well as unwillingness betrayal to crowds?

tecnically mine is just a matter of scale there.

the dust speck is the smallest possible emotional quant (here) .. .take it from me

this is what i mean, what they HAVE taken over/on is the leafing tecslickiness i first saw about a year ago i guess and know the whole earth catalog has applied to issues which i believe one can not get in pulpmode new anymmore (i own only the last let alone much of what gets blurbed there (just a few essentials like 'space colonies' which i tried to run into the ground thoroughly) so hey my collection is not that great really is it.

the dipgrip

digging that kitty gramma tried to hide from you until (she taught you to be and) you were good and ready? The worst things you can split are atoms and personalities, other phenomena positivelz need it, cleavages cry for it, money and bond markets become a pack of liar serving mess without it.

here, better your life and learn a thing or 2, 3 about keepin the slop clean..then quickening awaits anyone toeing the foot in the doorline just beyond abstract duality trickonical and quadrivalrosy to quaint kwink and qwonk

cute, spontaneously found a work around (invisible line breaks one encounters via blogger's full dress front door). instead, just use this composing window shorn of all other commands

back to sordid states of (in)humanity
quicksand, america's pursuit of power in the middle east - 700 pages by a totally nice guy from north texas state - warow warrow or worro .. J Blankfort does not spell it for us.

my last post here riffed on lyrics from 'the isaacs' (playsuffering in order to justify outsourcing and imposing it) including ref to paper art found via jorn barger:
+52 and 5 related posts

Max Keiser invented and explains financial terror, check Virtual Specialist Technology patent - how to make markets in an 'infinite inventory environment'

palestinians are not allowed arms, they know not how to use them properly though who in the final analysis really uses them against their own interests if not at the same time against themselves entire is an open sore and question.

Instead of help in procuring arms to give them a chance for a fair fight (same amount, same kind and same source of such help would quickly perk the market don't you think?) it is imperative and the only decent to do:

i know what i will report below will

a be familiar to those following me beside the news

b provide fodder and cater to the myriads and mirrormad sites playing with 'occulpiracy' and code fads in refashioning 'grip on rube' and 'spin 'm dizzy' schemes .... hey i will humour them but ... beware, all i have left to show for trying to read that madman michael topper - and wondering

c who set him up to distract my crowd from the type of salvation ensuing from an understanding (=operativation, i won't say employment, cause you cannot fire them though god knows, poison and burn is their fate) of two simple verbs reduction and organizationation

d what became of him and why of all 80 tapes he distributed never a shred turns up (guessing it will, but in its own sweetly took time .. or .. delayed by that thorough type of idf vettage i guess, not that among his (at times fervently) favorite words (those beginning with p) was palestinian.

Jewish (semiest of semi-semites) Schizophrenia:
180 degree (exact) inversion ... not us, YOU did it, ... are doing it (the Netanyahu monster). folks like that rattle on about 'our job', 'our market', 'our lucre', 'our land', etc.

Semite Schizophrenia:
90 degree twist, from irresponsilble macho overacting to pure innocent feminine passivity, does not reach beyond denial, they do not accuse their prosecuteurs of having done the crime themselves but simply and steadfastly of not stubbornly deny they did it.

Derek Bird, Cambrian taxidriver went on a 30 mile 3 hour rampage killing 12 wounding (oops, did not bother mention the wounded at 10) .. a local man comments yes yes and yes regarding questions about (investments in) 'airsupport'

i trice repeated and mocked SOA - IDF etcetera type drill yells and played off of them (omitting plays on squeezy skidney needlement resulting in oilspill in a quest for lucre rather than seing to what a pure will can will) on june 1

i have a bird who gave me his .. no THE last song of the day out of gratitude.

well that's it for the 3x19th post by this particular vision man (one of ones) who's fate is according the organizer as linked to harmonic convergence as it is to nagasaki okinawa and most of all hiroshima,

but why not

e stick to all but crumbled and hard to revive cernunnos rather than a flesh and blood valum votan who keeps finding funny folks (folks funnier than me) like a mongolian lately who reckons (1) mayans got their clues from them and (2) back over 6 billion years (3) he is saving us all by visiting an alpan cave, the place emma kunz painted her webbings .. all in broken english)

f a link to monastic studious and walled garden catholicism or even the bare hand nail driving qi gong powers through proper celibacy cultivation via drew hempel (got chinese christian rather than roman help) ..

forget all about that stupid date hyped by that stupid superstitions loving crowd and do a dippy grippy circus.

should i just buy a camera or can i keep hoping to charm an expert? i wrote the maker of 'back to the garden' (same background as the isaacs i gather - see yesterday's post) the other day, showing in amsterdam in 2 days

dress up as a hippy and win something

just reserved 2 tickets.

lurker first come ex-lurker first served

come on, if i dig out my rainbow wings and unfurl my twirlythrillwinddrill octahedrone we can't lose.

as for the rest ... die lurkers die.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

56th post, heh.
walk on - isaacs
that's it .. i am in love with sonya hybrid hebrew (blond and all .. .but of course that is an easy fake, i became white headed in saudi arabia 34 years ago .. .big deal)


praise him for sinners slain
for his blood can wash each stain

... mmmm
... break the mad dog chain?
moshe dayan said it decades ago ..
israel must act like one caus that's the lingo spoken in arabia
jonathan cooke and norman finkelstein remind of it and update (norman):
they aint jus actin like one

.... perfidy packing pack

and all bycause of a specialization in underdogitudinous bookkeeping
larnin ... perhaps traumatically forced to ... sonya's buried trauma shows in her sausage armature .. but the real diabolicism 'schuilt' in the fact that she fires up those who build the real stuff .. .ship it to the middle east straight into the 'loving arms' of those who think a monopoly on self-defense is their good right and just desert ... but really yall ... maim (abusing those who believe) in his name, the fair prince and heir of the controversy soothing and conflict assuaging kind (as andis kaulins has it).

lessons in schizophrenia via paper art ... find the one where one and the same figure is hanging from his own edge cut-out source shadow .. a world beaten flat pulped walsed and now digitized, lies turn over as fast as life worth and worthy that name/word (grrrrr) under.

i saw it here but that is one of them assinine cryptolinks which disallow me to bypass a page in case a word occurs on it that the local library (cursed by the scourge of christian censorship .... something i emerged from to collect enough to turn a continent into paradise if only someone would bothe to take notice (nope, not even on my birthday ... and quite a day it is ..fall in love with sonya and find out she just married.

so ... singing like angels gives you(r clan see what i quoted rowan saying recently recently) a license to act like devils??? Yeah, learned a thing or two from ywo .. .applying guilt by ass. coll punmt, etcetera, the whole coca leaf drug labiada

Actually, come to think of it. .. it proves the point i made yesterday ... and find confirmed today in that great little pic ... it is called 'paperart97' (unless jorn barger where i found it renamed it .. .either way, he got it here: so there).

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

what should i call this?

april09 (huge load of jeword usage in that file and me recommending a study of racialization via the angles (english twisted into savantanglish).

sept09 i sent some letters to andrew ... which i need to mine my mail account for ...but what i do find is close enough to serve as refresher and apend some fresh advancements to (schub schub shubi scoopidoodododoo):

get part 2 of F Roger Devlin's reviewing '200 years together' from the occidental
quarterly, part 1 is easily one of the best i have seen but he does not mention early
marriages as a great big factor in the problems .. at least not in the first part, though i think that covers the period about which Solz mentions this to me very very
revealing fact, i bounced it off Andrew .. but he claims i confuse him.

Solzhenitsyn on the Jews and Soviet Russia - very very warmly recommended!! F Roger Devlin html version of that pdf
and part 2 - 4: ii/ - iii/ - iv/

Andrew's classifier callibration applied to the jewish question -- i tried just that -- is becoming a more and more obvious and fruitful move to me. Take

a - their breeding expertise

from hide colouring to preferring the meek inward savant over the outgoing agressive macho - almost what defines a jew pretty precisely for millenia if you ask me, the dorknopers of babylon from turkey to ethiopia or from russia to south africa, the degrees of slippage and assimilation going out and coming in as tidally as the most ancient of their gods, the insects .. being in a sect ... get it? Leading to demographic make and breakitude, a 'skill' (skizoskill skizos kill skidzios are ill) plied deftily throughout. the breeding programs of the various growers turned inside out over the centuries .. from the realm of spontaneity and volutariety to industrial and economic necessities, grunt sewat and co-ercion using and kindling varieties.

b - thirst for operating on the largest scale available

and turning a metaphoric vibe musical type situation into one of measure and meterment, rationation, fractionation, apportionment, an obsession with space and an urge to colonize, investing in any- and everything that massifies and yields momentum to propel one along on the largest scale wave available (sorry surfer but you are a sufferd who suffers superficiality and have to eat some BPee per tise for having ignored me and wessel), causes them to be unsentimental and without scruple if a little resizing can be expedited by sacrificing previous phase and premise stage .. which entrenches their one way mindset even more (back? where's that at? you are wanted hear to s/wallow down/in lies now) keeps them

yesterday i said: It is far worse than not ok to prove hitler's diagnosis right .. (good!) but also apply his worst possible cure (bad!). The latter, no matter who applies that individually and/or colllectively, is in my opinion, punishable by forced permacultural labour in fact .. look for an international enforcement flowt( at )villa( )inz invading many an Izhood near you soon.

Jewfriendly mediamouths purport to have palis pegged well enough to call them hamas for short. Like we NWEuros are trying to make the immigrants responsible for their bad eggs, or hitler did jews for splintergroup of speculators among and sprouted from them, who did not need hi-frequency trading software cause they could reckon like daniel tammet et al, with their bare head well enough thank you).

Jews punish Palis for that part of their offspring with some fighting spirit left and don't see why they cannot do exactly what Amis did to Indians (aint that the very thing you think you too need to conquer land and make it yours while being the lightningrod and lucrative scapegoat into the sponsor's wake following bargain, effectively reminding them of their past enough to keep their mouths mum about it, lest fingerpointing be outpointable as hypocritical), add to that the confusion between repatriation and imperialism and deadly deadlock ensues.

brandishing rather than profiting from weaponry isn't such a big deal after all and just the thing you believe calling any bit of land yours (once again) requires of you (once over) after conversion - revelation - aliyah (once more)? The very thing that has cost turtle islanders everything in the course of jew financiers alloting machine guns unequitably (jew were held collectively responsible for on hundreds of occasions in as many cities over a few hundred years) is thus a current and recurrent actuality yet at the same time under the radar.

Hitler diagnosed the soft side of semitism specializing in not care but insidiosity professions and now yall are hellbent on being hard (though delegatedly, tecced up) without betrayal to being clever, so you compromise and use insuperably superior, top of the line arms .. to punish the type of semite a green zionist or a Bartsch (see the post about swords below, to which as an addendum i need to point to older work of mine about it, from the unsharp pic it is not clear rock soil and plant play supporting roles on that cover) might have made (leaving less for me to make) out of you and admire.

Hilter failed to instill a few lessons about honest work (combine Smith's 30s book called tree-crops with Stolypin) and honest fighting (closely calling animalistic bloodsport) but christianity or whatever, some damn thing or another had made him into too much of the type jew you have become.

I wish you the skill necessary to become a good neighbour to palestinians at least and even better, learn to see them as the admirable, heroic, longsuffering, patient and indestructable semite, worshipping a tree (the olive, ... ok, the most arid variety but still .. speaking of which your arguments are diabolically turftoppling, 'orchards have to go cause hamas hides in there), you like to be seen and think of yourself as ... perhaps a campaign analyzing jewish jealousy is in order.

Either and whichever way around we twist it, an aeon of culture warping and shaping in which finding ways back or forth, (it does not really matter/make a difference) to more succulence, shade, seduction and celebrations, jubilees and jubilations, the starry vibes happily meeting a starrily steady status halfway, none need yield to others, always another patch of drought dessication and deified severity to remedy is the least even the biggest sinner needs and deserves. Just do not allow them to clump together and organize. Semites as a whole have a bad case of reckoning and wrecking their identity by sheer numbers, the fucking numbers.
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